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synced 2025-03-25 02:31:59 -05:00
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1640 - Some tests require making request to the root of the mounted server path like `GET /ghost/.well-known/jwks.json`. These are not stricly APIs like Admin, Content, and Members. They do need a separate agent to distinguish the configuration - for this agetn we can stop loading some parts like "server" in the future to speed things up (didn't work straight out of the box)
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331 lines
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// Set of common function that should be main building blocks for e2e tests.
// The e2e tests usually consist of following building blocks:
// - request agent
// - state builder
// - output state checker (in case we don't get jest snapshots working)
// The request agetnt is responsible for making HTTP-like requests to an application (express app in case of Ghost).
// Note there's no actual need to make an HTTP request to an actual server, bypassing HTTP and hooking into the application
// directly is enough and reduces dependence on blocking a port (allows to run tests in parallel).
// The state builder is responsible for building the state of the application. Usually it's done by using pre-defined fixtures.
// Can include building a DB state, file system state (themes, config files), building configuration state (config files) etc.
// The output state checker is responsible for checking the response from the app after performing a request.
const _ = require('lodash');
const {sequence} = require('@tryghost/promise');
const {any, stringMatching} = require('@tryghost/express-test').snapshot;
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const os = require('os');
const uuid = require('uuid');
const fixtureUtils = require('./fixture-utils');
const redirectsUtils = require('./redirects');
const configUtils = require('./configUtils');
const urlServiceUtils = require('./url-service-utils');
const mockManager = require('./e2e-framework-mock-manager');
const boot = require('../../core/boot');
const AdminAPITestAgent = require('./admin-api-test-agent');
const MembersAPITestAgent = require('./members-api-test-agent');
const ContentAPITestAgent = require('./content-api-test-agent');
const GhostAPITestAgent = require('./ghost-api-test-agent');
const db = require('./db-utils');
// Services that need resetting
const settingsService = require('../../core/server/services/settings/settings-service');
* @param {Object} [options={}]
* @param {Boolean} [options.backend] Boot the backend
* @param {Boolean} [options.frontend] Boot the frontend
* @param {Boolean} [options.server] Start a server
* @returns {Promise<Express.Application>} ghost
const startGhost = async (options = {}) => {
* We never use the root content folder for testing!
* We use a tmp folder.
const contentFolder = path.join(os.tmpdir(), uuid.v4(), 'ghost-test');
await prepareContentFolder({contentFolder});
// NOTE: need to pass this config to the server instance
configUtils.set('paths:contentPath', contentFolder);
const defaults = {
backend: true,
frontend: false,
server: false
// Ensure the state of all data, including DB and caches
await resetData();
const bootOptions = Object.assign({}, defaults, options);
const ghostServer = await boot(bootOptions);
if (bootOptions.frontend) {
await urlServiceUtils.isFinished();
return ghostServer;
* Slightly simplified copy-paste from e2e-utils.
* @param {Object} options
const prepareContentFolder = ({contentFolder, redirectsFile = true, routesFile = true}) => {
const contentFolderForTests = contentFolder;
fs.ensureDir(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'data'));
fs.ensureDir(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'themes'));
fs.ensureDir(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'images'));
fs.ensureDir(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'logs'));
fs.ensureDir(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'adapters'));
fs.ensureDir(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'settings'));
// Copy all themes into the new test content folder. Default active theme is always casper.
// If you want to use a different theme, you have to set the active theme (e.g. stub)
path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'themes'),
path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'themes')
if (redirectsFile) {
redirectsUtils.setupFile(contentFolderForTests, '.yaml');
if (routesFile) {
path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'settings', 'routes.yaml'),
path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'settings', 'routes.yaml')
* Database state builder. By default inserts an owner user into the database.
* @param {...any} [options]
* @returns {Promise<void>}
const initFixtures = async (...options) => {
// No DB setup, but override the owner
options = _.merge({'owner:post': true}, _.transform(options, function (result, val) {
if (val) {
result[val] = true;
const fixtureOps = fixtureUtils.getFixtureOps(options);
return sequence(fixtureOps);
const getFixture = (type, index = 0) => {
return fixtureUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex[type][index];
* This function ensures that Ghost's data is reset back to "factory settings"
const resetData = async () => {
// Calling reset on the database also causes the fixtures to be re-run
// We need to unhook the settings events and restore the cache before we do this
// Otherwise, the fixtures being restored will refer to the old settings cache data
// Clear out the database
await db.reset({truncate: true});
* Creates a ContentAPITestAgent which is a drop-in substitution for supertest.
* It is automatically hooked up to the Content API so you can make requests to e.g.
* agent.get('/posts/') without having to worry about URL paths
* @returns {Promise<ContentAPITestAgent>} agent
const getContentAPIAgent = async () => {
try {
const app = await startGhost();
const originURL = configUtils.config.get('url');
return new ContentAPITestAgent(app, {
apiURL: '/ghost/api/content/',
} catch (error) {
error.message = `Unable to create test agent. ${error.message}`;
throw error;
* Creates a AdminAPITestAgent which is a drop-in substitution for supertest.
* It is automatically hooked up to the Admin API so you can make requests to e.g.
* agent.get('/posts/') without having to worry about URL paths
* @param {Object} [options={}]
* @param {Boolean} [options.members] Include members in the boot process
* @returns {Promise<AdminAPITestAgent>} agent
const getAdminAPIAgent = async (options = {}) => {
const bootOptions = {};
if (options.members) {
bootOptions.frontend = true;
try {
const app = await startGhost(bootOptions);
const originURL = configUtils.config.get('url');
return new AdminAPITestAgent(app, {
apiURL: '/ghost/api/admin/',
} catch (error) {
error.message = `Unable to create test agent. ${error.message}`;
throw error;
* Creates a MembersAPITestAgent which is a drop-in substitution for supertest
* It is automatically hooked up to the Members API so you can make requests to e.g.
* agent.get('/webhooks/stripe/') without having to worry about URL paths
* @returns {Promise<MembersAPITestAgent>} agent
const getMembersAPIAgent = async () => {
const bootOptions = {
frontend: true
try {
const app = await startGhost(bootOptions);
const originURL = configUtils.config.get('url');
return new MembersAPITestAgent(app, {
apiURL: '/members/',
} catch (error) {
error.message = `Unable to create test agent. ${error.message}`;
throw error;
* Creates a GhostAPITestAgent, which is a drop-in substitution for supertest
* It is automatically hooked up to the Ghost API so you can make requests to e.g.
* agent.get('/well-known/jwks.json') without having to worry about URL paths
* @returns {Promise<GhostAPITestAgent>} agent
const getGhostAPIAgent = async () => {
const bootOptions = {
frontend: false
try {
const app = await startGhost(bootOptions);
const originURL = configUtils.config.get('url');
return new GhostAPITestAgent(app, {
apiURL: '/ghost/',
} catch (error) {
error.message = `Unable to create test agent. ${error.message}`;
throw error;
* @returns {Promise<{adminAgent: AdminAPITestAgent, membersAgent: MembersAPITestAgent}>} agents
const getAgentsForMembers = async () => {
let membersAgent;
let adminAgent;
const bootOptions = {
frontend: true
try {
const app = await startGhost(bootOptions);
const originURL = configUtils.config.get('url');
membersAgent = new MembersAPITestAgent(app, {
apiURL: '/members/',
adminAgent = new AdminAPITestAgent(app, {
apiURL: '/ghost/api/admin/',
} catch (error) {
error.message = `Unable to create test agent. ${error.message}`;
throw error;
return {
module.exports = {
// request agent
agentProvider: {
// Mocks and Stubs
// DB State Manipulation
fixtureManager: {
get: getFixture,
getCurrentOwnerUser: fixtureUtils.getCurrentOwnerUser,
init: initFixtures,
restore: resetData,
getPathForFixture: (fixturePath) => {
return path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', fixturePath);
matchers: {
anyString: any(String),
anyArray: any(Array),
anyNumber: any(Number),
anyStringNumber: stringMatching(/\d+/),
anyISODateTime: stringMatching(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.000Z/),
anyISODate: stringMatching(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/),
anyISODateTimeWithTZ: stringMatching(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.000\+\d{2}:\d{2}/),
anyEtag: stringMatching(/(?:W\/)?"(?:[ !#-\x7E\x80-\xFF]*|\r\n[\t ]|\\.)*"/),
anyContentLength: stringMatching(/\d+/),
anyContentVersion: stringMatching(/v\d+\.\d+/),
anyObjectId: stringMatching(/[a-f0-9]{24}/),
anyErrorId: stringMatching(/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}/),
anyUuid: stringMatching(/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}/),
anyLocationFor: (resource) => {
return stringMatching(new RegExp(`https?://.*?/${resource}/[a-f0-9]{24}/`));
// utilities
configUtils: require('./configUtils'),
dbUtils: require('./db-utils'),
urlUtils: require('./urlUtils')