/*global window, document, Ghost, $, _, Backbone, Countable */ (function () { "use strict"; var Settings = {}; // Base view // ---------- Ghost.Views.Settings = Ghost.View.extend({ initialize: function (options) { $(".settings-content").removeClass('active'); this.sidebar = new Settings.Sidebar({ el: '.settings-sidebar', pane: options.pane, model: this.model }); this.addSubview(this.sidebar); this.listenTo(Ghost.router, 'route:settings', this.changePane); }, changePane: function (pane) { if (!pane) { // Can happen when trying to load /settings with no pane specified // let the router navigate itself to /settings/general return; } this.sidebar.showContent(pane); } }); // Sidebar (tabs) // --------------- Settings.Sidebar = Ghost.View.extend({ initialize: function (options) { this.render(); this.menu = this.$('.settings-menu'); this.showContent(options.pane); }, models: {}, events: { 'click .settings-menu li' : 'switchPane' }, switchPane: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var item = $(e.currentTarget), id = item.find('a').attr('href').substring(1); this.showContent(id); }, showContent: function (id) { var self = this, model; Ghost.router.navigate('/settings/' + id + '/'); Ghost.trigger('urlchange'); if (this.pane && id === this.pane.el.id) { return; } _.result(this.pane, 'destroy'); this.setActive(id); this.pane = new Settings[id]({ el: '.settings-content'}); if (!this.models.hasOwnProperty(this.pane.options.modelType)) { model = this.models[this.pane.options.modelType] = new Ghost.Models[this.pane.options.modelType](); model.fetch().then(function () { self.renderPane(model); }); } else { model = this.models[this.pane.options.modelType]; self.renderPane(model); } }, renderPane: function (model) { this.pane.model = model; this.pane.render(); }, setActive: function (id) { this.menu.find('li').removeClass('active'); this.menu.find('a[href=#' + id + ']').parent().addClass('active'); }, templateName: 'settings/sidebar' }); // Content panes // -------------- Settings.Pane = Ghost.View.extend({ options: { modelType: 'Settings' }, destroy: function () { this.$el.removeClass('active'); this.undelegateEvents(); }, render: function () { this.$el.hide(); Ghost.View.prototype.render.call(this); this.$el.fadeIn(300); }, afterRender: function () { this.$el.attr('id', this.id); this.$el.addClass('active'); }, saveSuccess: function (model, response, options) { /*jslint unparam:true*/ Ghost.notifications.clearEverything(); Ghost.notifications.addItem({ type: 'success', message: 'Saved', status: 'passive' }); }, saveError: function (model, xhr) { /*jslint unparam:true*/ Ghost.notifications.clearEverything(); Ghost.notifications.addItem({ type: 'error', message: Ghost.Views.Utils.getRequestErrorMessage(xhr), status: 'passive' }); }, validationError: function (message) { Ghost.notifications.clearEverything(); Ghost.notifications.addItem({ type: 'error', message: message, status: 'passive' }); } }); // ### General settings Settings.general = Settings.Pane.extend({ id: "general", events: { 'click .button-save': 'saveSettings', 'click .js-modal-logo': 'showLogo', 'click .js-modal-cover': 'showCover' }, saveSettings: function () { var self = this, title = this.$('#blog-title').val(), description = this.$('#blog-description').val(), email = this.$('#email-address').val(), postsPerPage = this.$('#postsPerPage').val(), permalinks = this.$('#permalinks').is(':checked') ? '/:year/:month/:day/:slug/' : '/:slug/'; Ghost.Validate._errors = []; Ghost.Validate .check(title, {message: "Title is too long", el: $('#blog-title')}) .len(0, 150); Ghost.Validate .check(description, {message: "Description is too long", el: $('#blog-description')}) .len(0, 200); Ghost.Validate .check(email, {message: "Please supply a valid email address", el: $('#email-address')}) .isEmail().len(0, 254); Ghost.Validate .check(postsPerPage, {message: "Please use a number less than 1000", el: $('postsPerPage')}) .isInt().max(1000); Ghost.Validate .check(postsPerPage, {message: "Please use a number greater than 0", el: $('postsPerPage')}) .isInt().min(0); if (Ghost.Validate._errors.length > 0) { Ghost.Validate.handleErrors(); } else { this.model.save({ title: title, description: description, email: email, postsPerPage: postsPerPage, activeTheme: this.$('#activeTheme').val(), permalinks: permalinks }, { success: this.saveSuccess, error: this.saveError }).then(function () { self.render(); }); } }, showLogo: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var settings = this.model.toJSON(); this.showUpload('logo', settings.logo); }, showCover: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var settings = this.model.toJSON(); this.showUpload('cover', settings.cover); }, showUpload: function (key, src) { var self = this, upload = new Ghost.Models.uploadModal({'key': key, 'src': src, 'id': this.id, 'accept': { func: function () { // The function called on acceptance var data = {}; if (this.$('.js-upload-url').val()) { data[key] = this.$('.js-upload-url').val(); } else { data[key] = this.$('.js-upload-target').attr('src'); } self.model.save(data, { success: self.saveSuccess, error: self.saveError }).then(function () { self.saveSettings(); }); return true; }, buttonClass: "button-save right", text: "Save" // The accept button text }}); this.addSubview(new Ghost.Views.Modal({ model: upload })); }, templateName: 'settings/general', afterRender: function () { this.$('#permalinks').prop('checked', this.model.get('permalinks') === '/:slug/' ? false : true); this.$('.js-drop-zone').upload(); Settings.Pane.prototype.afterRender.call(this); } }); // ### User profile Settings.user = Settings.Pane.extend({ templateName: 'settings/user-profile', id: 'user', options: { modelType: 'User' }, events: { 'click .button-save': 'saveUser', 'click .button-change-password': 'changePassword', 'click .js-modal-cover': 'showCover', 'click .js-modal-image': 'showImage', 'keyup .user-profile': 'handleEnterKeyOnForm' }, showCover: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var user = this.model.toJSON(); this.showUpload('cover', user.cover); }, showImage: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var user = this.model.toJSON(); this.showUpload('image', user.image); }, showUpload: function (key, src) { var self = this, upload = new Ghost.Models.uploadModal({'key': key, 'src': src, 'id': this.id, 'accept': { func: function () { // The function called on acceptance var data = {}; if (this.$('.js-upload-url').val()) { data[key] = this.$('.js-upload-url').val(); } else { data[key] = this.$('.js-upload-target').attr('src'); } self.model.save(data, { success: self.saveSuccess, error: self.saveError }).then(function () { self.saveUser(); }); return true; }, buttonClass: "button-save right", text: "Save" // The accept button text }}); this.addSubview(new Ghost.Views.Modal({ model: upload })); }, handleEnterKeyOnForm: function (ev) { // Don't worry about it unless it's an enter key if (ev.which !== 13) { return; } var $target = $(ev.target); if ($target.is("textarea")) { // Allow enter key on user bio text area. return; } if ($target.is('input[type=password]')) { // Change password if on a password input return this.changePassword(ev); } // Simulate clicking save otherwise ev.preventDefault(); this.saveUser(ev); return false; }, saveUser: function () { var self = this, userName = this.$('#user-name').val(), userEmail = this.$('#user-email').val(), userLocation = this.$('#user-location').val(), userWebsite = this.$('#user-website').val(), userBio = this.$('#user-bio').val(); Ghost.Validate._errors = []; Ghost.Validate .check(userName, {message: "Name is too long", el: $('#user-name')}) .len(0, 150); Ghost.Validate .check(userBio, {message: "Bio is too long", el: $('#user-bio')}) .len(0, 200); Ghost.Validate .check(userEmail, {message: "Please supply a valid email address", el: $('#user-email')}) .isEmail(); Ghost.Validate .check(userLocation, {message: "Location is too long", el: $('#user-location')}) .len(0, 150); if (userWebsite.length > 0) { Ghost.Validate .check(userWebsite, {message: "Please use a valid url", el: $('#user-website')}) .isUrl() .len(0, 2000); } if (Ghost.Validate._errors.length > 0) { Ghost.Validate.handleErrors(); } else { this.model.save({ 'name': userName, 'email': userEmail, 'location': userLocation, 'website': userWebsite, 'bio': userBio }, { success: this.saveSuccess, error: this.saveError }).then(function () { self.render(); }); } }, changePassword: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var self = this, oldPassword = this.$('#user-password-old').val(), newPassword = this.$('#user-password-new').val(), ne2Password = this.$('#user-new-password-verification').val(); Ghost.Validate._errors = []; Ghost.Validate.check(newPassword, {message: 'Your new passwords do not match'}).equals(ne2Password); Ghost.Validate.check(newPassword, {message: 'Your password is not long enough. It must be at least 8 characters long.'}).len(8); if (Ghost.Validate._errors.length > 0) { Ghost.Validate.handleErrors(); } else { $.ajax({ url: Ghost.paths.subdir + '/ghost/changepw/', type: 'POST', headers: { 'X-CSRF-Token': $("meta[name='csrf-param']").attr('content') }, data: { password: oldPassword, newpassword: newPassword, ne2password: ne2Password }, success: function (msg) { Ghost.notifications.addItem({ type: 'success', message: msg.msg, status: 'passive', id: 'success-98' }); self.$('#user-password-old, #user-password-new, #user-new-password-verification').val(''); }, error: function (xhr) { Ghost.notifications.addItem({ type: 'error', message: Ghost.Views.Utils.getRequestErrorMessage(xhr), status: 'passive' }); } }).then(function () { self.render(); }); } }, afterRender: function () { var self = this; Countable.live(document.getElementById('user-bio'), function (counter) { var bioContainer = self.$('.bio-container .word-count'); if (counter.all > 180) { bioContainer.css({color: "#e25440"}); } else { bioContainer.css({color: "#9E9D95"}); } bioContainer.text(200 - counter.all); }); Settings.Pane.prototype.afterRender.call(this); } }); }());