mirror of
synced 2025-01-13 22:41:32 -05:00
No Issue - Use Ghost version value that is already loaded instead of reading package.json from the filesystem and parsing it on every call into the configuration API.
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// # Custom Middleware
// The following custom middleware functions cannot yet be unit tested, and as such are kept separate from
// the testable custom middleware functions in middleware.js
var api = require('../api'),
bodyParser = require('body-parser'),
config = require('../config'),
crypto = require('crypto'),
errors = require('../errors'),
express = require('express'),
fs = require('fs'),
hbs = require('express-hbs'),
logger = require('morgan'),
middleware = require('./middleware'),
path = require('path'),
routes = require('../routes'),
slashes = require('connect-slashes'),
storage = require('../storage'),
url = require('url'),
_ = require('lodash'),
passport = require('passport'),
oauth = require('./oauth'),
oauth2orize = require('oauth2orize'),
authStrategies = require('./auth-strategies'),
utils = require('../utils'),
// ##Custom Middleware
// ### GhostLocals Middleware
// Expose the standard locals that every external page should have available,
// separating between the theme and the admin
function ghostLocals(req, res, next) {
// Make sure we have a locals value.
res.locals = res.locals || {};
res.locals.version = config.ghostVersion;
// relative path from the URL
res.locals.relativeUrl = req.path;
// ### Activate Theme
// Helper for manageAdminAndTheme
function activateTheme(activeTheme) {
var hbsOptions,
themePartials = path.join(config.paths.themePath, activeTheme, 'partials');
// clear the view cache
blogApp.cache = {};
// set view engine
hbsOptions = {partialsDir: [config.paths.helperTemplates]};
fs.stat(themePartials, function (err, stats) {
// Check that the theme has a partials directory before trying to use it
if (!err && stats && stats.isDirectory()) {
blogApp.engine('hbs', hbs.express3(hbsOptions));
// Update user error template
// Set active theme variable on the express server
blogApp.set('activeTheme', activeTheme);
// ### decideIsAdmin Middleware
// Uses the URL to detect whether this response should be an admin response
// This is used to ensure the right content is served, and is not for security purposes
function decideIsAdmin(req, res, next) {
res.isAdmin = req.url.lastIndexOf('/ghost/', 0) === 0;
// ### configHbsForContext Middleware
// Setup handlebars for the current context (admin or theme)
function configHbsForContext(req, res, next) {
var themeData = config.theme;
if (req.secure && config.urlSSL) {
// For secure requests override .url property with the SSL version
themeData = _.clone(themeData);
themeData.url = config.urlSSL.replace(/\/$/, '');
hbs.updateTemplateOptions({data: {blog: themeData}});
blogApp.set('views', path.join(config.paths.themePath, blogApp.get('activeTheme')));
// Pass 'secure' flag to the view engine
// so that templates can choose 'url' vs 'urlSSL'
res.locals.secure = req.secure;
// ### updateActiveTheme
// Updates the blogApp's activeTheme variable and subsequently
// activates that theme's views with the hbs templating engine if it
// is not yet activated.
function updateActiveTheme(req, res, next) {
api.settings.read({context: {internal: true}, key: 'activeTheme'}).then(function (response) {
var activeTheme = response.settings[0];
// Check if the theme changed
if (activeTheme.value !== blogApp.get('activeTheme')) {
// Change theme
if (!config.paths.availableThemes.hasOwnProperty(activeTheme.value)) {
if (!res.isAdmin) {
// Throw an error if the theme is not available, but not on the admin UI
return errors.throwError('The currently active theme ' + activeTheme.value + ' is missing.');
} else {
}).catch(function (err) {
// Trying to start up without the active theme present, setup a simple hbs instance
// and render an error page straight away.
blogApp.engine('hbs', hbs.express3());
// Redirect to setup if no user exists
function redirectToSetup(req, res, next) {
/*jslint unparam:true*/
api.authentication.isSetup().then(function (exists) {
if (!exists.setup[0].status && !req.path.match(/\/setup\//)) {
return res.redirect(config.paths.subdir + '/ghost/setup/');
}).catch(function (err) {
return next(new Error(err));
// Detect uppercase in req.path
function uncapitalise(req, res, next) {
var pathToTest = req.path,
isSignupOrReset = req.path.match(/(\/ghost\/(signup|reset)\/)/i),
isAPI = req.path.match(/(\/ghost\/api\/v[\d\.]+\/.*?\/)/i);
if (isSignupOrReset) {
pathToTest = isSignupOrReset[1];
// Do not lowercase anything after /api/v0.1/ to protect :key/:slug
if (isAPI) {
pathToTest = isAPI[1];
if (/[A-Z]/.test(pathToTest)) {
res.set('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=' + utils.ONE_YEAR_S);
res.redirect(301, req.url.replace(pathToTest, pathToTest.toLowerCase()));
} else {
function isSSLrequired(isAdmin) {
var forceSSL = url.parse(config.url).protocol === 'https:' ? true : false,
forceAdminSSL = (isAdmin && config.forceAdminSSL);
if (forceSSL || forceAdminSSL) {
return true;
return false;
// Check to see if we should use SSL
// and redirect if needed
function checkSSL(req, res, next) {
if (isSSLrequired(res.isAdmin)) {
if (!req.secure) {
var forceAdminSSL = config.forceAdminSSL,
// Check if forceAdminSSL: { redirect: false } is set, which means
// we should just deny non-SSL access rather than redirect
if (forceAdminSSL && forceAdminSSL.redirect !== undefined && !forceAdminSSL.redirect) {
return res.sendStatus(403);
redirectUrl = url.parse(config.urlSSL || config.url);
return res.redirect(301, url.format({
protocol: 'https:',
hostname: redirectUrl.hostname,
port: redirectUrl.port,
pathname: req.path,
query: req.query
// ### ServeSharedFile Middleware
// Handles requests to robots.txt and favicon.ico (and caches them)
function serveSharedFile(file, type, maxAge) {
var content,
filePath = path.join(config.paths.corePath, 'shared', file);
return function serveSharedFile(req, res, next) {
if (req.url === '/' + file) {
if (content) {
res.writeHead(200, content.headers);
} else {
fs.readFile(filePath, function (err, buf) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
content = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': type,
'Content-Length': buf.length,
ETag: '"' + crypto.createHash('md5').update(buf, 'utf8').digest('hex') + '"',
'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=' + maxAge
body: buf
res.writeHead(200, content.headers);
} else {
setupMiddleware = function (blogAppInstance, adminApp) {
var logging = config.logging,
corePath = config.paths.corePath,
oauthServer = oauth2orize.createServer();
// silence JSHint without disabling unused check for the whole file
authStrategies = authStrategies;
// Cache express server instance
blogApp = blogAppInstance;
oauth.init(oauthServer, middleware.resetSpamCounter);
// Make sure 'req.secure' is valid for proxied requests
// (X-Forwarded-Proto header will be checked, if present)
blogApp.enable('trust proxy');
// Logging configuration
if (logging !== false) {
if (blogApp.get('env') !== 'development') {
blogApp.use(logger('combined', logging));
} else {
blogApp.use(logger('dev', logging));
// Favicon
blogApp.use(serveSharedFile('favicon.ico', 'image/x-icon', utils.ONE_DAY_S));
// Static assets
blogApp.use('/shared', express['static'](path.join(corePath, '/shared'), {maxAge: utils.ONE_HOUR_MS}));
blogApp.use('/content/images', storage.getStorage().serve());
blogApp.use('/ghost/scripts', express['static'](path.join(corePath, '/built/scripts'), {maxAge: utils.ONE_YEAR_MS}));
blogApp.use('/public', express['static'](path.join(corePath, '/built/public'), {maxAge: utils.ONE_YEAR_MS}));
// First determine whether we're serving admin or theme content
// Admin only config
blogApp.use('/ghost', express['static'](path.join(corePath, '/client/assets'), {maxAge: utils.ONE_YEAR_MS}));
// Force SSL
// NOTE: Importantly this is _after_ the check above for admin-theme static resources,
// which do not need HTTPS. In fact, if HTTPS is forced on them, then 404 page might
// not display properly when HTTPS is not available!
adminApp.set('views', config.paths.adminViews);
// Theme only config
// Serve robots.txt if not found in theme
blogApp.use(serveSharedFile('robots.txt', 'text/plain', utils.ONE_HOUR_S));
// Add in all trailing slashes, properly include the subdir path
// in the redirect.
blogApp.use(slashes(true, {
headers: {
'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=' + utils.ONE_YEAR_S
base: config.paths.subdir
// Body parsing
blogApp.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}));
// ### Caching
blogApp.use(routes.apiBaseUri, middleware.cacheControl('private'));
// enable authentication
// local data
// ### Routing
// Set up API routes
blogApp.use(routes.apiBaseUri, routes.api(middleware));
// Mount admin express app to /ghost and set up routes
blogApp.use('/ghost', adminApp);
// Set up Frontend routes
// ### Error handling
// 404 Handler
// 500 Handler
module.exports = setupMiddleware;
// Export middleware functions directly
module.exports.middleware = middleware;
// Expose middleware functions in this file as well
module.exports.middleware.redirectToSetup = redirectToSetup;