Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
Gabor Javorszky f6d164b5d8 Current user added
Closes #340. Closes #375
* Replaced session with id of current user
* Added method to ghostlocals to always send profile picture and full name to templates (template checks if falsy)
* Modified user saving (`forge().set(new).save()` died on me, `forge().save(new)` didn't)
* If user has profile picture, that will be used
* If user has name, that will be used
* Password changing doesn't care about your email. Uses cookies. Tasty!
* User pane uses current user id. Had to set path to me, otherwise goes to `browse` instead of `read`.
* Added logic to user api to check for `id === 'me'`, and then use the cookie value
* User data saves are now correct
* There is no logout error
2013-08-17 22:02:46 +01:00

247 lines
9.8 KiB

// # Ghost main app file
// Contains the app configuration and all of the routing
// If no env is set, default to development
process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';
// Module dependencies
var express = require('express'),
when = require('when'),
_ = require('underscore'),
colors = require("colors"),
semver = require("semver"),
errors = require('./core/server/errorHandling'),
admin = require('./core/server/controllers/admin'),
frontend = require('./core/server/controllers/frontend'),
api = require('./core/server/api'),
flash = require('connect-flash'),
Ghost = require('./core/ghost'),
I18n = require('./core/shared/lang/i18n'),
filters = require('./core/server/filters'),
helpers = require('./core/server/helpers'),
packageInfo = require('./package.json'),
// Variables
loading = when.defer(),
ghost = new Ghost();
// ##Custom Middleware
// ### Auth Middleware
// Authenticate a request by redirecting to login if not logged in.
// We strip /ghost/ out of the redirect parameter for neatness
function auth(req, res, next) {
if (!req.session.user) {
var path = req.path.replace(/^\/ghost\/?/gi, ''),
redirect = '';
if (path !== '') {
req.flash('warn', "Please login");
redirect = '?r=' + encodeURIComponent(path);
return res.redirect('/ghost/login/' + redirect);
// ## AuthApi Middleware
// Authenticate a request to the API by responding with a 401 and json error details
function authAPI(req, res, next) {
if (!req.session.user) {
// TODO: standardize error format/codes/messages
var err = { code: 42, message: 'Please login' };
res.json(401, { error: err });
// ### GhostAdmin Middleware
// Uses the URL to detect whether this response should be an admin response
// This is used to ensure the right content is served, and is not for security purposes
function isGhostAdmin(req, res, next) {
res.isAdmin = /(^\/ghost$|^\/ghost\/)/.test(req.url);
// ### GhostLocals Middleware
// Expose the standard locals that every external page should have available,
// separating between the frontend / theme and the admin
function ghostLocals(req, res, next) {
// Make sure we have a locals value.
res.locals = res.locals || {};
res.locals.version = packageInfo.version;
if (!res.isAdmin) {
// filter the navigation items
ghost.doFilter('ghostNavItems', {path: req.path, navItems: []}, function (navData) {
// pass the theme navigation items and settings
_.extend(res.locals, navData, {
settings: ghost.settings()
} else {
api.users.read({id: req.session.user}).then(function (currentUser) {
_.extend(res.locals, {
// pass the admin flash messages, settings and paths
messages: ghost.notifications,
settings: ghost.settings(),
availableThemes: ghost.paths().availableThemes,
availablePlugins: ghost.paths().availablePlugins,
currentUser: {
name: currentUser.attributes.full_name,
profile: currentUser.attributes.profile_picture
}).otherwise(function () {
_.extend(res.locals, {
// pass the admin flash messages, settings and paths
messages: ghost.notifications,
settings: ghost.settings(),
availableThemes: ghost.paths().availableThemes,
availablePlugins: ghost.paths().availablePlugins
// ### DisableCachedResult Middleware
// Disable any caching until it can be done properly
function disableCachedResult(req, res, next) {
"Cache-Control": "no-cache, must-revalidate",
"Expires": "Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"
// ##Configuration
ghost.app().configure(function () {
ghost.app().use(express.favicon(__dirname + '/content/images/favicon.ico'));
ghost.app().use(express.bodyParser({uploadDir: __dirname + '/content/images'}));
ghost.app().use(express.cookieSession({ cookie: { maxAge: 60000000 }}));
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development") {
ghost.app().use(express.errorHandler({ dumpExceptions: false, showStack: false }));
// Development only configuration
ghost.app().configure("development", function () {
ghost.app().use(express.errorHandler({ dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true }));
// Expose the promise we will resolve after our pre-loading
ghost.loaded = loading.promise;
when.all([ghost.init(), filters.loadCoreFilters(ghost), helpers.loadCoreHelpers(ghost)]).then(function () {
// post init config
// ## Routing
// ### API routes
/* TODO: auth should be public auth not user auth */
// #### Posts
ghost.app().get('/api/v0.1/posts', authAPI, disableCachedResult, api.requestHandler(api.posts.browse));
ghost.app().post('/api/v0.1/posts', authAPI, disableCachedResult, api.requestHandler(api.posts.add));
ghost.app().get('/api/v0.1/posts/:id', authAPI, disableCachedResult, api.requestHandler(api.posts.read));
ghost.app().put('/api/v0.1/posts/:id', authAPI, disableCachedResult, api.requestHandler(api.posts.edit));
ghost.app().del('/api/v0.1/posts/:id', authAPI, disableCachedResult, api.requestHandler(api.posts.destroy));
// #### Settings
ghost.app().get('/api/v0.1/settings', authAPI, disableCachedResult, api.cachedSettingsRequestHandler(api.settings.browse));
ghost.app().get('/api/v0.1/settings/:key', authAPI, disableCachedResult, api.cachedSettingsRequestHandler(api.settings.read));
ghost.app().put('/api/v0.1/settings', authAPI, disableCachedResult, api.cachedSettingsRequestHandler(api.settings.edit));
// #### Users
ghost.app().get('/api/v0.1/users', authAPI, disableCachedResult, api.requestHandler(api.users.browse));
ghost.app().get('/api/v0.1/users/:id', authAPI, disableCachedResult, api.requestHandler(api.users.read));
ghost.app().put('/api/v0.1/users/:id', authAPI, disableCachedResult, api.requestHandler(api.users.edit));
// #### Notifications
ghost.app().del('/api/v0.1/notifications/:id', authAPI, disableCachedResult, api.requestHandler(api.notifications.destroy));
ghost.app().post('/api/v0.1/notifications/', authAPI, disableCachedResult, api.requestHandler(api.notifications.add));
// ### Admin routes
/* TODO: put these somewhere in admin */
ghost.app().get(/^\/logout\/?$/, admin.logout);
ghost.app().get('/ghost/login/', admin.login);
ghost.app().get('/ghost/signup/', admin.signup);
ghost.app().post('/ghost/login/', admin.auth);
ghost.app().post('/ghost/signup/', admin.doRegister);
ghost.app().post('/ghost/changepw/', auth, admin.changepw);
ghost.app().get('/ghost/editor/:id', auth, admin.editor);
ghost.app().get('/ghost/editor', auth, admin.editor);
ghost.app().get('/ghost/content', auth, admin.content);
ghost.app().get('/ghost/settings*', auth, admin.settings);
ghost.app().get('/ghost/debug/', auth, admin.debug.index);
ghost.app().get('/ghost/debug/db/export/', auth, admin.debug['export']);
ghost.app().post('/ghost/debug/db/import/', auth, admin.debug['import']);
ghost.app().get('/ghost/debug/db/reset/', auth, admin.debug.reset);
ghost.app().post('/ghost/upload', admin.uploader);
ghost.app().get(/^\/(ghost$|(ghost-admin|admin|wp-admin|dashboard|login)\/?)/, auth, function (req, res) {
ghost.app().get('/ghost/', auth, admin.index);
// ### Frontend routes
/* TODO: dynamic routing, homepage generator, filters ETC ETC */
ghost.app().get('/:slug', frontend.single);
ghost.app().get('/', frontend.homepage);
ghost.app().get('/page/:page/', frontend.homepage);
// ## Start Ghost App
ghost.config().env[process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'].url.port,
ghost.config().env[process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'].url.host,
function () {
// Tell users if their node version is not supported, and exit
if (!semver.satisfies(process.versions.node, packageInfo.engines.node)) {
"\n !!! INVALID NODE VERSION !!!\n".red,
"Ghost requires node version".red,
"as defined in package.json\n".red
// Alpha warning, reminds users this is not production-ready software (yet)
// Remove once software becomes suitably 'ready'
"\n !!! ALPHA SOFTWARE WARNING !!!\n".red,
"Ghost is in the early stages of development.\n".red,
"Expect to see bugs and other issues (but please report them.)\n".red
// Startup message
console.log("Express server listening on address:",
ghost.config().env[process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'].url.host + ':'
+ ghost.config().env[process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'].url.port);
// Let everyone know we have finished loading
}, errors.logAndThrowError);