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synced 2025-03-25 02:31:59 -05:00
No Issue - Use Ghost version value that is already loaded instead of reading package.json from the filesystem and parsing it on every call into the configuration API.
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// # Update Checking Service
// Makes a request to Ghost.org to check if there is a new version of Ghost available.
// The service is provided in return for users opting in to anonymous usage data collection
// Blog owners can opt-out of update checks by setting 'updateCheck: false' in their config.js
// The data collected is as follows:
// - blog id - a hash of the blog hostname, pathname and dbHash. No identifiable info is stored.
// - ghost version
// - node version
// - npm version
// - env - production or development
// - database type - SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL
// - email transport - mail.options.service, or otherwise mail.transport
// - created date - database creation date
// - post count - total number of posts
// - user count - total number of users
// - theme - name of the currently active theme
// - apps - names of any active apps
var crypto = require('crypto'),
exec = require('child_process').exec,
https = require('https'),
moment = require('moment'),
semver = require('semver'),
Promise = require('bluebird'),
_ = require('lodash'),
url = require('url'),
api = require('./api'),
config = require('./config'),
errors = require('./errors'),
internal = {context: {internal: true}},
allowedCheckEnvironments = ['development', 'production'],
checkEndpoint = 'updates.ghost.org',
currentVersion = config.ghostVersion;
function updateCheckError(error) {
{settings: [{key: 'nextUpdateCheck', value: Math.round(Date.now() / 1000 + 24 * 3600)}]},
'Checking for updates failed, your blog will continue to function.',
'If you get this error repeatedly, please seek help from https://ghost.org/forum.'
function updateCheckData() {
var data = {},
ops = [],
mailConfig = config.mail;
ops.push(api.settings.read(_.extend(internal, {key: 'dbHash'})).catch(errors.rejectError));
ops.push(api.settings.read(_.extend(internal, {key: 'activeTheme'})).catch(errors.rejectError));
ops.push(api.settings.read(_.extend(internal, {key: 'activeApps'}))
.then(function (response) {
var apps = response.settings[0];
try {
apps = JSON.parse(apps.value);
} catch (e) {
return errors.rejectError(e);
return _.reduce(apps, function (memo, item) { return memo === '' ? memo + item : memo + ', ' + item; }, '');
ops.push(Promise.promisify(exec)('npm -v').catch(errors.rejectError));
data.ghost_version = currentVersion;
data.node_version = process.versions.node;
data.env = process.env.NODE_ENV;
data.database_type = config.database.client;
data.email_transport = mailConfig && (mailConfig.options && mailConfig.options.service ? mailConfig.options.service : mailConfig.transport);
return Promise.settle(ops).then(function (descriptors) {
var hash = descriptors[0].value().settings[0],
theme = descriptors[1].value().settings[0],
apps = descriptors[2].value(),
posts = descriptors[3].value(),
users = descriptors[4].value(),
npm = descriptors[5].value(),
blogUrl = url.parse(config.url),
blogId = blogUrl.hostname + blogUrl.pathname.replace(/\//, '') + hash.value;
data.blog_id = crypto.createHash('md5').update(blogId).digest('hex');
data.theme = theme ? theme.value : '';
data.apps = apps || '';
data.post_count = posts && posts.meta && posts.meta.pagination ? posts.meta.pagination.total : 0;
data.user_count = users && users.users && users.users.length ? users.users.length : 0;
data.blog_created_at = users && users.users && users.users[0] && users.users[0].created_at ? moment(users.users[0].created_at).unix() : '';
data.npm_version = _.isArray(npm) && npm[0] ? npm[0].toString().replace(/\n/, '') : '';
return data;
function updateCheckRequest() {
return updateCheckData().then(function (reqData) {
var resData = '',
reqData = JSON.stringify(reqData);
headers = {
'Content-Length': reqData.length
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
req = https.request({
hostname: checkEndpoint,
method: 'POST',
headers: headers
}, function (res) {
res.on('error', function (error) { reject(error); });
res.on('data', function (chunk) { resData += chunk; });
res.on('end', function () {
try {
resData = JSON.parse(resData);
} catch (e) {
reject('Unable to decode update response');
req.on('socket', function (socket) {
// Wait a maximum of 10seconds
socket.on('timeout', function () {
req.on('error', function (error) {
// ## Update Check Response
// Handles the response from the update check
// Does two things with the information received:
// 1. Updates the time we can next make a check
// 2. Checks if the version in the response is new, and updates the notification setting
function updateCheckResponse(response) {
var ops = [];
{settings: [{key: 'nextUpdateCheck', value: response.next_check}]},
{settings: [{key: 'displayUpdateNotification', value: response.version}]},
return Promise.settle(ops).then(function (descriptors) {
descriptors.forEach(function (d) {
if (d.isRejected()) {
function updateCheck() {
// The check will not happen if:
// 1. updateCheck is defined as false in config.js
// 2. we've already done a check this session
// 3. we're not in production or development mode
// TODO: need to remove config.updateCheck in favor of config.privacy.updateCheck in future version (it is now deprecated)
if (config.updateCheck === false || config.isPrivacyDisabled('useUpdateCheck') || _.indexOf(allowedCheckEnvironments, process.env.NODE_ENV) === -1) {
// No update check
return Promise.resolve();
} else {
return api.settings.read(_.extend(internal, {key: 'nextUpdateCheck'})).then(function (result) {
var nextUpdateCheck = result.settings[0];
if (nextUpdateCheck && nextUpdateCheck.value && nextUpdateCheck.value > moment().unix()) {
// It's not time to check yet
} else {
// We need to do a check
return updateCheckRequest()
function showUpdateNotification() {
return api.settings.read(_.extend(internal, {key: 'displayUpdateNotification'})).then(function (response) {
var display = response.settings[0];
// Version 0.4 used boolean to indicate the need for an update. This special case is
// translated to the version string.
// TODO: remove in future version.
if (display.value === 'false' || display.value === 'true' || display.value === '1' || display.value === '0') {
display.value = '0.4.0';
if (display && display.value && currentVersion && semver.gt(display.value, currentVersion)) {
return display.value;
return false;
module.exports = updateCheck;
module.exports.showUpdateNotification = showUpdateNotification;