// # Get Helper // Usage: `{{#get "posts" limit="5"}}`, `{{#get "tags" limit="all"}}` // Fetches data from the API var proxy = require('./proxy'), _ = require('lodash'), Promise = require('bluebird'), jsonpath = require('jsonpath'), logging = proxy.logging, i18n = proxy.i18n, createFrame = proxy.hbs.handlebars.createFrame, api = proxy.api, labs = proxy.labs, resources, pathAliases, get; // Endpoints that the helper is able to access resources = ['posts', 'tags', 'users']; // Short forms of paths which we should understand pathAliases = { 'post.tags': 'post.tags[*].slug', 'post.author': 'post.author.slug' }; /** * ## Is Browse * Is this a Browse request or a Read request? * @param {Object} resource * @param {Object} options * @returns {boolean} */ function isBrowse(resource, options) { var browse = true; if (options.id || options.slug) { browse = false; } return browse; } /** * ## Resolve Paths * Find and resolve path strings * * @param {Object} data * @param {String} value * @returns {String} */ function resolvePaths(data, value) { var regex = /\{\{(.*?)\}\}/g; value = value.replace(regex, function (match, path) { var result; // Handle aliases path = pathAliases[path] ? pathAliases[path] : path; // Handle Handlebars .[] style arrays path = path.replace(/\.\[/g, '['); // Do the query, and convert from array to string result = jsonpath.query(data, path).join(','); return result; }); return value; } /** * ## Parse Options * Ensure options passed in make sense * * @param {Object} data * @param {Object} options * @returns {*} */ function parseOptions(data, options) { if (_.isString(options.filter)) { options.filter = resolvePaths(data, options.filter); } return options; } /** * ## Get * @param {Object} resource * @param {Object} options * @returns {Promise} */ get = function get(resource, options) { options = options || {}; options.hash = options.hash || {}; options.data = options.data || {}; var self = this, data = createFrame(options.data), apiOptions = options.hash, apiMethod; if (!options.fn) { data.error = i18n.t('warnings.helpers.get.mustBeCalledAsBlock'); logging.warn(data.error); return Promise.resolve(); } if (!_.includes(resources, resource)) { data.error = i18n.t('warnings.helpers.get.invalidResource'); logging.warn(data.error); return Promise.resolve(options.inverse(self, {data: data})); } // Determine if this is a read or browse apiMethod = isBrowse(resource, apiOptions) ? api[resource].browse : api[resource].read; // Parse the options we're going to pass to the API apiOptions = parseOptions(this, apiOptions); return apiMethod(apiOptions).then(function success(result) { var blockParams; // block params allows the theme developer to name the data using something like // `{{#get "posts" as |result pageInfo|}}` blockParams = [result[resource]]; if (result.meta && result.meta.pagination) { result.pagination = result.meta.pagination; blockParams.push(result.meta.pagination); } // Call the main template function return options.fn(result, { data: data, blockParams: blockParams }); }).catch(function error(err) { data.error = err.message; return options.inverse(self, {data: data}); }); }; module.exports = function getLabsWrapper() { var self = this, args = arguments; return labs.enabledHelper({ flagKey: 'publicAPI', flagName: 'Public API', helperName: 'get', helpUrl: 'http://support.ghost.org/public-api-beta/', async: true }, function executeHelper() { return get.apply(self, args); }); };