mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 02:01:58 -05:00
* Improved log output for welcome email error no issue - if Ghost is unable to send a welcome email, the server log printe a huge error log - the reason was that each component wrapped the original error into a new error instance - so the stack grows and grows - the golden rule should always be: the smallest/lowest component should instanitate a specifc error - the caller can expect to receive a custom Ghost error * Tidy up error messages for mail failures and fix tests - We never use "Error:" notation in our translations - Make the error messages consistent and show a reason if possible
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var Promise = require('bluebird'),
_ = require('lodash'),
validator = require('validator'),
pipeline = require('../utils/pipeline'),
mail = require('./../mail'),
globalUtils = require('../utils'),
apiUtils = require('./utils'),
models = require('../models'),
config = require('../config'),
errors = require('../errors'),
events = require('../events'),
i18n = require('../i18n'),
logging = require('../logging'),
spamPrevention = require('../middleware/api/spam-prevention'),
mailAPI = require('./mail'),
settingsAPI = require('./settings'),
tokenSecurity = {};
* Returns setup status
* @return {Promise<Boolean>}
function checkSetup() {
return authentication.isSetup().then(function then(result) {
return result.setup[0].status;
* Allows an assertion to be made about setup status.
* @param {Boolean} status True: setup must be complete. False: setup must not be complete.
* @return {Function} returns a "task ready" function
function assertSetupCompleted(status) {
return function checkPermission(__) {
return checkSetup().then(function then(isSetup) {
if (isSetup === status) {
return __;
var completed = i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.setupAlreadyCompleted'),
notCompleted = i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.setupMustBeCompleted');
function throwReason(reason) {
throw new errors.NoPermissionError({message: reason});
if (isSetup) {
} else {
function setupTasks(setupData) {
var tasks;
function validateData(setupData) {
return apiUtils.checkObject(setupData, 'setup').then(function then(checked) {
var data = checked.setup[0];
return {
name: data.name,
email: data.email,
password: data.password,
blogTitle: data.blogTitle,
status: 'active'
function setupUser(userData) {
var context = {context: {internal: true}},
User = models.User;
return User.findOne({role: 'Owner', status: 'all'}).then(function then(owner) {
if (!owner) {
throw new errors.GhostError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.setupUnableToRun')
return User.setup(userData, _.extend({id: owner.id}, context));
}).then(function then(user) {
return {
user: user,
userData: userData
function doSettings(data) {
var user = data.user,
blogTitle = data.userData.blogTitle,
context = {context: {user: data.user.id}},
if (!blogTitle || typeof blogTitle !== 'string') {
return user;
userSettings = [
{key: 'title', value: blogTitle.trim()},
{key: 'description', value: i18n.t('common.api.authentication.sampleBlogDescription')}
return settingsAPI.edit({settings: userSettings}, context).return(user);
function formatResponse(user) {
return user.toJSON({context: {internal: true}});
tasks = [
return pipeline(tasks, setupData);
* ## Authentication API Methods
* **See:** [API Methods](index.js.html#api%20methods)
authentication = {
* @description generate a reset token for a given email address
* @param {Object} object
* @returns {Promise<Object>} message
generateResetToken: function generateResetToken(object) {
var tasks;
function validateRequest(object) {
return apiUtils.checkObject(object, 'passwordreset').then(function then(data) {
var email = data.passwordreset[0].email;
if (typeof email !== 'string' || !validator.isEmail(email)) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.noEmailProvided')
return email;
function generateToken(email) {
var options = {context: {internal: true}},
dbHash, token;
return settingsAPI.read(_.merge({key: 'db_hash'}, options))
.then(function fetchedSettings(response) {
dbHash = response.settings[0].value;
return models.User.getByEmail(email, options);
.then(function fetchedUser(user) {
if (!user) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({message: i18n.t('errors.api.users.userNotFound')});
token = globalUtils.tokens.resetToken.generateHash({
expires: Date.now() + globalUtils.ONE_DAY_MS,
email: email,
dbHash: dbHash,
password: user.get('password')
return {
email: email,
resetToken: token
function sendResetNotification(data) {
var adminUrl = globalUtils.url.urlFor('admin', true),
resetUrl = globalUtils.url.urlJoin(adminUrl, 'reset', globalUtils.encodeBase64URLsafe(data.resetToken), '/');
return mail.utils.generateContent({
data: {
resetUrl: resetUrl
template: 'reset-password'
}).then(function then(content) {
var payload = {
mail: [{
message: {
to: data.email,
subject: i18n.t('common.api.authentication.mail.resetPassword'),
html: content.html,
text: content.text
options: {}
return mailAPI.send(payload, {context: {internal: true}});
function formatResponse() {
return {
passwordreset: [
{message: i18n.t('common.api.authentication.mail.checkEmailForInstructions')}
tasks = [
return pipeline(tasks, object);
* ## Reset Password
* reset password if a valid token and password (2x) is passed
* @param {Object} object
* @returns {Promise<Object>} message
resetPassword: function resetPassword(object, opts) {
var tasks, tokenIsCorrect, dbHash, options = {context: {internal: true}}, tokenParts;
function validateRequest() {
return apiUtils.validate('passwordreset')(object, options)
.then(function (options) {
var data = options.data.passwordreset[0];
if (data.newPassword !== data.ne2Password) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.newPasswordsDoNotMatch')
return Promise.resolve(options);
function extractTokenParts(options) {
options.data.passwordreset[0].token = globalUtils.decodeBase64URLsafe(options.data.passwordreset[0].token);
tokenParts = globalUtils.tokens.resetToken.extract({
token: options.data.passwordreset[0].token
if (!tokenParts) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.UnauthorizedError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.common.invalidTokenStructure')
return Promise.resolve(options);
// @TODO: use brute force middleware (see https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/pull/7579)
function protectBruteForce(options) {
if (tokenSecurity[tokenParts.email + '+' + tokenParts.expires] &&
tokenSecurity[tokenParts.email + '+' + tokenParts.expires].count >= 10) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({
message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.tokenLocked')
return Promise.resolve(options);
function doReset(options) {
var data = options.data.passwordreset[0],
resetToken = data.token,
oldPassword = data.oldPassword,
newPassword = data.newPassword;
return settingsAPI.read(_.merge({key: 'db_hash'}, options))
.then(function fetchedSettings(response) {
dbHash = response.settings[0].value;
return models.User.getByEmail(tokenParts.email, options);
.then(function fetchedUser(user) {
if (!user) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({message: i18n.t('errors.api.users.userNotFound')});
tokenIsCorrect = globalUtils.tokens.resetToken.compare({
token: resetToken,
dbHash: dbHash,
password: user.get('password')
if (!tokenIsCorrect) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.BadRequestError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.common.invalidTokenStructure')
spamPrevention.userLogin().reset(opts.ip, tokenParts.email + 'login');
return models.User.changePassword({
oldPassword: oldPassword,
newPassword: newPassword,
user_id: user.id
}, options);
.then(function changedPassword(updatedUser) {
updatedUser.set('status', 'active');
return updatedUser.save(options);
.catch(function (err) {
throw new errors.UnauthorizedError({err: err});
function formatResponse() {
return {
passwordreset: [
{message: i18n.t('common.api.authentication.mail.passwordChanged')}
tasks = [
return pipeline(tasks, object, options);
* ### Accept Invitation
* @param {Object} invitation an invitation object
* @returns {Promise<Object>}
acceptInvitation: function acceptInvitation(invitation) {
var tasks, invite, options = {context: {internal: true}};
function validateInvitation(invitation) {
return apiUtils.checkObject(invitation, 'invitation')
.then(function () {
if (!invitation.invitation[0].token) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({message: i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.noTokenProvided')}));
if (!invitation.invitation[0].email) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({message: i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.noEmailProvided')}));
if (!invitation.invitation[0].password) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({message: i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.noPasswordProvided')}));
if (!invitation.invitation[0].name) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({message: i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.noNameProvided')}));
return invitation;
function processInvitation(invitation) {
var data = invitation.invitation[0], inviteToken = globalUtils.decodeBase64URLsafe(data.token);
return models.Invite.findOne({token: inviteToken, status: 'sent'}, options)
.then(function (_invite) {
invite = _invite;
if (!invite) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({message: i18n.t('errors.api.invites.inviteNotFound')});
if (invite.get('expires') < Date.now()) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({message: i18n.t('errors.api.invites.inviteExpired')});
return models.User.add({
email: data.email,
name: data.name,
password: data.password,
roles: [invite.toJSON().role_id]
}, options);
.then(function () {
return invite.destroy(options);
function formatResponse() {
return {
invitation: [
{message: i18n.t('common.api.authentication.mail.invitationAccepted')}
tasks = [
return pipeline(tasks, invitation);
* ### Check for invitation
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Promise<Object>} An invitation status
isInvitation: function isInvitation(options) {
var tasks,
localOptions = _.cloneDeep(options || {});
function processArgs(options) {
var email = options.email;
if (typeof email !== 'string' || !validator.isEmail(email)) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.invalidEmailReceived')
return email;
function checkInvitation(email) {
return models.Invite
.findOne({email: email, status: 'sent'}, options)
.then(function fetchedInvite(invite) {
if (!invite) {
return {invitation: [{valid: false}]};
return models.User.findOne({id: invite.get('created_by')})
.then(function fetchedUser(user) {
return {invitation: [{valid: true, invitedBy: user.get('name')}]};
tasks = [
return pipeline(tasks, localOptions);
* Checks the setup status
* @return {Promise}
isSetup: function isSetup() {
var tasks;
function checkSetupStatus() {
return models.User.isSetup();
function formatResponse(isSetup) {
return {setup: [
status: isSetup,
// Pre-populate from config if, and only if the values exist in config.
title: config.title || undefined,
name: config.user_name || undefined,
email: config.user_email || undefined
tasks = [
return pipeline(tasks);
* Executes the setup tasks and sends an email to the owner
* @param {Object} setupDetails
* @return {Promise<Object>} a user api payload
setup: function setup(setupDetails) {
var tasks;
function doSetup(setupDetails) {
return setupTasks(setupDetails);
function sendNotification(setupUser) {
var data = {
ownerEmail: setupUser.email
events.emit('setup.completed', setupUser);
return mail.utils.generateContent({data: data, template: 'welcome'})
.then(function then(content) {
var message = {
to: setupUser.email,
subject: i18n.t('common.api.authentication.mail.yourNewGhostBlog'),
html: content.html,
text: content.text
payload = {
mail: [{
message: message,
options: {}
mailAPI.send(payload, {context: {internal: true}})
.catch(function (err) {
err.context = i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.unableToSendWelcomeEmail');
function formatResponse(setupUser) {
return {users: [setupUser]};
tasks = [
return pipeline(tasks, setupDetails);
* Updates the blog setup
* @param {Object} setupDetails request payload with setup details
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Promise<Object>} a User API response payload
updateSetup: function updateSetup(setupDetails, options) {
var tasks,
localOptions = _.cloneDeep(options || {});
function processArgs(setupDetails, options) {
if (!options.context || !options.context.user) {
throw new errors.NoPermissionError({message: i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.notTheBlogOwner')});
return _.assign({setupDetails: setupDetails}, options);
function checkPermission(options) {
return models.User.findOne({role: 'Owner', status: 'all'})
.then(function (owner) {
if (owner.id !== options.context.user) {
throw new errors.NoPermissionError({message: i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.notTheBlogOwner')});
return options.setupDetails;
function formatResponse(user) {
return {users: [user]};
tasks = [
return pipeline(tasks, setupDetails, localOptions);
* Revokes a bearer token.
* @param {Object} tokenDetails
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Promise<Object>} an object containing the revoked token.
revoke: function revokeToken(tokenDetails, options) {
var tasks,
localOptions = _.cloneDeep(options || {});
function processArgs(tokenDetails, options) {
return _.assign({}, tokenDetails, options);
function revokeToken(options) {
var providers = [
response = {token: options.token};
function destroyToken(provider, options, providers) {
return provider.destroyByToken(options)
.catch(provider.NotFoundError, function () {
if (!providers.length) {
return {
token: tokenDetails.token,
error: i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.invalidTokenProvided')
return destroyToken(providers.pop(), options, providers);
.catch(function () {
throw new errors.TokenRevocationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.tokenRevocationFailed')
return destroyToken(providers.pop(), options, providers);
tasks = [
return pipeline(tasks, tokenDetails, localOptions);
module.exports = authentication;