const config = require('../shared/config'); /** * If we enable bluebird debug logs we see a huge memory usage. * You can reproduce by removing this line and import a big database export into Ghost. * `NODE_ENV=development node index.js` */ process.env.BLUEBIRD_DEBUG = 0; /** * Force bthreads to use child_process backend until a worker_thread-compatible version of sqlite3 is published * */ const isSQLite = config.get('database:client') === 'sqlite3'; if (isSQLite) { process.env.BTHREADS_BACKEND = 'child_process'; } const moment = require('moment-timezone'); /** * force UTC * - you can require moment or moment-timezone, both is configured to UTC * - you are allowed to use new Date() to instantiate datetime values for models, because they are transformed into UTC in the model layer * - be careful when not working with models, every value from the native JS Date is local TZ * - be careful when you work with date operations, therefor always wrap a date into moment */'UTC');