const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const assert = require('assert'); const nock = require('nock'); // Helper services const configUtils = require('./configUtils'); let mocks = {}; let emailCount = 0; // Mockable services const mailService = require('../../core/server/services/mail/index'); const labs = require('../../core/shared/labs'); const settingsCache = require('../../core/shared/settings-cache'); const mockMail = () => { mocks.mail = sinon .stub(mailService.GhostMailer.prototype, 'send') .resolves('Mail is disabled'); return mocks.mail; }; const mockStripe = () => { nock.disableNetConnect(); }; const setupStripe = () => { mocks.settings = sinon.stub(settingsCache, 'get').callsFake(function (key, ...args) { if (key === 'stripe_connect_secret_key') { return 'sk_test_blah'; } if (key === 'stripe_connect_publishable_key') { return 'pk_test_blah'; } if (key === 'stripe_connect_account_name') { return 'Test Account'; } return, key, ...args); }); }; const mockLabsEnabled = (flag, alpha = true) => { mocks.labs = mocks.labs || {}; // We assume we should enable alpha experiments unless explicitly told not to! if (!alpha) { configUtils.set('enableDeveloperExperiments', true); } if (mocks.labs[flag]) { mocks.labs[flag].returns(true); } else { mocks.labs[flag] = sinon.stub(labs, 'isSet').withArgs(flag).returns(true); } }; const mockLabsDisabled = (flag, alpha = true) => { mocks.labs = mocks.labs || {}; // We assume we should enable alpha experiments unless explicitly told not to! if (!alpha) { configUtils.set('enableDeveloperExperiments', true); } if (mocks.labs[flag]) { mocks.labs[flag].returns(false); } else { mocks.labs[flag] = sinon.stub(labs, 'isSet').withArgs(flag).returns(false); } }; const sentEmailCount = (count) => { if (!mocks.mail) { throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({ message: 'Cannot assert on mail when mail has not been mocked' }); } sinon.assert.callCount(mocks.mail, count); }; const sentEmail = (matchers) => { if (!mocks.mail) { throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({ message: 'Cannot assert on mail when mail has not been mocked' }); } let spyCall = mocks.mail.getCall(emailCount); // We increment here so that the messaging has an index of 1, whilst getting the call has an index of 0 emailCount += 1; sinon.assert.called(mocks.mail); Object.keys(matchers).forEach((key) => { let value = matchers[key]; // We use assert, rather than sinon.assert.calledWith, as we end up with much better error messaging assert.notEqual(spyCall.args[0][key], undefined, `Expected email to have property ${key}`); assert.equal(spyCall.args[0][key], value, `Expected Email ${emailCount} to have ${key} of ${value}`); }); }; const restore = () => { configUtils.restore(); sinon.restore(); mocks = {}; emailCount = 0; nock.cleanAll(); nock.enableNetConnect(); }; module.exports = { mockMail, setupStripe, mockStripe, mockLabsEnabled, mockLabsDisabled, restore, assert: { sentEmailCount, sentEmail } };