(function () { "use strict"; var configureGrunt = function (grunt) { var cfg = { // JSLint all the things! jslint: { directives: { node: true, browser: true, nomen: true, todo: true, unparam: true }, files: [ // Lint files in the root, including Gruntfile.js "*.js", // Lint core files, but not libs ["core/**/*.js", "!**/assets/lib/**/*.js", "!**/assets/**/hbs-tmpl.js"] ] }, mochaTest: { options: { ui: "bdd", reporter: "spec" }, all: { src: ['core/test/**/*_spec.js'] }, api: { src: ['core/test/**/api*_spec.js'] } }, // Compile all the SASS! sass: { admin: { files: { 'core/admin/assets/css/screen.css': 'core/admin/assets/sass/screen.scss' } } }, shell: { bourbon: { command: 'bourbon install --path core/admin/assets/sass/modules/' } }, handlebars: { core: { options: { namespace: "JST", processName: function (filename) { filename = filename.replace('./core/admin/assets/tmpl/', ''); return filename.replace('.hbs', ''); } }, files: { "./core/admin/assets/js/hbs-tmpl.js": "./core/admin/assets/tmpl/**/*.hbs" } } }, watch: { handlebars: { files: './core/admin/assets/tmpl/**/*.hbs', tasks: ['handlebars'] } } }; grunt.initConfig(cfg); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-jslint"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-mocha-test"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-shell"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-watch"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-sass"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-handlebars"); // Prepare the project for development // TODO: Git submodule init/update (https://github.com/jaubourg/grunt-update-submodules)? grunt.registerTask("init", ["shell:bourbon", "sass:admin"]); // Run API tests only grunt.registerTask("test-api", ["mochaTest:api"]); // Run tests and lint code grunt.registerTask("validate", ["jslint", "mochaTest:all"]); // When you just say "grunt" grunt.registerTask("default", ['sass:admin', 'handlebars', 'watch']); }; module.exports = configureGrunt; }());