var when = require('when'), sequence = require('when/sequence'), nodefn = require('when/node'), _ = require('lodash'), fs = require('fs-extra'), path = require('path'), migration = require('../../server/data/migration/'), settings = require('../../server/models').Settings, SettingsAPI = require('../../server/api/settings'), permissions = require('../../server/permissions'), permsFixtures = require('../../server/data/fixtures/permissions/permissions.json'), DataGenerator = require('./fixtures/data-generator'), API = require('./api'), fork = require('./fork'), config = require('../../server/config'), fixtures, getFixtureOps, toDoList, postsInserted = 0, teardown, setup, doAuth, initData, clearData; /** TEST FIXTURES **/ fixtures = { insertPosts: function insertPosts() { var knex = config.database.knex; // ToDo: Get rid of pyramid of doom return when(knex('posts').insert(DataGenerator.forKnex.posts).then(function () { return knex('tags').insert(DataGenerator.forKnex.tags).then(function () { return knex('posts_tags').insert(DataGenerator.forKnex.posts_tags); }); })); }, insertMorePosts: function insertMorePosts(max) { var lang, status, posts = [], i, j, k = postsInserted, knex = config.database.knex; max = max || 50; for (i = 0; i < 2; i += 1) { lang = i % 2 ? 'en' : 'fr'; posts.push(DataGenerator.forKnex.createGenericPost(k++, null, lang)); for (j = 0; j < max; j += 1) { status = j % 2 ? 'draft' : 'published'; posts.push(DataGenerator.forKnex.createGenericPost(k++, status, lang)); } } // Keep track so we can run this function again safely postsInserted = k; return sequence(_.times(posts.length, function (index) { return function () { return knex('posts').insert(posts[index]); }; })); }, insertMorePostsTags: function insertMorePostsTags(max) { max = max || 50; var knex = config.database.knex; return when.all([ // PostgreSQL can return results in any order knex('posts').orderBy('id', 'asc').select('id'), knex('tags').select('id', 'name') ]).then(function (results) { var posts = _.pluck(results[0], 'id'), injectionTagId = _.chain(results[1]) .where({name: 'injection'}) .pluck('id') .value()[0], promises = [], i; if (max > posts.length) { throw new Error('Trying to add more posts_tags than the number of posts.'); } for (i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { promises.push(DataGenerator.forKnex.createPostsTags(posts[i], injectionTagId)); } return sequence(_.times(promises.length, function (index) { return function () { return knex('posts_tags').insert(promises[index]); }; })); }); }, initOwnerUser: function initOwnerUser() { var user = DataGenerator.Content.users[0], knex = config.database.knex; user = DataGenerator.forKnex.createBasic(user); user = _.extend({}, user, {'status': 'inactive'}); return knex('users').insert(user); }, insertOwnerUser: function insertOwnerUser() { var user, knex = config.database.knex; user = DataGenerator.forKnex.createUser(DataGenerator.Content.users[0]); return knex('users').insert(user); }, overrideOwnerUser: function overrideOwnerUser() { var user, knex = config.database.knex; user = DataGenerator.forKnex.createUser(DataGenerator.Content.users[0]); return knex('users') .where('id', '=', '1') .update(user); }, createUsersWithRoles: function createUsersWithRoles() { var knex = config.database.knex; return knex('roles').insert(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles).then(function () { return knex('users').insert(DataGenerator.forKnex.users); }).then(function () { return knex('roles_users').insert(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles_users); }); }, insertOne: function insertOne(obj, fn) { var knex = config.database.knex; return knex(obj) .insert(DataGenerator.forKnex[fn](DataGenerator.Content[obj][0])); }, insertApps: function insertApps() { var knex = config.database.knex; return knex('apps').insert(DataGenerator.forKnex.apps).then(function () { return knex('app_fields').insert(DataGenerator.forKnex.app_fields); }); }, loadExportFixture: function loadExportFixture(filename) { var filepath = path.resolve(__dirname + '/fixtures/' + filename + '.json'); return, filepath).then(function (fileContents) { var data; // Parse the json data try { data = JSON.parse(fileContents); } catch (e) { return when.reject(new Error("Failed to parse the file")); } return data; }); }, permissionsFor: function permissionsFor(obj) { var knex = config.database.knex, permsToInsert = permsFixtures.permissions[obj], permsRolesToInsert = permsFixtures.permissions_roles, actions = [], permissions_roles = [], roles = { 'Administrator': 1, 'Editor': 2, 'Author': 3, 'Owner': 4 }; permsToInsert =, function (perms) { perms.object_type = obj; actions.push(perms.action_type); return DataGenerator.forKnex.createBasic(perms); }); _.each(permsRolesToInsert, function (perms, role) { if (perms[obj]) { if (perms[obj] === 'all') { _.each(actions, function (action, i) { permissions_roles.push({permission_id: (i + 1), role_id: roles[role]}); }); } else { _.each(perms[obj], function (action) { permissions_roles.push({permission_id: (_.indexOf(actions, action) + 1), role_id: roles[role]}); }); } } }); return knex('permissions').insert(permsToInsert).then(function () { return knex('permissions_roles').insert(permissions_roles); }); } }; /** Test Utility Functions **/ initData = function initData() { return migration.init(); }; clearData = function clearData() { // we must always try to delete all tables return migration.reset(); }; toDoList = { 'app': function insertApp() { return fixtures.insertOne('apps', 'createApp'); }, 'app_field': function insertAppField() { // TODO: use the actual app ID to create the field return fixtures.insertOne('apps', 'createApp').then(function () { return fixtures.insertOne('app_fields', 'createAppField'); }); }, 'app_setting': function insertAppSetting() { // TODO: use the actual app ID to create the field return fixtures.insertOne('apps', 'createApp').then(function () { return fixtures.insertOne('app_settings', 'createAppSetting'); }); }, 'permission': function insertPermission() { return fixtures.insertOne('permissions', 'createPermission'); }, 'role': function insertRole() { return fixtures.insertOne('roles', 'createRole'); }, 'tag': function insertRole() { return fixtures.insertOne('tags', 'createTag'); }, 'posts': function insertPosts() { return fixtures.insertPosts(); }, 'apps': function insertApps() { return fixtures.insertApps(); }, 'settings': function populate() { return settings.populateDefaults().then(function () { return SettingsAPI.updateSettingsCache(); }); }, 'users:roles': function createUsersWithRoles() { return fixtures.createUsersWithRoles(); }, 'owner': function insertOwnerUser() { return fixtures.insertOwnerUser(); }, 'owner:pre': function initOwnerUser() { return fixtures.initOwnerUser(); }, 'owner:post': function overrideOwnerUser() { return fixtures.overrideOwnerUser(); }, 'perms:init': function initPermissions() { return permissions.init(); }, 'perms': function permissionsFor(obj) { return function permissionsForObj() { return fixtures.permissionsFor(obj); }; } }; /** * ## getFixtureOps * * Takes the arguments from a setup function and turns them into an array of promises to fullfil * * This is effectively a list of instructions with regard to which fixtures should be setup for this test. * * `default` - a special option which will cause the full suite of normal fixtures to be initialised * * `perms:init` - initialise the permissions object after having added permissions * * `perms:obj` - initialise permissions for a particular object type * * `users:roles` - create a full suite of users, one per role * @param options */ getFixtureOps = function getFixtureOps(toDos) { // default = default fixtures, if it isn't present, init with tables only var tablesOnly = !toDos.default, fixtureOps = []; // Database initialisation if (toDos.init || toDos.default) { fixtureOps.push(function initDB() { return migration.init(tablesOnly); }); delete toDos.default; delete toDos.init; } // Go through our list of things to do, and add them to an array _.each(toDos, function (value, toDo) { var tmp; if (toDo !== 'perms:init' && toDo.indexOf('perms:') !== -1) { tmp = toDo.split(':'); fixtureOps.push(toDoList[tmp[0]](tmp[1])); } else { fixtureOps.push(toDoList[toDo]); } }); return fixtureOps; }; // ## Test Setup and Teardown /** * ## Setup Integration Tests * Setup takes a list of arguments like: 'default', 'tag', 'perms:tag', 'perms:init' * Setup does 'init' (DB) by default * @returns {Function} */ setup = function setup() { var options = _.merge({'init': true}, _.transform(arguments, function (result, val) { result[val] = true; }) ), fixtureOps = getFixtureOps(options); return function (done) { return sequence(fixtureOps).then(function () { done(); }).catch(done); }; }; /** * ## DoAuth For Route Tests * * This function manages the work of ensuring we have an overriden owner user, and grabbing an access token * @returns {deferred.promise} */ // TODO make this do the DB init as well doAuth = function doAuth() { var options = arguments, deferred = when.defer(), request = arguments[0], user = DataGenerator.forModel.users[0], fixtureOps; // Remove request from this list delete options[0]; // No DB setup, but override the owner options = _.merge({'owner:post': true}, _.transform(options, function (result, val) { result[val] = true; }) ); fixtureOps = getFixtureOps(options); sequence(fixtureOps).then(function () {'/ghost/api/v0.1/authentication/token/') .send({ grant_type: 'password', username:, password: user.password, client_id: 'ghost-admin'}) .end(function (err, res) { if (err) { deferred.reject(err); } deferred.resolve(res.body.access_token); }); }); return deferred.promise; }; teardown = function teardown(done) { migration.reset().then(function () { done(); }).catch(done); }; module.exports = { teardown: teardown, setup: setup, doAuth: doAuth, initData: initData, clearData: clearData, fixtures: fixtures, DataGenerator: DataGenerator, API: API, fork: fork, context: { internal: {context: {internal: true}}, owner: {context: {user: 1}}, admin: {context: {user: 2}}, editor: {context: {user: 3}}, author: {context: {user: 4}} } };