import Ember from 'ember'; const {Component, computed, observer, run} = Ember; const {equal} = computed; export default Component.extend({ tagName: 'button', buttonText: '', submitting: false, showSpinner: false, showSpinnerTimeout: null, autoWidth: true, // Disable Button when isLoading equals true attributeBindings: ['disabled', 'type', 'tabindex'], // Must be set on the controller disabled: equal('showSpinner', true), click() { if (this.get('action')) { this.sendAction('action'); return false; } return true; }, toggleSpinner: observer('submitting', function () { let submitting = this.get('submitting'); let timeout = this.get('showSpinnerTimeout'); if (submitting) { this.set('showSpinner', true); this.set('showSpinnerTimeout', run.later(this, function () { if (!this.get('submitting')) { this.set('showSpinner', false); } this.set('showSpinnerTimeout', null); }, 1000)); } else if (!submitting && timeout === null) { this.set('showSpinner', false); } }), setSize: observer('showSpinner', function () { if (this.get('showSpinner') && this.get('autoWidth')) { this.$().width(this.$().width()); this.$().height(this.$().height()); } else { this.$().width(''); this.$().height(''); } }), willDestroy() { run.cancel(this.get('showSpinnerTimeout')); } });