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synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
addresses #1789, #1364 - Moves ./core/server/loader -> ./core/bootstrap. The bootstrap file is only accessed once during startup, and it’s sole job is to ensure a config.js file exists (creating one if it doesn’t) and then validates the contents of the config file. Since this is directly related to the initializing the application is is appropriate to have it in the ./core folder, named bootstrap as that is what it does. This also improves the dependency graph, as now the bootstrap file require’s the ./core/server/config module and is responsible for passing in the validated config file. Whereas before we had ./core/server/config require’ing ./core/server/loader and running its init code and then passing that value back to itself, the flow is now more straight forward of ./core/bootstrap handling initialization and then instatiation of config module - Merges ./core/server/config/paths into ./core/server/config This flow was always confusing me to that some config options were on the config object, and some were on the paths object. This change now incorporates all of the variables previously defined in config/paths directly into the config module, and in extension, the config.js file. This means that you now have the option of deciding at startup where the content directory for ghost should reside. - broke out loader tests in config_spec to bootstrap_spec - updated all relevant files to now use config().paths - moved urlFor and urlForPost function into ./server/config/url.js
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// # Local File System Image Storage module
// The (default) module for storing images, using the local file system
var _ = require('lodash'),
express = require('express'),
fs = require('fs-extra'),
nodefn = require('when/node/function'),
path = require('path'),
when = require('when'),
errors = require('../errorHandling'),
config = require('../config'),
baseStore = require('./base'),
localFileStore = _.extend(baseStore, {
// ### Save
// Saves the image to storage (the file system)
// - image is the express image object
// - returns a promise which ultimately returns the full url to the uploaded image
'save': function (image) {
var saved = when.defer(),
targetDir = this.getTargetDir(config().paths.imagesPath),
this.getUniqueFileName(this, image, targetDir).then(function (filename) {
targetFilename = filename;
return nodefn.call(fs.mkdirs, targetDir);
}).then(function () {
return nodefn.call(fs.copy, image.path, targetFilename);
}).then(function () {
return nodefn.call(fs.unlink, image.path).otherwise(errors.logError);
}).then(function () {
// The src for the image must be in URI format, not a file system path, which in Windows uses \
// For local file system storage can use relative path so add a slash
var fullUrl = (config().paths.subdir + '/' + path.relative(config().paths.appRoot, targetFilename)).replace(new RegExp('\\' + path.sep, 'g'), '/');
return saved.resolve(fullUrl);
}).otherwise(function (e) {
return saved.reject(e);
return saved.promise;
'exists': function (filename) {
// fs.exists does not play nicely with nodefn because the callback doesn't have an error argument
var done = when.defer();
fs.exists(filename, function (exists) {
return done.promise;
// middleware for serving the files
'serve': function () {
var ONE_HOUR_MS = 60 * 60 * 1000,
ONE_YEAR_MS = 365 * 24 * ONE_HOUR_MS;
// For some reason send divides the max age number by 1000
return express['static'](config().paths.imagesPath, {maxAge: ONE_YEAR_MS});
module.exports = localFileStore;