import Ember from 'ember'; import ajax from 'ghost/utils/ajax'; import ValidationEngine from 'ghost/mixins/validation-engine'; var ForgottenController = Ember.Controller.extend(ValidationEngine, { email: '', submitting: false, // ValidationEngine settings validationType: 'forgotten', actions: { submit: function () { var data = this.getProperties('email'); this.send('doForgotten', data, true); }, doForgotten: function (data, delay) { var self = this; this.set('email',; this.toggleProperty('submitting'); this.validate({format: false}).then(function () { ajax({ url: self.get('ghostPaths.url').api('authentication', 'passwordreset'), type: 'POST', data: { passwordreset: [{ email: }] } }).then(function () { self.toggleProperty('submitting'); self.notifications.showSuccess('Please check your email for instructions.', {delayed: delay}); self.set('email', ''); self.transitionToRoute('signin'); }).catch(function (resp) { self.toggleProperty('submitting'); self.notifications.showAPIError(resp, {defaultErrorText: 'There was a problem with the reset, please try again.'}); }); }).catch(function (errors) { self.toggleProperty('submitting'); self.notifications.showErrors(errors); }); } } }); export default ForgottenController;