import Ember from 'ember'; import uploader from 'ghost/assets/lib/uploader'; export default Ember.Component.extend({ classNames: ['image-uploader', 'js-post-image-upload'], config: Ember.inject.service(), imageSource: Ember.computed('image', function () { return this.get('image') || ''; }), /** * Sets up the uploader on render */ setup: function () { var $this = this.$(), self = this; // this.set('uploaderReference',$this, { // editor: true, // fileStorage: this.get('config.fileStorage') // })); $this.on('uploadsuccess', function (event, result) { if (result && result !== '' && result !== 'http://') { self.sendAction('uploaded', result); } }); $this.on('imagecleared', function () { self.sendAction('canceled'); }); }, // removes event listeners from the uploader removeListeners: function () { var $this = this.$(); $; $this.find('.js-cancel').off(); }, // didInsertElement: function () { //'afterRender', this, this.setup()); // }, didInsertElement: function () { this.send('initUploader'); }, willDestroyElement: function () { this.removeListeners(); }, // NOTE: because the uploader is sometimes in the same place in the DOM // between transitions Glimmer will re-use the existing elements including // those that arealready decorated by jQuery. The following works around // situations where the image is changed without a full teardown/rebuild didReceiveAttrs: function (attrs) { var oldValue = attrs.oldAttrs && Ember.get(attrs.oldAttrs, 'image.value'), newValue = attrs.newAttrs && Ember.get(attrs.newAttrs, 'image.value'), self = this; // always reset when we receive a blank image // - handles navigating to populated image from blank image if (Ember.isEmpty(newValue) && !Ember.isEmpty(oldValue)) { self.$()[0].uploaderUi.reset(); } // re-init if we receive a new image but the uploader is blank // - handles back button navigating from blank image to populated image if (!Ember.isEmpty(newValue) && this.$()) { if (this.$('.js-upload-target').attr('src') === '') { this.$()[0].uploaderUi.reset(); this.$()[0].uploaderUi.initWithImage(); } } }, actions: { initUploader: function () { var ref, el, self = this; el = this.$(); ref =, { editor: true, fileStorage: this.get('config.fileStorage') }); el.on('uploadsuccess', function (event, result) { if (result && result !== '' && result !== 'http://') { self.sendAction('uploaded', result); } }); el.on('imagecleared', function () { self.sendAction('canceled'); }); this.sendAction('initUploader', ref); } } });