Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
Hannah Wolfe bc75fab663 Moved theme service to core/server
refs: bf0823c9a2
refs: ae86254972

- continuing the work of splitting up the theme service into logical components

Themes Service
- The serverside theme service now serves just the API and boot
- It loads the theme and passes it to the theme-engine via the bridge

This achieves the bare minimum goal of removing all the cross requires between server and frontend around themes
There is still a lot more to do to achieve an ideal architecture here as laid out in ae86254972
2021-04-27 15:14:49 +01:00

381 lines
13 KiB

// Utility Packages
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const {sequence} = require('@tryghost/promise');
const _ = require('lodash');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const os = require('os');
const uuid = require('uuid');
const KnexMigrator = require('knex-migrator');
const knexMigrator = new KnexMigrator();
// Ghost Internals
const config = require('../../core/shared/config');
const boot = require('../../core/boot');
const db = require('../../core/server/data/db');
const models = require('../../core/server/models');
const urlService = require('../../core/frontend/services/url');
const settingsService = require('../../core/server/services/settings');
const frontendSettingsService = require('../../core/frontend/services/settings');
const settingsCache = require('../../core/server/services/settings/cache');
const web = require('../../core/server/web');
const themeService = require('../../core/server/services/themes');
const limits = require('../../core/server/services/limits');
// Other Test Utilities
const APIUtils = require('./api');
const configUtils = require('./configUtils');
const dbUtils = require('./db-utils');
const fixtureUtils = require('./fixture-utils');
const urlServiceUtils = require('./url-service-utils');
const oldIntegrationUtils = require('./old-integration-utils');
const redirects = require('./redirects');
const cacheRules = require('./fixtures/cache-rules');
const context = require('./fixtures/context');
const DataGenerator = require('./fixtures/data-generator');
const filterData = require('./fixtures/filter-param');
// Require additional assertions which help us keep our tests small and clear
// ## Test Setup and Teardown
const initFixtures = function initFixtures() {
const options = _.merge({init: true}, _.transform(arguments, function (result, val) {
result[val] = true;
const fixtureOps = fixtureUtils.getFixtureOps(options);
return sequence(fixtureOps);
* ## Setup Integration Tests
* Setup takes a list of arguments like: 'default', 'tag', 'perms:tag', 'perms:init'
* Setup does 'init' (DB) by default
* @returns {Function}
const setup = function setup() {
/*eslint no-invalid-this: "off"*/
const self = this;
const args = arguments;
return function innerSetup() {
return initFixtures.apply(self, args);
const createUser = function createUser(options) {
const user = options.user;
const role = options.role;
return models.Role.fetchAll(context.internal)
.then(function (roles) {
roles = roles.toJSON();
user.roles = [_.find(roles, {name: role})];
return models.User.add(user, context.internal)
.then(function () {
return user;
const createPost = function createPost(options) {
const post = DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost(options.post);
if (options.author) {
post.author_id = options.author.id;
post.authors = [{id: post.author_id}];
return models.Post.add(post, context.internal);
const createEmail = function createEmail(options) {
const email = DataGenerator.forKnex.createEmail(options.email);
return models.Email.add(email, context.internal);
const createEmailedPost = async function createEmailedPost({postOptions, emailOptions}) {
const post = await createPost(postOptions);
emailOptions.email.post_id = post.id;
const email = await createEmail(emailOptions);
return {post, email};
let ghostServer;
* Because we use ObjectID we don't know the ID of fixtures ahead of time
* This function fetches all of our fixtures and exposes them so that tests can use them
* @TODO: Optimise this by making it optional / selective
const exposeFixtures = async () => {
const fixturePromises = {
roles: models.Role.findAll({columns: ['id']}),
users: models.User.findAll({columns: ['id', 'email']}),
tags: models.Tag.findAll({columns: ['id']}),
apiKeys: models.ApiKey.findAll({withRelated: 'integration'})
const keys = Object.keys(fixturePromises);
module.exports.existingData = {};
return Promise
.then((results) => {
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
module.exports.existingData[keys[i]] = results[i].toJSON(context.internal);
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Unable to expose fixtures', err); // eslint-disable-line no-console
const prepareContentFolder = (options) => {
const contentFolderForTests = options.contentFolder;
* We never use the root content folder for testing!
* We use a tmp folder.
configUtils.set('paths:contentPath', contentFolderForTests);
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'data'));
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'themes'));
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'images'));
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'logs'));
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'adapters'));
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'settings'));
if (options.copyThemes) {
// Copy all themes into the new test content folder. Default active theme is always casper. If you want to use a different theme, you have to set the active theme (e.g. stub)
fs.copySync(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'themes'), path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'themes'));
if (options.redirectsFile) {
redirects.setupFile(contentFolderForTests, options.redirectsFileExt);
if (options.copySettings) {
fs.copySync(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'settings', 'routes.yaml'), path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'settings', 'routes.yaml'));
// CASE: Ghost Server is Running
// In this case we need to reset things so it's as though Ghost just booted:
// - truncate database
// - re-run default fixtures
// - reload affected services
const restartModeGhostStart = async () => {
console.log('Restart Mode'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
// Teardown truncates all tables and also calls urlServiceUtils.reset();
await dbUtils.teardown();
// The tables have been truncated, this runs the fixture init task (init file 2) to re-add our default fixtures
await knexMigrator.init({only: 2});
// Reset the settings cache
// @TODO: Prob A: why/how is this different to using settingsCache.reset()
await settingsService.init();
// Reload the frontend
await frontendSettingsService.init();
await themeService.init();
// Reload the URL service & wait for it to be ready again
// @TODO: Prob B: why/how is this different to urlService.resetGenerators?
await urlServiceUtils.isFinished();
// @TODO: why does this happen _after_ URL service
// Trigger themes to load again
// Reload limits service
const bootGhost = async () => {
ghostServer = await boot();
// CASE: Ghost Server needs Starting
// In this case we need to ensure that Ghost is started cleanly:
// - ensure the DB is reset
// - CASE: If we are in force start mode the server is already running so we
// - stop the server (if we are in force start mode it will be running)
// - reload affected services - just settings and not the frontend!?
// - Start Ghost: Uses OLD Boot process
const freshModeGhostStart = async (options) => {
if (options.forceStart) {
console.log('Force Start Mode'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
console.log('Fresh Start Mode'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
// Reset the DB
await knexMigrator.reset({force: true});
// Stop the serve (forceStart Mode)
if (ghostServer && ghostServer.httpServer) {
await ghostServer.stop();
// Reset the settings cache
// @TODO: Prob A: why/how is this different to using settingsService.init() and why to do we need this?
// Do a full database initialisation
await knexMigrator.init();
if (config.get('database:client') === 'sqlite3') {
await db.knex.raw('PRAGMA journal_mode = TRUNCATE;');
// Reset the URL service generators
// @TODO: Prob B: why/how is this different to urlService.reset?
// @TODO: why would we do this on a fresh boot?!
// Actually boot Ghost
await bootGhost(options);
// Wait for the URL service to be ready, which happens after boot
await urlServiceUtils.isFinished();
const startGhost = async (options) => {
console.time('Start Ghost'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
options = _.merge({
redirectsFile: true,
redirectsFileExt: '.json',
forceStart: false,
copyThemes: true,
copySettings: true,
contentFolder: path.join(os.tmpdir(), uuid.v4(), 'ghost-test'),
subdir: false
}, options);
// Ensure we have tmp content folders populated ready for testing
// @TODO: tidy up the tmp folders after tests
if (ghostServer && ghostServer.httpServer && !options.forceStart) {
await restartModeGhostStart(options);
} else {
await freshModeGhostStart(options);
// Expose fixture data, wrap-up and return
await exposeFixtures();
console.timeEnd('Start Ghost'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
return ghostServer;
const stopGhost = async () => {
if (ghostServer && ghostServer.httpServer) {
await ghostServer.stop();
module.exports = {
startGhost: startGhost,
stopGhost: stopGhost,
teardownDb: dbUtils.teardown,
truncate: dbUtils.truncate,
setup: setup,
createUser: createUser,
createPost: createPost,
integrationTesting: oldIntegrationUtils,
* renderObject: res.render(view, dbResponse)
* templateOptions: hbs.updateTemplateOptions(...)
createHbsResponse: function createHbsResponse(options) {
const renderObject = options.renderObject || {};
const templateOptions = options.templateOptions;
const locals = options.locals || {};
const hbsStructure = {
data: {
site: {},
config: {},
labs: {},
root: {
_locals: {}
_.merge(hbsStructure.data, templateOptions);
_.merge(hbsStructure.data.root, renderObject);
_.merge(hbsStructure.data.root, locals);
hbsStructure.data.root._locals = locals;
return hbsStructure;
initFixtures: initFixtures,
initData: dbUtils.initData,
clearData: dbUtils.clearData,
setupRedirectsFile: redirects.setupFile,
fixtures: fixtureUtils.fixtures,
DataGenerator: DataGenerator,
filterData: filterData,
API: APIUtils({getFixtureOps: fixtureUtils.getFixtureOps}),
// Helpers to make it easier to write tests which are easy to read
context: context,
permissions: {
owner: {user: {roles: [DataGenerator.Content.roles[3]]}},
admin: {user: {roles: [DataGenerator.Content.roles[0]]}},
editor: {user: {roles: [DataGenerator.Content.roles[1]]}},
author: {user: {roles: [DataGenerator.Content.roles[2]]}},
contributor: {user: {roles: [DataGenerator.Content.roles[4]]}}
users: {
ids: {
owner: DataGenerator.Content.users[0].id,
admin: DataGenerator.Content.users[1].id,
editor: DataGenerator.Content.users[2].id,
author: DataGenerator.Content.users[3].id,
admin2: DataGenerator.Content.users[6].id,
editor2: DataGenerator.Content.users[4].id,
author2: DataGenerator.Content.users[5].id,
contributor: DataGenerator.Content.users[7].id,
contributor2: DataGenerator.Content.users[8].id
roles: {
ids: {
owner: DataGenerator.Content.roles[3].id,
admin: DataGenerator.Content.roles[0].id,
editor: DataGenerator.Content.roles[1].id,
author: DataGenerator.Content.roles[2].id,
contributor: DataGenerator.Content.roles[4].id
cacheRules: cacheRules