mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
refs b6728ecb0f
- The "no-shadow" eslint rune was introduced into ghost's eslint plugin (referenced commmit), which resulted in flood of warning in console output when linting the project codebase.
- This cleanup is aiming to make any new linting issues more visible. Follow up commits will contain similar cleanups in other parts of the codebase
592 lines
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592 lines
27 KiB
const should = require('should');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const _ = require('lodash');
const helpers = require('../../../core/frontend/helpers');
const handlebars = require('../../../core/frontend/services/themes/engine').handlebars;
describe('{{#foreach}} helper', function () {
let options;
let context;
let _this;
let resultData;
afterEach(function () {
describe('(function call)', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
context = [];
_this = {};
resultData = [];
function fn(input, data) {
options = {
fn: sinon.spy(fn),
inverse: sinon.spy(),
data: {}
function runTest(self, _context, _options) {
helpers.foreach.call(self, _context, _options);
it('should not populate data if no private data is supplied (array)', function () {
delete options.data;
options.hash = {
columns: 0
// test with context as an array
context = 'hello world this is ghost'.split(' ');
runTest(_this, context, options);
_.each(context, function (value, index) {
it('should not populate data if no private data is supplied (object)', function () {
delete options.data;
options.hash = {
columns: 0
context = {
one: 'hello',
two: 'world',
three: 'this',
four: 'is',
five: 'ghost'
runTest(_this, context, options);
_.each(_.keys(context), function (value, index) {
it('should populate data when private data is supplied (array)', function () {
const expected = [
{first: true, last: false, even: false, odd: true, rowStart: false, rowEnd: false},
{first: false, last: false, even: true, odd: false, rowStart: false, rowEnd: false},
{first: false, last: false, even: false, odd: true, rowStart: false, rowEnd: false},
{first: false, last: false, even: true, odd: false, rowStart: false, rowEnd: false},
{first: false, last: true, even: false, odd: true, rowStart: false, rowEnd: false}
options.hash = {
columns: 0
context = 'hello world this is ghost'.split(' ');
runTest(_this, context, options);
_.each(context, function (value, index) {
// Expected properties
// Incrementing properties
resultData[index].data.should.have.property('key', index);
resultData[index].data.should.have.property('index', index);
resultData[index].data.should.have.property('number', index + 1);
resultData[_.size(context) - 1].data.should.eql(options.fn.lastCall.args[1].data);
it('should populate data when private data is supplied (object)', function () {
const expected = [
{first: true, last: false, even: false, odd: true, rowStart: false, rowEnd: false},
{first: false, last: false, even: true, odd: false, rowStart: false, rowEnd: false},
{first: false, last: false, even: false, odd: true, rowStart: false, rowEnd: false},
{first: false, last: false, even: true, odd: false, rowStart: false, rowEnd: false},
{first: false, last: true, even: false, odd: true, rowStart: false, rowEnd: false}
options.hash = {
columns: 0
context = {
one: 'hello',
two: 'world',
three: 'this',
four: 'is',
five: 'ghost'
runTest(_this, context, options);
_.each(_.keys(context), function (value, index) {
// Expected properties
// Incrementing properties
resultData[index].data.should.have.property('key', value);
resultData[index].data.should.have.property('index', index);
resultData[index].data.should.have.property('number', index + 1);
resultData[_.size(context) - 1].data.should.eql(options.fn.lastCall.args[1].data);
it('should handle rowStart and rowEnd for multiple columns (array)', function () {
const expected = [
{first: true, last: false, even: false, odd: true, rowStart: true, rowEnd: false},
{first: false, last: false, even: true, odd: false, rowStart: false, rowEnd: true},
{first: false, last: false, even: false, odd: true, rowStart: true, rowEnd: false},
{first: false, last: false, even: true, odd: false, rowStart: false, rowEnd: true},
{first: false, last: true, even: false, odd: true, rowStart: true, rowEnd: false}
options.hash = {
columns: 2
// test with context as an array
context = 'hello world this is ghost'.split(' ');
runTest(_this, context, options);
_.each(context, function (value, index) {
// Expected properties
// Incrementing properties
resultData[index].data.should.have.property('key', index);
resultData[index].data.should.have.property('index', index);
resultData[index].data.should.have.property('number', index + 1);
resultData[_.size(context) - 1].data.should.eql(options.fn.lastCall.args[1].data);
it('should handle rowStart and rowEnd for multiple columns (array)', function () {
const expected = [
{first: true, last: false, even: false, odd: true, rowStart: true, rowEnd: false},
{first: false, last: false, even: true, odd: false, rowStart: false, rowEnd: true},
{first: false, last: false, even: false, odd: true, rowStart: true, rowEnd: false},
{first: false, last: false, even: true, odd: false, rowStart: false, rowEnd: true},
{first: false, last: true, even: false, odd: true, rowStart: true, rowEnd: false}
options.hash = {
columns: 2
// test with context as an object
context = {
one: 'hello',
two: 'world',
three: 'this',
four: 'is',
five: 'ghost'
runTest(_this, context, options);
_.each(_.keys(context), function (value, index) {
// Expected properties
// Incrementing properties
resultData[index].data.should.have.property('key', value);
resultData[index].data.should.have.property('index', index);
resultData[index].data.should.have.property('number', index + 1);
resultData[_.size(context) - 1].data.should.eql(options.fn.lastCall.args[1].data);
it('should return the correct inverse result if no context is provided', function () {
_this = 'the inverse data';
options.hash = {
columns: 0
runTest(_this, context, options);
describe('(compile)', function () {
const objectHash = {
posts: {
first: {title: 'first'},
second: {title: 'second'},
third: {title: 'third'},
fourth: {title: 'fourth'},
fifth: {title: 'fifth'}
const arrayHash = {
posts: [
{title: 'first'}, {title: 'second'}, {title: 'third'}, {title: 'fourth'}, {title: 'fifth'}
const arrayHash2 = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}], world: 'world'};
const objectHash2 = {
goodbyes: {foo: {text: 'goodbye'}, bar: {text: 'Goodbye'}, baz: {text: 'GOODBYE'}},
world: 'world'
function shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, hash, expected) {
const template = handlebars.compile(templateString);
const result = template(hash);
before(function () {
handlebars.registerHelper('foreach', helpers.foreach);
/** Many of these are copied direct from the handlebars spec */
it('object and @key', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts}}<li>{{@key}} {{title}}</li>{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>first first</li><li>second second</li><li>third third</li><li>fourth fourth</li><li>fifth fifth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('@index', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts}}<li>{{@index}} {{title}}</li>{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>0 first</li><li>1 second</li><li>2 third</li><li>3 fourth</li><li>4 fifth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('@number', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts}}<li>{{@number}} {{title}}</li>{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>1 first</li><li>2 second</li><li>3 third</li><li>4 fourth</li><li>5 fifth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('nested @index', function () {
const templateString = '{{#foreach goodbyes}}{{@index}}. {{text}}! {{#foreach ../goodbyes}}{{@index}} {{/foreach}}After {{@index}} {{/foreach}}{{@index}}cruel {{world}}!';
const expected = '0. goodbye! 0 1 2 After 0 1. Goodbye! 0 1 2 After 1 2. GOODBYE! 0 1 2 After 2 cruel world!';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash2, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash2, expected);
it('array block params', function () {
const templateString = '{{#foreach goodbyes as |value index|}}{{index}}. {{value.text}}! {{#foreach ../goodbyes as |childValue childIndex|}} {{index}} {{childIndex}}{{/foreach}} After {{index}} {{/foreach}}{{index}}cruel {{world}}!';
const expected = '0. goodbye! 0 0 0 1 0 2 After 0 1. Goodbye! 1 0 1 1 1 2 After 1 2. GOODBYE! 2 0 2 1 2 2 After 2 cruel world!';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash2, expected);
it('object block params', function () {
const templateString = '{{#foreach goodbyes as |value index|}}{{index}}. {{value.text}}! {{#foreach ../goodbyes as |childValue childIndex|}} {{index}} {{childIndex}}{{/foreach}} After {{index}} {{/foreach}}{{index}}cruel {{world}}!';
const expected = 'foo. goodbye! foo foo foo bar foo baz After foo bar. Goodbye! bar foo bar bar bar baz After bar baz. GOODBYE! baz foo baz bar baz baz After baz cruel world!';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash2, expected);
it('@first', function () {
const templateString = '{{#foreach goodbyes}}{{#if @first}}{{text}}! {{/if}}{{/foreach}}cruel {{world}}!';
const expected = 'goodbye! cruel world!';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash2, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash2, expected);
it('nested @first', function () {
const templateString = '{{#foreach goodbyes}}({{#if @first}}{{text}}! {{/if}}{{#foreach ../goodbyes}}{{#if @first}}{{text}}!{{/if}}{{/foreach}}{{#if @first}} {{text}}!{{/if}}) {{/foreach}}cruel {{world}}!';
const expected = '(goodbye! goodbye! goodbye!) (goodbye!) (goodbye!) cruel world!';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash2, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash2, expected);
it('@last', function () {
const templateString = '{{#foreach goodbyes}}{{#if @last}}{{text}}! {{/if}}{{/foreach}}cruel {{world}}!';
const expected = 'GOODBYE! cruel world!';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash2, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash2, expected);
it('nested @last', function () {
const templateString = '{{#foreach goodbyes}}({{#if @last}}{{text}}! {{/if}}{{#foreach ../goodbyes}}{{#if @last}}{{text}}!{{/if}}{{/foreach}}{{#if @last}} {{text}}!{{/if}}) {{/foreach}}cruel {{world}}!';
const expected = '(GOODBYE!) (GOODBYE!) (GOODBYE! GOODBYE! GOODBYE!) cruel world!';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash2, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash2, expected);
it('@last in foreach with limit', function () {
const templateString = '{{#foreach goodbyes limit="2"}}{{#if @last}}{{text}}! {{/if}}{{/foreach}}cruel {{world}}!';
const expected = 'Goodbye! cruel world!';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash2, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash2, expected);
it('foreach with limit 1', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts limit="1"}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{else}}not this{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>first</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('foreach with limit 3', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts limit="3"}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{else}}not this{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>first</li><li>second</li><li>third</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('foreach with from 2', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts from="2"}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{else}}not this{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>second</li><li>third</li><li>fourth</li><li>fifth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('foreach with to 4', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts to="4"}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{else}}not this{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>first</li><li>second</li><li>third</li><li>fourth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('foreach with from 2 and to 3', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts from="2" to="3"}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{else}}not this{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>second</li><li>third</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('foreach with from 3 and limit 2', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts from="3" limit="2"}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{else}}not this{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>third</li><li>fourth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('foreach with from 2, to 5 and limit 3', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts from="2" to="5" limit="3"}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{else}}not this{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>second</li><li>third</li><li>fourth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('@first in foreach with from 2 and to 4', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts from="2" to="4"}}{{#if @first}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{/if}}{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>second</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('@last in foreach with from 2 and to 4', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts from="2" to="4"}}{{#if @last}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{/if}}{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>fourth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('@last in foreach with from 4', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts from="4"}}{{#if @last}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{/if}}{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>fifth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('@first in foreach with from 4', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts from="4"}}{{#if @first}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{/if}}{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>fourth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('@last in foreach with to 4', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts to="4"}}{{#if @last}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{/if}}{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>fourth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('@first in foreach with to 4', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts to="4"}}{{#if @first}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{/if}}{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>first</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('@last in foreach with from 4 and limit 3', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts from="4" limit="3"}}{{#if @last}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{/if}}{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>fifth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('@first in foreach with from 4 and limit 3', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts from="4" limit="3"}}{{#if @first}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{/if}}{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>fourth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('@last in foreach with to 4 and limit 3', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts to="4" limit="3"}}{{#if @last}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{/if}}{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>third</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
it('@first in foreach with to 4 and limit 3', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach posts to="4" limit="3"}}{{#if @first}}<li>{{title}}</li>{{/if}}{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>first</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, arrayHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, objectHash, expected);
describe('Internal Tags', function () {
const tagArrayHash = {
tags: [
{name: 'first', visibility: 'public'},
{name: 'second', visibility: 'public'},
{name: 'third', visibility: 'internal'},
{name: 'fourth', visibility: 'public'},
{name: 'fifth', visibility: 'public'}
const tagObjectHash = {
tags: {
first: {name: 'first', visibility: 'public'},
second: {name: 'second', visibility: 'public'},
third: {name: 'third', visibility: 'internal'},
fourth: {name: 'fourth', visibility: 'public'},
fifth: {name: 'fifth', visibility: 'public'}
it('will not output internal tags', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach tags}}<li>{{@index}} {{name}}</li>{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>0 first</li><li>1 second</li><li>2 fourth</li><li>3 fifth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, tagObjectHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, tagArrayHash, expected);
it('should still correctly apply from & limit tags', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach tags from="2" limit="2"}}<li>{{@index}} {{name}}</li>{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>1 second</li><li>2 fourth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, tagObjectHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, tagArrayHash, expected);
it('should output all tags with visibility="all"', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach tags visibility="all"}}<li>{{@index}} {{name}}</li>{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>0 first</li><li>1 second</li><li>2 third</li><li>3 fourth</li><li>4 fifth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, tagObjectHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, tagArrayHash, expected);
it('should output all tags with visibility property set with visibility="public,internal"', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach tags visibility="public,internal"}}<li>{{@index}} {{name}}</li>{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>0 first</li><li>1 second</li><li>2 third</li><li>3 fourth</li><li>4 fifth</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, tagObjectHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, tagArrayHash, expected);
it('should output all tags with visibility="internal"', function () {
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach tags visibility="internal"}}<li>{{@index}} {{name}}</li>{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul><li>0 third</li></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, tagObjectHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, tagArrayHash, expected);
it('should output nothing if all tags are internal', function () {
const internalTagArrayHash = {
tags: [
{name: 'first', visibility: 'internal'},
{name: 'second', visibility: 'internal'}
const internalTagObjectHash = {
tags: {
first: {name: 'first', visibility: 'internal'},
second: {name: 'second', visibility: 'internal'}
const templateString = '<ul>{{#foreach tags}}<li>{{@index}} {{name}}</li>{{/foreach}}</ul>';
const expected = '<ul></ul>';
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, internalTagObjectHash, expected);
shouldCompileToExpected(templateString, internalTagArrayHash, expected);