// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`Tiers API Can browse Tiers 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "meta": Object { "pagination": Object { "limit": 15, "next": null, "page": 1, "pages": 1, "prev": null, "total": 2, }, }, "tiers": Array [ Object { "active": true, "benefits": null, "created_at": StringMatching /\\\\d\\{4\\}-\\\\d\\{2\\}-\\\\d\\{2\\}T\\\\d\\{2\\}:\\\\d\\{2\\}:\\\\d\\{2\\}\\\\\\.000Z/, "description": null, "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{24\\}/, "name": "Free", "slug": "free", "stripe_prices": null, "type": "free", "updated_at": StringMatching /\\\\d\\{4\\}-\\\\d\\{2\\}-\\\\d\\{2\\}T\\\\d\\{2\\}:\\\\d\\{2\\}:\\\\d\\{2\\}\\\\\\.000Z/, "visibility": "none", "welcome_page_url": "/welcome-free", }, Object { "active": true, "benefits": null, "created_at": StringMatching /\\\\d\\{4\\}-\\\\d\\{2\\}-\\\\d\\{2\\}T\\\\d\\{2\\}:\\\\d\\{2\\}:\\\\d\\{2\\}\\\\\\.000Z/, "description": null, "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{24\\}/, "name": "Default Product", "slug": "default-product", "stripe_prices": null, "type": "paid", "updated_at": StringMatching /\\\\d\\{4\\}-\\\\d\\{2\\}-\\\\d\\{2\\}T\\\\d\\{2\\}:\\\\d\\{2\\}:\\\\d\\{2\\}\\\\\\.000Z/, "visibility": "none", "welcome_page_url": "/welcome-paid", }, ], } `; exports[`Tiers API Errors when price is negative 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "errors": Array [ Object { "code": null, "context": "Tier prices must not be negative", "details": null, "help": null, "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{8\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{12\\}/, "message": "Validation error, cannot save tier.", "property": null, "type": "ValidationError", }, ], } `; exports[`Tiers API Errors when price is non-integer 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "errors": Array [ Object { "code": null, "context": "Tier prices must be an integer.", "details": null, "help": null, "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{8\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{12\\}/, "message": "Validation error, cannot save tier.", "property": null, "type": "ValidationError", }, ], } `; exports[`Tiers API Errors when price is too large 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "errors": Array [ Object { "code": null, "context": "Tier prices may not exceed 999999.99", "details": null, "help": null, "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{8\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{12\\}/, "message": "Validation error, cannot save tier.", "property": null, "type": "ValidationError", }, ], } `;