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synced 2025-02-24 23:48:13 -05:00
refs #3083, #3096 In order to implement advanced permissions based on roles for specific actions, we need to know what role the current context user has and also what action we are granting permissions for: - Permissible gets passed the action type - Effective permissions keeps the user role and eventually passes it to permissible - Fixed spelling - Still needs tests
284 lines
9.9 KiB
284 lines
9.9 KiB
/*globals describe, before, beforeEach, afterEach, after, it*/
/*jshint expr:true*/
var testUtils = require('../utils'),
should = require('should'),
sinon = require('sinon'),
when = require('when'),
_ = require('lodash'),
// Stuff we are testing
ModelPermission = require('../../server/models').Permission,
ModelPermissions = require('../../server/models').Permissions,
permissions = require('../../server/permissions'),
effectivePerms = require('../../server/permissions/effective'),
context = testUtils.context.owner,
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
// TODO move to integrations or stub
describe('Permissions', function () {
afterEach(function () {
beforeEach(function () {
var permissions = _.map(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.permissions, function (testPerm) {
return testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPermission(testPerm);
sandbox.stub(ModelPermission, 'findAll', function () {
return when(ModelPermissions.forge(permissions));
it('can load an actions map from existing permissions', function (done) {
permissions.init().then(function (actionsMap) {
actionsMap.edit.sort().should.eql(['post', 'tag', 'user', 'page'].sort());
// it('does not allow edit post without permission', function (done) {
// var fakePage = {
// id: 1
// };
// permissions.init()
// .then(function () {
// var canThisResult = permissions.canThis({id: 1});
// should.exist(canThisResult.edit);
// should.exist(canThisResult.edit.post);
// return canThisResult.edit.page(fakePage);
// })
// .then(function () {
// done(new Error('was able to edit post without permission'));
// }).catch(done);
// });
// it('allows edit post with permission', function (done) {
// var fakePost = {
// id: '1'
// };
// permissions.init()
// .then(function () {
// return Models.User.findOne({id: 1});
// })
// .then(function (foundUser) {
// var newPerm = new Models.Permission({
// name: 'test3 edit post',
// action_type: 'edit',
// object_type: 'post'
// });
// return newPerm.save(null, context).then(function () {
// return foundUser.permissions().attach(newPerm);
// });
// })
// .then(function () {
// return Models.User.findOne({id: 1}, { withRelated: ['permissions']});
// })
// .then(function (updatedUser) {
// // TODO: Verify updatedUser.related('permissions') has the permission?
// var canThisResult = permissions.canThis(updatedUser.id);
// should.exist(canThisResult.edit);
// should.exist(canThisResult.edit.post);
// return canThisResult.edit.post(fakePost);
// })
// .then(function () {
// done();
// }).catch(done);
// });
// it('can use permissible function on Model to allow something', function (done) {
// var testUser,
// permissibleStub = sandbox.stub(Models.Post, 'permissible', function () {
// return when.resolve();
// });
// testUtils.insertAuthorUser()
// .then(function () {
// return Models.User.findAll();
// })
// .then(function (foundUser) {
// testUser = foundUser.models[1];
// return permissions.canThis({user: testUser.id}).edit.post(123);
// })
// .then(function () {
// permissibleStub.restore();
// permissibleStub.calledWith(123, { user: testUser.id, app: null, internal: false })
// .should.equal(true);
// done();
// })
// .catch(function () {
// permissibleStub.restore();
// done(new Error('did not allow testUser'));
// });
// });
// it('can use permissible function on Model to forbid something', function (done) {
// var testUser,
// permissibleStub = sandbox.stub(Models.Post, 'permissible', function () {
// return when.reject();
// });
// testUtils.insertAuthorUser()
// .then(function () {
// return Models.User.findAll();
// })
// .then(function (foundUser) {
// testUser = foundUser.models[1];
// return permissions.canThis({user: testUser.id}).edit.post(123);
// })
// .then(function () {
// permissibleStub.restore();
// done(new Error('Allowed testUser to edit post'));
// })
// .catch(function () {
// permissibleStub.calledWith(123, { user: testUser.id, app: null, internal: false })
// .should.equal(true);
// permissibleStub.restore();
// done();
// });
// });
// it('can get effective user permissions', function (done) {
// effectivePerms.user(1).then(function (effectivePermissions) {
// should.exist(effectivePermissions);
// effectivePermissions.length.should.be.above(0);
// done();
// }).catch(done);
// });
// it('can check an apps effective permissions', function (done) {
// effectivePerms.app('Kudos')
// .then(function (effectivePermissions) {
// should.exist(effectivePermissions);
// effectivePermissions.length.should.be.above(0);
// done();
// })
// .catch(done);
// });
// it('does not allow an app to edit a post without permission', function (done) {
// // Change the author of the post so the author override doesn't affect the test
// Models.Post.edit({'author_id': 2}, _.extend(context, {id: 1}))
// .then(function (updatedPost) {
// // Add user permissions
// return Models.User.findOne({id: 1})
// .then(function (foundUser) {
// var newPerm = new Models.Permission({
// name: 'app test edit post',
// action_type: 'edit',
// object_type: 'post'
// });
// return newPerm.save(null, context).then(function () {
// return foundUser.permissions().attach(newPerm).then(function () {
// return when.all([updatedPost, foundUser]);
// });
// });
// });
// })
// .then(function (results) {
// var updatedPost = results[0],
// updatedUser = results[1];
// return permissions.canThis({ user: updatedUser.id })
// .edit
// .post(updatedPost.id)
// .then(function () {
// return results;
// })
// .catch(function (err) {
// /*jshint unused:false */
// done(new Error('Did not allow user 1 to edit post 1'));
// });
// })
// .then(function (results) {
// var updatedPost = results[0],
// updatedUser = results[1];
// // Confirm app cannot edit it.
// return permissions.canThis({ app: 'Hemingway', user: updatedUser.id })
// .edit
// .post(updatedPost.id)
// .then(function () {
// done(new Error('Allowed an edit of post 1'));
// }).catch(done);
// }).catch(done);
// });
// it('allows an app to edit a post with permission', function (done) {
// permissions.canThis({ app: 'Kudos', user: 1 })
// .edit
// .post(1)
// .then(function () {
// done();
// })
// .catch(function () {
// done(new Error('Did not allow an edit of post 1'));
// });
// });
// it('checks for null context passed and rejects', function (done) {
// permissions.canThis(undefined)
// .edit
// .post(1)
// .then(function () {
// done(new Error('Should not allow editing post'));
// })
// .catch(done);
// });
// it('allows \'internal\' to be passed for internal requests', function (done) {
// // Using tag here because post implements the custom permissible interface
// permissions.canThis('internal')
// .edit
// .tag(1)
// .then(function () {
// done();
// })
// .catch(function () {
// done(new Error('Should allow editing post with "internal"'));
// });
// });
// it('allows { internal: true } to be passed for internal requests', function (done) {
// // Using tag here because post implements the custom permissible interface
// permissions.canThis({ internal: true })
// .edit
// .tag(1)
// .then(function () {
// done();
// })
// .catch(function () {
// done(new Error('Should allow editing post with { internal: true }'));
// });
// });
}); |