mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
refs: #13380 - The i18n package is deprecated. It is being replaced with the tpl package.
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// NOTE: We must not cache references to membersService.api
// as it is a getter and may change during runtime.
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const models = require('../../models');
const membersService = require('../../services/members');
const labsService = require('../../../shared/labs');
const settingsCache = require('../../../shared/settings-cache');
const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl');
const _ = require('lodash');
const messages = {
memberNotFound: 'Member not found.',
memberAlreadyExists: {
message: 'Member already exists',
context: 'Attempting to {action} member with existing email address.'
stripeNotConnected: {
message: 'Missing Stripe connection.',
context: 'Attempting to import members with Stripe data when there is no Stripe account connected.',
help: 'help'
stripeCustomerNotFound: {
context: 'Missing Stripe customer.',
help: 'Make sure you’re connected to the correct Stripe Account.'
resourceNotFound: '{resource} not found.'
const allowedIncludes = ['email_recipients', 'products'];
module.exports = {
docName: 'members',
hasActiveStripeSubscriptions: {
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
async query() {
const hasActiveStripeSubscriptions = await membersService.api.hasActiveStripeSubscriptions();
return {
browse: {
options: [
permissions: true,
validation: {},
async query(frame) {
frame.options.withRelated = ['labels', 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct'];
const page = await membersService.api.members.list(frame.options);
return page;
read: {
options: [
headers: {},
data: [
validation: {
options: {
include: {
values: allowedIncludes
permissions: true,
async query(frame) {
let member = await membersService.api.memberBREADService.read(frame.data, frame.options);
if (!member) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: tpl(messages.memberNotFound)
return member;
add: {
statusCode: 201,
headers: {},
options: [
validation: {
data: {
email: {required: true}
options: {
email_type: {
values: ['signin', 'signup', 'subscribe']
permissions: true,
async query(frame) {
let member;
frame.options.withRelated = ['stripeSubscriptions', 'products', 'labels', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct'];
if (!labsService.isSet('multipleProducts')) {
delete frame.data.products;
try {
if (!membersService.config.isStripeConnected()
&& (frame.data.members[0].stripe_customer_id || frame.data.members[0].comped)) {
const property = frame.data.members[0].comped ? 'comped' : 'stripe_customer_id';
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.stripeNotConnected.message),
context: tpl(messages.stripeNotConnected.context),
help: tpl(messages.stripeNotConnected.help),
member = await membersService.api.members.create(frame.data.members[0], frame.options);
if (frame.data.members[0].stripe_customer_id) {
await membersService.api.members.linkStripeCustomer({
customer_id: frame.data.members[0].stripe_customer_id,
member_id: member.id
}, frame.options);
if (!labsService.isSet('multipleProducts')) {
if (frame.data.members[0].comped) {
await membersService.api.members.setComplimentarySubscription(member);
if (frame.options.send_email) {
await membersService.api.sendEmailWithMagicLink({email: member.get('email'), requestedType: frame.options.email_type});
return member;
} catch (error) {
if (error.code && error.message.toLowerCase().indexOf('unique') !== -1) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.memberAlreadyExists.message),
context: tpl(messages.memberAlreadyExists.context, {
action: 'add'
// NOTE: failed to link Stripe customer/plan/subscription or have thrown custom Stripe connection error.
// It's a bit ugly doing regex matching to detect errors, but it's the easiest way that works without
// introducing additional logic/data format into current error handling
const isStripeLinkingError = error.message && (error.message.match(/customer|plan|subscription/g));
if (member && isStripeLinkingError) {
if (error.message.indexOf('customer') && error.code === 'resource_missing') {
error.message = `Member not imported. ${error.message}`;
error.context = tpl(messages.stripeCustomerNotFound.context);
error.help = tpl(messages.stripeCustomerNotFound.help);
await membersService.api.members.destroy({
id: member.get('id')
}, frame.options);
throw error;
edit: {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {},
options: [
validation: {
options: {
id: {
required: true
permissions: true,
async query(frame) {
if (!labsService.isSet('multipleProducts')) {
delete frame.data.products;
try {
frame.options.withRelated = ['stripeSubscriptions', 'products', 'labels', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct'];
const member = await membersService.api.members.update(frame.data.members[0], frame.options);
const hasCompedSubscription = !!member.related('stripeSubscriptions').find(sub => sub.get('plan_nickname') === 'Complimentary' && sub.get('status') === 'active');
if (!labsService.isSet('multipleProducts')) {
if (typeof frame.data.members[0].comped === 'boolean') {
if (frame.data.members[0].comped && !hasCompedSubscription) {
await membersService.api.members.setComplimentarySubscription(member);
} else if (!(frame.data.members[0].comped) && hasCompedSubscription) {
await membersService.api.members.cancelComplimentarySubscription(member);
await member.load(['stripeSubscriptions', 'products', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct']);
await member.load(['stripeSubscriptions.customer', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct']);
return member;
} catch (error) {
if (error.code && error.message.toLowerCase().indexOf('unique') !== -1) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.memberAlreadyExists.message),
context: tpl(messages.memberAlreadyExists.context, {
action: 'edit'
throw error;
editSubscription: {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {},
options: [
data: [
validation: {
options: {
id: {
required: true
subscription_id: {
required: true
data: {
cancel_at_period_end: {
required: true
status: {
values: ['canceled']
permissions: {
method: 'edit'
async query(frame) {
if (frame.data.status === 'canceled') {
await membersService.api.members.cancelSubscription({
id: frame.options.id,
subscription: {
subscription_id: frame.options.subscription_id
} else {
await membersService.api.members.updateSubscription({
id: frame.options.id,
subscription: {
subscription_id: frame.options.subscription_id,
cancel_at_period_end: frame.data.cancel_at_period_end
let model = await membersService.api.members.get({id: frame.options.id}, {
withRelated: ['labels', 'products', 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct']
if (!model) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: tpl(messages.memberNotFound)
return model;
createSubscription: {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {},
options: [
data: [
validation: {
options: {
id: {
required: true
data: {
stripe_price_id: {
required: true
permissions: {
method: 'edit'
async query(frame) {
await membersService.api.members.createSubscription({
id: frame.options.id,
subscription: {
stripe_price_id: frame.data.stripe_price_id
let model = await membersService.api.members.get({id: frame.options.id}, {
withRelated: ['labels', 'products', 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct']
if (!model) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: tpl(messages.memberNotFound)
return model;
destroy: {
statusCode: 204,
headers: {},
options: [
validation: {
options: {
id: {
required: true
permissions: true,
async query(frame) {
frame.options.require = true;
frame.options.cancelStripeSubscriptions = frame.options.cancel;
await Promise.resolve(membersService.api.members.destroy({
id: frame.options.id
}, frame.options)).catch(models.Member.NotFoundError, () => {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: tpl(messages.resourceNotFound, {
resource: 'Member'
return null;
bulkDestroy: {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {},
options: [
permissions: {
method: 'destroy'
async query(frame) {
const bulkDestroyResult = await membersService.api.members.bulkDestroy(frame.options);
// shaped to match the importer response
return {
meta: {
stats: {
successful: bulkDestroyResult.successful,
unsuccessful: bulkDestroyResult.unsuccessful
unsuccessfulIds: bulkDestroyResult.unsuccessfulIds,
errors: bulkDestroyResult.errors
bulkEdit: {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {},
options: [
data: [
validation: {
data: {
action: {
required: true,
values: ['unsubscribe', 'addLabel', 'removeLabel']
permissions: {
method: 'edit'
async query(frame) {
return membersService.api.members.bulkEdit(frame.data.bulk, frame.options);
exportCSV: {
options: [
headers: {
disposition: {
type: 'csv',
value() {
const datetime = (new Date()).toJSON().substring(0, 10);
return `members.${datetime}.csv`;
response: {
format: 'plain'
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
validation: {},
async query(frame) {
frame.options.withRelated = ['labels', 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer'];
if (labsService.isSet('multipleProducts')) {
const page = await membersService.api.members.list(frame.options);
return page;
importCSV: {
statusCode(result) {
if (result && result.meta && result.meta.stats && result.meta.stats.imported !== null) {
return 201;
} else {
return 202;
permissions: {
method: 'add'
async query(frame) {
const siteTimezone = settingsCache.get('timezone');
const importLabel = {
name: `Import ${moment().tz(siteTimezone).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')}`
const globalLabels = [importLabel].concat(frame.data.labels);
const pathToCSV = frame.file.path;
const headerMapping = frame.data.mapping;
return membersService.processImport({
LabelModel: models.Label,
user: {
email: frame.user.get('email')
memberStats: {
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
async query() {
const memberStats = await membersService.api.events.getStatuses();
let totalMembers = _.last(memberStats) ? (_.last(memberStats).paid + _.last(memberStats).free + _.last(memberStats).comped) : 0;
return {
resource: 'members',
total: totalMembers,
data: memberStats.map((d) => {
const {paid, free, comped} = d;
return {
date: moment(d.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
paid, free, comped
mrrStats: {
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
async query() {
const mrrData = await membersService.api.events.getMRR();
const mrrStats = Object.keys(mrrData).map((curr) => {
return {
currency: curr,
data: mrrData[curr].map((d) => {
return Object.assign({}, {
date: moment(d.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
value: d.mrr
return {
resource: 'mrr',
data: mrrStats
subscriberStats: {
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
async query() {
const statsData = await membersService.api.events.getSubscriptions();
const totalSubscriptions = (_.last(statsData) && _.last(statsData).subscribed) || 0;
statsData.forEach((d) => {
d.date = moment(d.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
return {
resource: 'subscribers',
total: totalSubscriptions,
data: statsData.map((d) => {
return Object.assign({}, {
date: moment(d.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
value: d.subscribed
grossVolumeStats: {
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
async query() {
const volumeData = await membersService.api.events.getVolume();
const volumeStats = Object.keys(volumeData).map((curr) => {
return {
currency: curr,
data: volumeData[curr].map((d) => {
return Object.assign({}, {
date: moment(d.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
value: d.volume
return {
resource: 'gross-volume',
data: volumeStats
activityFeed: {
options: [
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
async query(frame) {
const events = await membersService.api.events.getEventTimeline(frame.options);
return {