const should = require('should'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const _ = require('lodash'); const path = require('path'); const BlogIcon = require('../../../../../core/server/lib/image/blog-icon'); describe('lib/image: blog icon', function () { describe('getIconUrl', function () { it('custom uploaded ico blog icon', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: { urlFor: (key, boolean) => [key, boolean] }, settingsCache: { get: (key) => { if (key === 'icon') { return '/content/images/2017/04/my-icon.ico'; } } }}); blogIcon.getIconUrl().should.deepEqual([{relativeUrl: '/favicon.ico'}, undefined]); }); it('custom uploaded png blog icon', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: { urlFor: (key, boolean) => [key, boolean] }, settingsCache: { get: (key) => { if (key === 'icon') { return '/content/images/2017/04/my-icon.png'; } } }}); blogIcon.getIconUrl().should.deepEqual([{relativeUrl: '/favicon.png'}, undefined]); }); it('default ico blog icon', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: { urlFor: key => key }, settingsCache: { get: () => {} }}); blogIcon.getIconUrl().should.deepEqual({relativeUrl: '/favicon.ico'}); }); describe('absolute URL', function () { it('custom uploaded ico blog icon', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: { urlFor: (key, boolean) => [key, boolean] }, settingsCache: { get: (key) => { if (key === 'icon') { return '/content/images/2017/04/my-icon.ico'; } } }}); blogIcon.getIconUrl(true).should.deepEqual([{relativeUrl: '/favicon.ico'}, true]); }); it('custom uploaded png blog icon', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: { urlFor: (key, boolean) => [key, boolean] }, settingsCache: { get: (key) => { if (key === 'icon') { return '/content/images/2017/04/my-icon.png'; } } }}); blogIcon.getIconUrl(true).should.deepEqual([{relativeUrl: '/favicon.png'}, true]); }); it('default ico blog icon', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: { urlFor: (key, boolean) => [key, boolean] }, settingsCache: { get: () => {} }}); blogIcon.getIconUrl(true).should.deepEqual([{relativeUrl: '/favicon.ico'}, true]); }); }); }); describe('getIconPath', function () { it('custom uploaded ico blog icon', function () { const stub = sinon.stub(); const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: { getLocalImagesStoragePath: stub }, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: { get: (key) => { if (key === 'icon') { return '/content/images/2017/04/my-icon.ico'; } } }}); blogIcon.getIconPath();; }); it('custom uploaded png blog icon', function () { const stub = sinon.stub(); const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: { getLocalImagesStoragePath: stub }, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: { get: (key) => { if (key === 'icon') { return '/content/images/2017/04/my-icon.png'; } } }}); blogIcon.getIconPath();; }); it('default ico blog icon', function () { const root = '/home/test'; const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: { get: (key) => { if (key === 'paths:publicFilePath') { return root; } } }, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: { get: () => {} }}); blogIcon.getIconPath().should.eql(path.join(root, 'favicon.ico')); }); }); describe('isIcoImageType', function () { it('returns true, if icon is .ico filetype', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: {}}); blogIcon.isIcoImageType('icon.ico'); }); it('returns false, if icon is not .ico filetype', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: {}}); blogIcon.isIcoImageType('icon.png'); }); it('returns true, if icon is .ico filetype when using settingsCache', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: { get: (key) => { if (key === 'icon') { return 'icon.ico'; } } }}); blogIcon.isIcoImageType(); }); it('returns false, if icon is not .ico filetype when using settingsCache', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: { get: (key) => { if (key === 'icon') { return 'icon.png'; } } }}); blogIcon.isIcoImageType(); }); }); describe('getIconType', function () { it('returns x-icon for ico icons', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: {}}); blogIcon.getIconType('favicon.ico').should.eql('x-icon'); }); it('returns png for png icon', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: {}}); blogIcon.getIconType('favicon.png').should.eql('png'); }); it('returns x-icon for ico icons when the icon is cached', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: { get: (key) => { if (key === 'icon') { return 'favicon.ico'; } } }}); blogIcon.getIconType().should.eql('x-icon'); }); it('returns png for png icon when the icon is cached', function () { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: { get: (key) => { if (key === 'icon') { return 'favicon.png'; } } }}); blogIcon.getIconType().should.eql('png'); }); }); describe('getIconDimensions', function () { it('[success] returns .ico dimensions', function (done) { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: {}}); blogIcon.getIconDimensions(path.join(__dirname, '../../../../utils/fixtures/images/favicon.ico')) .then(function (result) { should.exist(result); result.should.eql({ width: 48, height: 48 }); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[success] returns .png dimensions', function (done) { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: {}}); blogIcon.getIconDimensions(path.join(__dirname, '../../../../utils/fixtures/images/favicon.png')) .then(function (result) { should.exist(result); result.should.eql({ width: 100, height: 100 }); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[success] returns .ico dimensions for icon with multiple sizes', function (done) { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: {}}); blogIcon.getIconDimensions(path.join(__dirname, '../../../../utils/fixtures/images/favicon_multi_sizes.ico')) .then(function (result) { should.exist(result); result.should.eql({ width: 64, height: 64 }); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[failure] return error message', function (done) { const blogIcon = new BlogIcon({config: {}, tpl: key => key , storageUtils: {}, urlUtils: {}, settingsCache: {}}); blogIcon.getIconDimensions(path.join(__dirname, '../../../../utils/fixtures/images/favicon_multi_sizes_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.ico')) .catch(function (error) { should.exist(error); error.message.should.eql('Could not fetch icon dimensions.'); done(); }); }); }); });