import Ember from 'ember'; import LiquidTether from 'liquid-tether/components/liquid-tether'; import {invokeAction} from 'ember-invoke-action'; const { RSVP: {Promise}, inject: {service}, isBlank, on, run } = Ember; const emberA = Ember.A; const FullScreenModalComponent = LiquidTether.extend({ to: 'fullscreen-modal', target: 'document.body', targetModifier: 'visible', targetAttachment: 'top center', attachment: 'top center', tetherClass: 'fullscreen-modal', overlayClass: 'fullscreen-modal-background', modalPath: 'unknown', dropdown: service(), init() { this._super(...arguments); this.modalPath = `modals/${this.get('modal')}`; }, setTetherClass: on('init', function () { let tetherClass = this.get('tetherClass'); let modifiers = (this.get('modifier') || '').split(' '); let tetherClasses = emberA([tetherClass]); modifiers.forEach((modifier) => { if (!isBlank(modifier)) { let className = `${tetherClass}-${modifier}`; tetherClasses.push(className); } }); this.set('tetherClass', tetherClasses.join(' ')); }), closeDropdowns: on('didInsertElement', function () { run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () { this.get('dropdown').closeDropdowns(); }); }), actions: { close() { // Because we return the promise from invokeAction, we have // to check if "close" exists first if (this.get('close')) { return invokeAction(this, 'close'); } return new Promise((resolve) => { resolve(); }); }, confirm() { if (this.get('confirm')) { return invokeAction(this, 'confirm'); } return new Promise((resolve) => { resolve(); }); }, clickOverlay() { this.send('close'); } } }); FullScreenModalComponent.reopenClass({ positionalParams: ['modal'] }); export default FullScreenModalComponent;