// Module dependencies var express = require('express'), hbs = require('express-hbs'), compress = require('compression'), fs = require('fs'), uuid = require('node-uuid'), _ = require('lodash'), Promise = require('bluebird'), api = require('./api'), config = require('./config'), errors = require('./errors'), helpers = require('./helpers'), mailer = require('./mail'), middleware = require('./middleware'), migrations = require('./data/migration'), models = require('./models'), permissions = require('./permissions'), apps = require('./apps'), sitemap = require('./data/sitemap'), GhostServer = require('./ghost-server'), // Variables dbHash; function doFirstRun() { var firstRunMessage = [ 'Welcome to Ghost.', 'You\'re running under the <strong>', process.env.NODE_ENV, '</strong>environment.', 'Your URL is set to', '<strong>' + config.url + '</strong>.', 'See <a href="http://support.ghost.org/" target="_blank">http://support.ghost.org</a> for instructions.' ]; return api.notifications.add({notifications: [{ type: 'info', message: firstRunMessage.join(' ') }]}, {context: {internal: true}}); } function initDbHashAndFirstRun() { return api.settings.read({key: 'dbHash', context: {internal: true}}).then(function (response) { var hash = response.settings[0].value, initHash; dbHash = hash; if (dbHash === null) { initHash = uuid.v4(); return api.settings.edit({settings: [{key: 'dbHash', value: initHash}]}, {context: {internal: true}}) .then(function (response) { dbHash = response.settings[0].value; return dbHash; }).then(doFirstRun); } return dbHash; }); } // Checks for the existence of the "built" javascript files from grunt concat. // Returns a promise that will be resolved if all files exist or rejected if // any are missing. function builtFilesExist() { var deferreds = [], location = config.paths.builtScriptPath, fileNames = ['ghost.js', 'vendor.js', 'ghost.css', 'vendor.css']; function checkExist(fileName) { var errorMessage = 'Javascript files have not been built.', errorHelp = '\nPlease read the getting started instructions at:' + '\nhttps://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost#getting-started'; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { fs.exists(fileName, function (exists) { if (exists) { resolve(true); } else { var err = new Error(errorMessage); err.help = errorHelp; reject(err); } }); }); } fileNames.forEach(function (fileName) { deferreds.push(checkExist(location + fileName)); }); return Promise.all(deferreds); } // This is run after every initialization is done, right before starting server. // Its main purpose is to move adding notifications here, so none of the submodules // should need to include api, which previously resulted in circular dependencies. // This is also a "one central repository" of adding startup notifications in case // in the future apps will want to hook into here function initNotifications() { if (mailer.state && mailer.state.usingDirect) { api.notifications.add({notifications: [{ type: 'info', message: [ 'Ghost is attempting to use a direct method to send e-mail.', 'It is recommended that you explicitly configure an e-mail service.', 'See <a href=\'http://support.ghost.org/mail\' target=\'_blank\'>http://support.ghost.org/mail</a> for instructions' ].join(' ') }]}, {context: {internal: true}}); } if (mailer.state && mailer.state.emailDisabled) { api.notifications.add({notifications: [{ type: 'warn', message: [ 'Ghost is currently unable to send e-mail.', 'See <a href=\'http://support.ghost.org/mail\' target=\'_blank\'>http://support.ghost.org/mail</a> for instructions' ].join(' ') }]}, {context: {internal: true}}); } } // ## Initializes the ghost application. // Sets up the express server instance. // Instantiates the ghost singleton, helpers, routes, middleware, and apps. // Finally it returns an instance of GhostServer function init(options) { // Get reference to an express app instance. var blogApp = express(), adminApp = express(); // ### Initialisation // The server and its dependencies require a populated config // It returns a promise that is resolved when the application // has finished starting up. // Load our config.js file from the local file system. return config.load(options.config).then(function () { return config.checkDeprecated(); }).then(function () { // Make sure javascript files have been built via grunt concat return builtFilesExist(); }).then(function () { // Initialise the models return models.init(); }).then(function () { // Initialize migrations return migrations.init(); }).then(function () { // Populate any missing default settings return models.Settings.populateDefaults(); }).then(function () { // Initialize the settings cache return api.init(); }).then(function () { // Initialize the permissions actions and objects // NOTE: Must be done before initDbHashAndFirstRun calls return permissions.init(); }).then(function () { return Promise.join( // Check for or initialise a dbHash. initDbHashAndFirstRun(), // Initialize mail mailer.init(), // Initialize apps apps.init(), // Initialize sitemaps sitemap.init() ); }).then(function () { var adminHbs = hbs.create(); // Output necessary notifications on init initNotifications(); // ##Configuration // return the correct mime type for woff filess express['static'].mime.define({'application/font-woff': ['woff']}); // enabled gzip compression by default if (config.server.compress !== false) { blogApp.use(compress()); } // ## View engine // set the view engine blogApp.set('view engine', 'hbs'); // Create a hbs instance for admin and init view engine adminApp.set('view engine', 'hbs'); adminApp.engine('hbs', adminHbs.express3({})); // Load helpers helpers.loadCoreHelpers(adminHbs); // ## Middleware and Routing middleware(blogApp, adminApp); // Log all theme errors and warnings _.each(config.paths.availableThemes._messages.errors, function (error) { errors.logError(error.message, error.context, error.help); }); _.each(config.paths.availableThemes._messages.warns, function (warn) { errors.logWarn(warn.message, warn.context, warn.help); }); return new GhostServer(blogApp); }); } module.exports = init;