// # Article Editor /*global window, document, history, jQuery, Showdown, CodeMirror, shortcut, Countable */ (function ($, ShowDown, CodeMirror, shortcut, Countable) { "use strict"; var wordCount = $('.entry-word-count'), charCount = $('.entry-character-count'), paragraphCount = $('.entry-paragraph-count'), // ## Converter Initialisation /** * @property converter * @type {ShowDown.converter} */ // Initialise the Showdown converter for Markdown. // var delay; converter = new ShowDown.converter({extensions: ['ghostdown']}), editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById('entry-markdown'), { mode: 'markdown', tabMode: 'indent', lineWrapping: true }); // ## Functions /** * @method Update word count * @todo Really not the best way to do things as it includes Markdown formatting along with words * @constructor */ // This updates the word count on the editor preview panel. // function updateWordCount() { // var wordCount = document.getElementsByClassName('entry-word-count')[0], // editorValue = editor.getValue(); // if (editorValue.length) { // wordCount.innerHTML = editorValue.match(/\S+/g).length + ' words'; // } // } /** * @method updatePreview * @constructor */ // This updates the editor preview panel. // Currently gets called on every key press. // Also trigger word count update function updatePreview() { var preview = document.getElementsByClassName('rendered-markdown')[0]; preview.innerHTML = converter.makeHtml(editor.getValue()); console.log(preview); Countable.once(preview, function (counter) { // updateWordCount(counter); wordCount.text(counter.words + ' words'); charCount.text(counter.characters + ' characters'); paragraphCount.text(counter.paragraphs + ' paragraphs'); }); } /** * @method Save * @constructor */ // This method saves a post function save() { var entry = { title: document.getElementById('entry-title').value, content: editor.getValue() }, urlSegments = window.location.pathname.split('/'), id; if (urlSegments[2] === 'editor' && urlSegments[3] && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(urlSegments[2])) { id = urlSegments[3]; $.ajax({ url: '/api/v0.1/posts/' + id, method: 'PUT', data: entry, success: function (data) { console.log('response', data); }, error: function (error) { console.log('error', error); } }); } else { $.ajax({ url: '/api/v0.1/posts', method: 'POST', data: entry, success: function (data) { console.log('response', data); history.pushState(data, '', '/ghost/editor/' + data.id); }, error: function (jqXHR, status, error) { var errors = JSON.parse(jqXHR.responseText); console.log('FAILED', errors); } }); } } // ## Main Initialisation $(document).ready(function () { $('.entry-markdown header, .entry-preview header').click(function (e) { $('.entry-markdown, .entry-preview').removeClass('active'); $(e.target).closest('section').addClass('active'); }); editor.on("change", function () { //clearTimeout(delay); //delay = setTimeout(updatePreview, 50); updatePreview(); }); updatePreview(); $('.button-save').on('click', function () { save(); }); // Sync scrolling function syncScroll(e) { // vars var $codeViewport = $(e.target), $previewViewport = $('.entry-preview-content'), $codeContent = $('.CodeMirror-sizer'), $previewContent = $('.rendered-markdown'), // calc position codeHeight = $codeContent.height() - $codeViewport.height(), previewHeight = $previewContent.height() - $previewViewport.height(), ratio = previewHeight / codeHeight, previewPostition = $codeViewport.scrollTop() * ratio; // apply new scroll $previewViewport.scrollTop(previewPostition); } // TODO: Debounce $('.CodeMirror-scroll').on('scroll', syncScroll); // Shadow on Markdown if scrolled $('.CodeMirror-scroll').on('scroll', function (e) { if ($('.CodeMirror-scroll').scrollTop() > 10) { $('.entry-markdown').addClass('scrolling'); } else { $('.entry-markdown').removeClass('scrolling'); } }); // Shadow on Preview if scrolled $('.entry-preview-content').on('scroll', function (e) { if ($('.entry-preview-content').scrollTop() > 10) { $('.entry-preview').addClass('scrolling'); } else { $('.entry-preview').removeClass('scrolling'); } }); // ## Shortcuts // Zen writing mode shortcut.add("Alt+Shift+Z", function () { $('body').toggleClass('zen'); }); var MarkdownShortcuts = [ { 'key': 'Ctrl+B', 'style': 'bold' }, { 'key': 'Meta+B', 'style': 'bold' }, { 'key': 'Ctrl+I', 'style': 'italic' }, { 'key': 'Meta+I', 'style': 'italic' }, { 'key': 'Ctrl+Alt+U', 'style': 'strike' }, { 'key': 'Ctrl+Shift+K', 'style': 'code' }, { 'key': 'Alt+1', 'style': 'h1' }, { 'key': 'Alt+2', 'style': 'h2' }, { 'key': 'Alt+3', 'style': 'h3' }, { 'key': 'Alt+4', 'style': 'h4' }, { 'key': 'Alt+5', 'style': 'h5' }, { 'key': 'Alt+6', 'style': 'h6' }, { 'key': 'Ctrl+Shift+L', 'style': 'link' }, { 'key': 'Ctrl+Shift+I', 'style': 'image' }, { 'key': 'Ctrl+Q', 'style': 'blockquote' }, { 'key': 'Ctrl+Shift+1', 'style': 'currentdate' } ]; $.each(MarkdownShortcuts, function (index, short) { shortcut.add(short.key, function () { return editor.addMarkdown({style: short.style}); }); }); }); }(jQuery, Showdown, CodeMirror, shortcut, Countable));