const should = require('should'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noCallThru(); const configUtils = require('../../../utils/configUtils'); describe('parent app', function () { let expressStub; let vhostSpy; let use; let apiSpy; let parentApp; let adminSpy; let wellKnownSpy; let siteSpy; let gatewaySpy; let authPagesSpy; beforeEach(function () { use = sinon.spy(); expressStub = () => ({ use, enable: () => {} }); vhostSpy = sinon.spy(); apiSpy = sinon.spy(); adminSpy = sinon.spy(); wellKnownSpy = sinon.spy(); siteSpy = sinon.spy(); gatewaySpy = sinon.spy(); authPagesSpy = sinon.spy(); parentApp = proxyquire('../../../../core/server/web/parent/app', { '@tryghost/vhost-middleware': vhostSpy, '../../../shared/express': expressStub, '../api': apiSpy, '../admin': adminSpy, '../well-known': wellKnownSpy, '../site': siteSpy }); configUtils.set('url', ''); }); afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); configUtils.restore(); }); // url = '' describe('without separate admin url', function () { it('should mount and assign correct routes', function () { parentApp(); use.calledWith('/ghost/api'); use.calledWith('/ghost/.well-known'); use.calledWith('/ghost'); use.calledWith('/content/images');;;;;; vhostSpy.firstCall.calledWith(/.*/); vhostSpy.secondCall.calledWith(/.*/); }); }); // url = '' // admin.url = '' describe('with separate admin url', function () { beforeEach(function () { configUtils.set('admin:url', ''); }); it('should mount and assign correct routes', function () { parentApp();; vhostSpy.firstCall.calledWith(''); vhostSpy.secondCall.calledWith(/^(?!admin\.ghost\.blog).*/); }); it('should have regex that excludes admin traffic on front-end', function () { parentApp(); const frontendRegex = vhostSpy.secondCall.args[0]; frontendRegex.test('localhost'); frontendRegex.test(''); frontendRegex.test(''); }); }); // url = '' // admin.url = '' describe('with separate admin protocol', function () { it('should mount and assign correct routes', function () { configUtils.set('admin:url', ''); parentApp();; vhostSpy.firstCall.calledWith(/.*/); vhostSpy.secondCall.calledWith(/.*/); }); }); });