(function () { "use strict"; var Post, Posts, _ = require('underscore'), Showdown = require('showdown'), converter = new Showdown.converter(), User = require('./user').User, GhostBookshelf = require('./base'); Post = GhostBookshelf.Model.extend({ tableName: 'posts', hasTimestamps: true, defaults: { status: 'draft' }, initialize: function () { this.on('creating', this.creating, this); this.on('saving', this.saving, this); }, saving: function () { if (!this.get('title')) { throw new Error('Post title cannot be blank'); } this.set('content_html', converter.makeHtml(this.get('content'))); // refactoring of ghost required in order to make these details available here // this.set('language', this.get('language') || ghost.config().defaultLang); // this.set('status', this.get('status') || ghost.statuses().draft); }, creating: function () { if (!this.get('slug')) { this.generateSlug(); } }, generateSlug: function () { return this.set('slug', this.get('title').replace(/\:/g, '').replace(/\s/g, '-').toLowerCase()); }, user: function () { return this.belongsTo(User, 'created_by'); } }, { /** * Find results by page - returns an object containing the * information about the request (page, limit), along with the * info needed for pagination (pages, total). * * { * posts: [ * {...}, {...}, {...} * ], * page: __, * limit: __, * pages: __, * total: __ * } * * @params opts */ findPage: function (opts) { var postCollection; // Allow findPage(n) if (_.isString(opts) || _.isNumber(opts)) { opts = {page: opts}; } opts = _.extend({ page: 1, limit: 15, where: {}, status: 'published' }, opts); postCollection = Posts.forge(); // Unless `all` is passed as an option, filter on // the status provided. if (opts.status !== 'all') { opts.where.status = opts.status; } // If there are where conditionals specified, add those // to the query. if (opts.where) { postCollection.query('where', opts.where); } // Set the limit & offset for the query, fetching // with the opts (to specify any eager relations, etc.) // Omitting the `page`, `limit`, `where` just to be sure // aren't used for other purposes. return postCollection .query('limit', opts.limit) .query('offset', opts.limit * (opts.page - 1)) .fetch(_.omit(opts, 'page', 'limit', 'where', 'status')) .then(function (collection) { var qb; // After we're done, we need to figure out what // the limits are for the pagination values. qb = GhostBookshelf.Knex(_.result(collection, 'tableName')); if (opts.where) { qb.where(opts.where); } return qb.count(_.result(collection, 'idAttribute')).then(function (resp) { var totalPosts = resp[0].aggregate; return { posts: collection.toJSON(), page: opts.page, limit: opts.limit, pages: Math.ceil(totalPosts / opts.limit), total: totalPosts }; }); }); } }); Posts = GhostBookshelf.Collection.extend({ model: Post }); module.exports = { Post: Post, Posts: Posts }; }());