import Ember from 'ember'; import BaseAdapter from 'ghost/adapters/base'; // EmbeddedRelationAdapter will augment the query object in calls made to // DS.Store#find, findQuery, and findAll with the correct "includes" // (?include=relatedType) by introspecting on the provided subclass of the DS.Model. // In cases where there is no query object (DS.Model#save, or simple finds) the URL // that is built will be augmented with ?include=... where appropriate. // // Example: // If a model has an embedded hasMany relation, the related type will be included: // roles: DS.hasMany('role', { embedded: 'always' }) => ?include=roles var EmbeddedRelationAdapter = BaseAdapter.extend({ find: function (store, type, id) { return this.ajax(this.buildIncludeURL(store, type, id), 'GET'); }, findQuery: function (store, type, query) { return this._super(store, type, this.buildQuery(store, type, query)); }, findAll: function (store, type, sinceToken) { var query = {}; if (sinceToken) { query.since = sinceToken; } return this.findQuery(store, type, query); }, createRecord: function (store, type, record) { return this.saveRecord(store, type, record, {method: 'POST'}); }, updateRecord: function (store, type, record) { var options = { method: 'PUT', id: Ember.get(record, 'id') }; return this.saveRecord(store, type, record, options); }, saveRecord: function (store, type, record, options) { options = options || {}; var url = this.buildIncludeURL(store, type,, payload = this.preparePayload(store, type, record); return this.ajax(url, options.method, payload); }, preparePayload: function (store, type, record) { var serializer = store.serializerFor(type.modelName), payload = {}; serializer.serializeIntoHash(payload, type, record); return {data: payload}; }, buildIncludeURL: function (store, type, id) { var url = this.buildURL(type.modelName, id), includes = this.getEmbeddedRelations(store, type); if (includes.length) { url += '?include=' + includes.join(','); } return url; }, buildQuery: function (store, type, options) { var toInclude = this.getEmbeddedRelations(store, type), query = options || {}, deDupe = {}; if (toInclude.length) { // If this is a find by id, build a query object and attach the includes if (typeof options === 'string' || typeof options === 'number') { query = {}; = options; query.include = toInclude.join(','); } else if (typeof options === 'object' || Ember.isNone(options)) { // If this is a find all (no existing query object) build one and attach // the includes. // If this is a find with an existing query object then merge the includes // into the existing object. Existing properties and includes are preserved. query = query || {}; toInclude = toInclude.concat(query.include ? query.include.split(',') : []); toInclude.forEach(function (include) { deDupe[include] = true; }); query.include = Object.keys(deDupe).join(','); } } return query; }, getEmbeddedRelations: function (store, type) { var model = store.modelFor(type), ret = []; // Iterate through the model's relationships and build a list // of those that need to be pulled in via "include" from the API model.eachRelationship(function (name, meta) { if (meta.kind === 'hasMany' &&, 'embedded') && meta.options.embedded === 'always') { ret.push(name); } }); return ret; } }); export default EmbeddedRelationAdapter;