import Ember from 'ember'; const {Mixin, run} = Ember; export default Mixin.create({ isLoading: false, triggerPoint: 100, /** * Determines if we are past a scroll point where we need to fetch the next page * @param {object} event The scroll event */ checkScroll(event) { let element =; let triggerPoint = this.get('triggerPoint'); let isLoading = this.get('isLoading'); // If we haven't passed our threshold or we are already fetching content, exit if (isLoading || (element.scrollTop + element.clientHeight + triggerPoint <= element.scrollHeight)) { return; } this.sendAction('fetch'); }, didInsertElement() { this._super(...arguments); let el = this.get('element'); el.onscroll = run.bind(this, this.checkScroll); if (el.scrollHeight <= el.clientHeight) { this.sendAction('fetch'); } }, willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); // turn off the scroll handler this.get('element').onscroll = null; } });