import {expect, test} from '@playwright/test'; import {globalDataRequests, mockApi, testUrlValidation, updatedSettingsResponse} from '../../utils/acceptance'; test.describe('Social account settings', async () => { test('Supports editing social URLs', async ({page}) => { const {lastApiRequests} = await mockApi({page, requests: { ...globalDataRequests, editSettings: {method: 'PUT', path: '/settings/', response: updatedSettingsResponse([ {key: 'facebook', value: 'fb'}, {key: 'twitter', value: '@tw'} ])} }}); await page.goto('/'); const section = page.getByTestId('social-accounts'); await expect(section.getByText('')).toHaveCount(1); await expect(section.getByText('')).toHaveCount(1); await section.getByRole('button', {name: 'Edit'}).click(); await section.getByLabel(`URL of your publication's Facebook Page`).fill(''); await section.getByLabel('URL of your X (formerly Twitter) profile').fill(''); await section.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save'}).click(); await expect(section.getByLabel('URL of your X (formerly Twitter) profile')).toHaveCount(0); await expect(section.getByText('')).toHaveCount(1); await expect(section.getByText('')).toHaveCount(1); expect(lastApiRequests.editSettings?.body).toEqual({ settings: [ {key: 'facebook', value: 'fb'}, {key: 'twitter', value: '@tw'} ] }); }); test('Formats and validates the URLs', async ({page}) => { await mockApi({page, requests: { ...globalDataRequests }}); await page.goto('/'); const section = page.getByTestId('social-accounts'); await section.getByRole('button', {name: 'Edit'}).click(); const facebookInput = section.getByLabel(`URL of your publication's Facebook Page`); await testUrlValidation( facebookInput, '', '' ); await testUrlValidation( facebookInput, 'testuser', '' ); await testUrlValidation( facebookInput, 'ab99', '' ); await testUrlValidation( facebookInput, 'page/ab99', '' ); await testUrlValidation( facebookInput, 'page/*(&*(%%))', '*(&*(%%))' ); await testUrlValidation( facebookInput, '', '' ); await testUrlValidation( facebookInput, '', '' ); await testUrlValidation( facebookInput, '', '', 'The URL must be in a format like' ); await testUrlValidation( facebookInput, '', '', 'The URL must be in a format like' ); const twitterInput = section.getByLabel('URL of your X (formerly Twitter) profile'); await testUrlValidation( twitterInput, '', '' ); await testUrlValidation( twitterInput, 'testuser', '' ); await testUrlValidation( twitterInput, '', '' ); await testUrlValidation( twitterInput, '*(&*(%%))', '*(&*(%%))', 'The URL must be in a format like' ); await testUrlValidation( twitterInput, 'thisusernamehasmorethan15characters', 'thisusernamehasmorethan15characters', 'Your Username is not a valid Twitter Username' ); }); });