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synced 2025-02-03 23:00:14 -05:00
no issue The email data attached to a post when published with send email flag was not filtered on member access, and picked up the whole member list for email data. This resulted in incorrect data stored in emails table even in case of paid-members-only publish, and also incorrect count of "emails sent" being displayed on Admin. NOTE: The actual emails being sent are still gated by member access, so no emails were sent to anyone without access, this only affected the associated email data and count. Also, the fix here will show correct email sent status for any future post, but will still show incorrect data for any already published posts as the email data in DB is already wrong and will probably need a migration
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const _ = require('lodash');
const url = require('url');
const moment = require('moment');
const common = require('../../lib/common');
const membersService = require('../members');
const bulkEmailService = require('../bulk-email');
const models = require('../../models');
const postEmailSerializer = require('./post-email-serializer');
const config = require('../../config');
const getEmailData = async (postModel, recipients = []) => {
const emailTmpl = await postEmailSerializer.serialize(postModel);
emailTmpl.from = membersService.config.getEmailFromAddress();
const emails = recipients.map(recipient => recipient.email);
const emailData = recipients.reduce((emailData, recipient) => {
return Object.assign({
[recipient.email]: {
unique_id: recipient.uuid,
unsubscribe_url: postEmailSerializer.createUnsubscribeUrl(recipient.uuid)
}, emailData);
}, {});
return {emailTmpl, emails, emailData};
const sendEmail = async (postModel, members) => {
const membersToSendTo = members.filter((member) => {
return membersService.contentGating.checkPostAccess(postModel.toJSON(), member);
const {emailTmpl, emails, emailData} = await getEmailData(postModel, membersToSendTo);
return bulkEmailService.send(emailTmpl, emails, emailData);
const sendTestEmail = async (postModel, toEmails) => {
const recipients = toEmails.map((email) => {
return {email};
const {emailTmpl, emails, emailData} = await getEmailData(postModel, recipients);
emailTmpl.subject = `[Test] ${emailTmpl.subject}`;
return bulkEmailService.send(emailTmpl, emails, emailData);
* addEmail
* Accepts a post model and creates an email record based on it. Only creates one
* record per post
* @param {object} postModel Post Model Object
const addEmail = async (postModel, options) => {
const knexOptions = _.pick(options, ['transacting', 'forUpdate']);
const {members} = await membersService.api.members.list(Object.assign(knexOptions, {filter: 'subscribed:true'}, {limit: 'all'}));
const membersToSendTo = members.filter((member) => {
return membersService.contentGating.checkPostAccess(postModel.toJSON(), member);
const {emailTmpl, emails} = await getEmailData(postModel, membersToSendTo);
// NOTE: don't create email object when there's nobody to send the email to
if (!emails.length) {
return null;
const postId = postModel.get('id');
const existing = await models.Email.findOne({post_id: postId}, knexOptions);
if (!existing) {
return models.Email.add({
post_id: postId,
status: 'pending',
email_count: emails.length,
subject: emailTmpl.subject,
html: emailTmpl.html,
plaintext: emailTmpl.plaintext,
submitted_at: moment().toDate()
}, knexOptions);
} else {
return existing;
* retryFailedEmail
* Accepts an Email model and resets it's fields to trigger retry listeners
* @param {object} model Email model
const retryFailedEmail = async (model) => {
return await models.Email.edit({
status: 'pending'
}, {
id: model.get('id')
* handleUnsubscribeRequest
* Takes a request/response pair and reads the `unsubscribe` query parameter,
* using the content to update the members service to set the `subscribed` flag
* to false on the member
* If any operation fails, or the request is invalid the function will error - so using
* as middleware should consider wrapping with `try/catch`
* @param {Request} req
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async function handleUnsubscribeRequest(req) {
if (!req.url) {
throw new common.errors.BadRequestError({
message: 'Unsubscribe failed! Could not find member'
const {query} = url.parse(req.url, true);
if (!query || !query.uuid) {
throw new common.errors.BadRequestError({
message: (query.preview ? 'Unsubscribe preview' : 'Unsubscribe failed! Could not find member')
const member = await membersService.api.members.get({
uuid: query.uuid
if (!member) {
throw new common.errors.BadRequestError({
message: 'Unsubscribe failed! Could not find member'
try {
return await membersService.api.members.update({subscribed: false}, {id: member.id});
} catch (err) {
throw new common.errors.InternalServerError({
message: 'Failed to unsubscribe member'
function checkHostLimitForMembers(members = []) {
const membersHostLimit = config.get('host_settings:limits:members');
if (membersHostLimit) {
const allowedMembersLimit = membersHostLimit.max;
const hostUpgradeLink = config.get('host_settings:limits').upgrade_url;
if (members.length > allowedMembersLimit) {
throw new common.errors.HostLimitError({
message: `Your current plan allows you to send email to up to ${allowedMembersLimit} members, but you currently have ${members.length} members`,
help: hostUpgradeLink,
errorDetails: {
limit: allowedMembersLimit,
total: members.length
async function pendingEmailHandler(emailModel, options) {
// CASE: do not send email if we import a database
// TODO: refactor post.published events to never fire on importing
if (options && options.importing) {
const postModel = await models.Post.findOne({id: emailModel.get('post_id')}, {withRelated: ['authors']});
if (emailModel.get('status') !== 'pending') {
const {members} = await membersService.api.members.list(Object.assign({filter: 'subscribed:true'}, {limit: 'all'}));
if (!members.length) {
await models.Email.edit({
status: 'submitting'
}, {
id: emailModel.id
let meta = [];
let error = null;
try {
// Check host limit for allowed member count and throw error if over limit
// NOTE: meta can contains an array which can be a mix of successful and error responses
// needs filtering and saving objects of {error, batchData} form to separate property
meta = await sendEmail(postModel, members);
} catch (err) {
common.logging.error(new common.errors.GhostError({
err: err,
context: common.i18n.t('errors.services.mega.requestFailed.error')
error = err.message;
const successes = meta.filter(response => (response instanceof bulkEmailService.SuccessfulBatch));
const failures = meta.filter(response => (response instanceof bulkEmailService.FailedBatch));
const batchStatus = successes.length ? 'submitted' : 'failed';
if (!error && failures.length) {
error = failures[0].error.message;
if (error && error.length > 2000) {
error = error.substring(0, 2000);
try {
// CASE: the batch partially succeeded
await models.Email.edit({
status: batchStatus,
meta: JSON.stringify(successes),
error: error,
error_data: JSON.stringify(failures) // NOTE:need to discuss how we store this
}, {
id: emailModel.id
} catch (err) {
const statusChangedHandler = (emailModel, options) => {
const emailRetried = emailModel.wasChanged() && (emailModel.get('status') === 'pending') && (emailModel.previous('status') === 'failed');
if (emailRetried) {
pendingEmailHandler(emailModel, options);
function listen() {
common.events.on('email.added', pendingEmailHandler);
common.events.on('email.edited', statusChangedHandler);
// Public API
module.exports = {