var _ = require('lodash'), Promise = require('bluebird'), models = require('../../models'), common = require('../../lib/common'), providers = require('./providers'), parseContext = require('./parse-context'), actionsMap = require('./actions-map-cache'), canThis, CanThisResult; // Base class for canThis call results CanThisResult = function () { }; CanThisResult.prototype.buildObjectTypeHandlers = function (objTypes, actType, context, permissionLoad) { var objectTypeModelMap = { post: models.Post, role: models.Role, user: models.User, permission: models.Permission, setting: models.Settings, subscriber: models.Subscriber, invite: models.Invite }; // Iterate through the object types, i.e. ['post', 'tag', 'user'] return _.reduce(objTypes, function (objTypeHandlers, objType) { // Grab the TargetModel through the objectTypeModelMap var TargetModel = objectTypeModelMap[objType]; // Create the 'handler' for the object type; // the '.post()' in canThis(user) objTypeHandlers[objType] = function (modelOrId, unsafeAttrs) { var modelId; unsafeAttrs = unsafeAttrs || {}; // If it's an internal request, resolve immediately if (context.internal) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (_.isNumber(modelOrId) || _.isString(modelOrId)) { // It's an id already, do nothing modelId = modelOrId; } else if (modelOrId) { // It's a model, get the id modelId =; } // Wait for the user loading to finish return permissionLoad.then(function (loadedPermissions) { // Iterate through the user permissions looking for an affirmation var userPermissions = loadedPermissions.user ? loadedPermissions.user.permissions : null, apiKeyPermissions = loadedPermissions.apiKey ? loadedPermissions.apiKey.permissions : null, appPermissions = ? : null, hasUserPermission, hasApiKeyPermission, hasAppPermission, checkPermission = function (perm) { var permObjId; // Look for a matching action type and object type first if (perm.get('action_type') !== actType || perm.get('object_type') !== objType) { return false; } // Grab the object id (if specified, could be null) permObjId = perm.get('object_id'); // If we didn't specify a model (any thing) // or the permission didn't have an id scope set // then the "thing" has permission if (!modelId || !permObjId) { return true; } // Otherwise, check if the id's match // TODO: String vs Int comparison possibility here? return modelId === permObjId; }; if (loadedPermissions.user && _.some(loadedPermissions.user.roles, {name: 'Owner'})) { hasUserPermission = true; } else if (!_.isEmpty(userPermissions)) { hasUserPermission = _.some(userPermissions, checkPermission); } // Check api key permissions if they were passed hasApiKeyPermission = true; if (!_.isNull(apiKeyPermissions)) { // api key request have no user, but we want the user permissions checks to pass hasUserPermission = true; hasApiKeyPermission = _.some(apiKeyPermissions, checkPermission); } // Check app permissions if they were passed hasAppPermission = true; if (!_.isNull(appPermissions)) { hasAppPermission = _.some(appPermissions, checkPermission); } // Offer a chance for the TargetModel to override the results if (TargetModel && _.isFunction(TargetModel.permissible)) { return TargetModel.permissible( modelId, actType, context, unsafeAttrs, loadedPermissions, hasUserPermission, hasAppPermission, hasApiKeyPermission ); } if (hasUserPermission && hasApiKeyPermission && hasAppPermission) { return; } return Promise.reject(new common.errors.NoPermissionError({message: common.i18n.t('errors.permissions.noPermissionToAction')})); }); }; return objTypeHandlers; }, {}); }; CanThisResult.prototype.beginCheck = function (context) { var self = this, userPermissionLoad, apiKeyPermissionLoad, appPermissionLoad, permissionsLoad; // Get context.user, context.api_key_id and context = parseContext(context); if (actionsMap.empty()) { throw new Error(common.i18n.t('errors.permissions.noActionsMapFound.error')); } // Kick off loading of user permissions if necessary if (context.user) { userPermissionLoad = providers.user(context.user); } else { // Resolve null if no context.user to prevent db call userPermissionLoad = Promise.resolve(null); } // Kick off loading of api key permissions if necessary if (context.api_key_id) { apiKeyPermissionLoad = providers.apiKey(context.api_key_id); } else { // Resolve null if no context.api_key_id apiKeyPermissionLoad = Promise.resolve(null); } // Kick off loading of app permissions if necessary if ( { appPermissionLoad =; } else { // Resolve null if no appPermissionLoad = Promise.resolve(null); } // Wait for both user and app permissions to load permissionsLoad = Promise.all([userPermissionLoad, apiKeyPermissionLoad, appPermissionLoad]).then(function (result) { return { user: result[0], apiKey: result[1], app: result[2] }; }); // Iterate through the actions and their related object types _.each(actionsMap.getAll(), function (objTypes, actType) { // Build up the object type handlers; // the '.post()' parts in canThis(user) var objTypeHandlers = self.buildObjectTypeHandlers(objTypes, actType, context, permissionsLoad); // Define a property for the action on the result; // the '.edit' in canThis(user) Object.defineProperty(self, actType, { writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: objTypeHandlers }); }); // Return this for chaining return this; }; canThis = function (context) { var result = new CanThisResult(); return result.beginCheck(context); }; module.exports = canThis;