import Ember from 'ember'; import DS from 'ember-data'; export default Ember.Controller.extend({ notifications: Ember.inject.service(), two: Ember.inject.controller('setup/two'), errors: DS.Errors.create(), users: '', ownerEmail: Ember.computed.alias(''), submitting: false, usersArray: Ember.computed('users', function () { var users = this.get('users').split('\n').filter(function (email) { return email.trim().length > 0; }); return users.uniq(); }), validUsersArray: Ember.computed('usersArray', function () { return this.get('usersArray').filter(function (user) { return validator.isEmail(user); }); }), validateUsers: Ember.computed('usersArray', 'ownerEmail', function () { var errors = [], self = this; this.get('usersArray').forEach(function (user) { if (!validator.isEmail(user) || user === self.get('ownerEmail')) { errors.push({ user: user, error: 'email' }); } }); return errors.length === 0 ? true : errors; }), numUsers: Ember.computed('validUsersArray', function () { return this.get('validUsersArray').length; }), buttonText: Ember.computed('usersArray', function () { var num = this.get('usersArray').length, user; if (num > 0) { user = num === 1 ? 'user' : 'users'; user = num + ' ' + user; } else { user = 'some users'; } return 'Invite ' + user; }), buttonClass: Ember.computed('validateUsers', 'numUsers', function () { if (this.get('validateUsers') === true && this.get('numUsers') > 0) { return 'btn-green'; } else { return 'btn-minor'; } }), authorRole: Ember.computed(function () { return'role').then(function (roles) { return roles.findBy('name', 'Author'); }); }), actions: { invite: function () { var self = this, validationErrors = this.get('validateUsers'), users = this.get('usersArray'), notifications = this.get('notifications'), invitationsString; this.get('errors').clear(); if (validationErrors === true && users.length > 0) { this.toggleProperty('submitting'); this.get('authorRole').then(function (authorRole) { Ember.RSVP.Promise.all( (user) { var newUser ='user', { email: user, status: 'invited', role: authorRole }); return () { return { email: user, success: newUser.get('status') === 'invited' }; }).catch(function () { return { email: user, success: false }; }); }) ).then(function (invites) { var successCount = 0, erroredEmails = [], message; invites.forEach(function (invite) { if (invite.success) { successCount++; } else { erroredEmails.push(; } }); if (erroredEmails.length > 0) { message = 'Failed to send ' + erroredEmails.length + ' invitations: '; message += erroredEmails.join(', '); notifications.showAlert(message, {type: 'error', delayed: successCount > 0}); } if (successCount > 0) { // pluralize invitationsString = successCount > 1 ? 'invitations' : 'invitation'; notifications.showAlert(successCount + ' ' + invitationsString + ' sent!', {type: 'success', delayed: true}); self.send('loadServerNotifications'); self.transitionTo('posts.index'); } self.toggleProperty('submitting'); }); }); } else if (users.length === 0) { this.get('errors').add('users', 'No users to invite.'); } else { validationErrors.forEach(function (error) { // Only one error type here so far, but one day the errors might be more detailed switch (error.error) { case 'email': self.get('errors').add('users', error.user + ' is not a valid email.'); } }); } }, skipInvite: function () { this.send('loadServerNotifications'); this.transitionTo('posts.index'); } } });