var _ = require('lodash'), when = require('when'), knex = require('../../models/base').knex, schema = require('../schema').tables, client = require('../../models/base').client; function createTable(table) { return knex.schema.createTable(table, function (t) { var column, columnKeys = _.keys(schema[table]); _.each(columnKeys, function (key) { // creation distinguishes between text with fieldtype, string with maxlength and all others if (schema[table][key].type === 'text' && schema[table][key].hasOwnProperty('fieldtype')) { column = t[schema[table][key].type](key, schema[table][key].fieldtype); } else if (schema[table][key].type === 'string' && schema[table][key].hasOwnProperty('maxlength')) { column = t[schema[table][key].type](key, schema[table][key].maxlength); } else { column = t[schema[table][key].type](key); } if (schema[table][key].hasOwnProperty('nullable') && schema[table][key].nullable === true) { column.nullable(); } else { column.notNullable(); } if (schema[table][key].hasOwnProperty('primary') && schema[table][key].primary === true) { column.primary(); } if (schema[table][key].hasOwnProperty('unique') && schema[table][key].unique) { column.unique(); } if (schema[table][key].hasOwnProperty('unsigned') && schema[table][key].unsigned) { column.unsigned(); } if (schema[table][key].hasOwnProperty('references')) { //check if table exists? column.references(schema[table][key].references); } if (schema[table][key].hasOwnProperty('defaultTo')) { column.defaultTo(schema[table][key].defaultTo); } }); }); } function deleteTable(table) { return knex.schema.dropTableIfExists(table); } function getTablesFromSqlite3() { return knex.raw("select * from sqlite_master where type = 'table'").then(function (response) { return _.reject(_.pluck(response, 'tbl_name'), function (name) { return name === 'sqlite_sequence'; }); }); } function getTablesFromPgSQL() { return knex.raw("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public'").then(function (response) { return _.flatten(_.pluck(response.rows, 'table_name')); }); } function getTablesFromMySQL() { return knex.raw('show tables').then(function (response) { return _.flatten([0], function (entry) { return _.values(entry); })); }); } function getTables() { if (client === 'sqlite3') { return getTablesFromSqlite3(); } if (client === 'mysql') { return getTablesFromMySQL(); } if (client === 'pg') { return getTablesFromPgSQL(); } return when.reject("No support for database client " + client); } module.exports = { createTable: createTable, deleteTable: deleteTable, getTables: getTables };