// # Tag API // RESTful API for the Tag resource var Promise = require('bluebird'), _ = require('lodash'), fs = require('fs-extra'), pipeline = require('../utils/pipeline'), globalUtils = require('../utils'), apiUtils = require('./utils'), models = require('../models'), common = require('../lib/common'), docName = 'subscribers', subscribers; /** * ### Subscribers API Methods * * **See:** [API Methods](index.js.html#api%20methods) */ subscribers = { /** * ## Browse * @param {{context}} options * @returns {Promise} Subscriber Collection */ browse: function browse(options) { var tasks; /** * ### Model Query * Make the call to the Model layer * @param {Object} options * @returns {Object} options */ function doQuery(options) { return models.Subscriber.findPage(options); } // Push all of our tasks into a `tasks` array in the correct order tasks = [ apiUtils.validate(docName, {opts: apiUtils.browseDefaultOptions}), apiUtils.handlePermissions(docName, 'browse'), doQuery ]; // Pipeline calls each task passing the result of one to be the arguments for the next return pipeline(tasks, options); }, /** * ## Read * @param {{id}} options * @return {Promise} Subscriber */ read: function read(options) { var attrs = ['id', 'email'], tasks; /** * ### Model Query * Make the call to the Model layer * @param {Object} options * @returns {Object} options */ function doQuery(options) { return models.Subscriber.findOne(options.data, _.omit(options, ['data'])) .then(function onModelResponse(model) { if (!model) { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.NotFoundError({ message: common.i18n.t('errors.api.subscribers.subscriberNotFound') })); } return { subscribers: [model.toJSON(options)] }; }); } // Push all of our tasks into a `tasks` array in the correct order tasks = [ apiUtils.validate(docName, {attrs: attrs}), apiUtils.handlePermissions(docName, 'read'), doQuery ]; // Pipeline calls each task passing the result of one to be the arguments for the next return pipeline(tasks, options); }, /** * ## Add * @param {Subscriber} object the subscriber to create * @returns {Promise(Subscriber)} Newly created Subscriber */ add: function add(object, options) { var tasks; /** * ### Model Query * Make the call to the Model layer * @param {Object} options * @returns {Object} options */ function doQuery(options) { return models.Subscriber.getByEmail(options.data.subscribers[0].email) .then(function (subscriber) { if (subscriber && options.context.external) { // we don't expose this information return Promise.resolve(subscriber); } else if (subscriber) { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.ValidationError({message: common.i18n.t('errors.api.subscribers.subscriberAlreadyExists')})); } return models.Subscriber.add(options.data.subscribers[0], _.omit(options, ['data'])).catch(function (error) { if (error.code && error.message.toLowerCase().indexOf('unique') !== -1) { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.ValidationError({message: common.i18n.t('errors.api.subscribers.subscriberAlreadyExists')})); } return Promise.reject(error); }); }) .then(function onModelResponse(model) { return { subscribers: [model.toJSON(options)] }; }); } // Push all of our tasks into a `tasks` array in the correct order tasks = [ apiUtils.validate(docName), apiUtils.handlePermissions(docName, 'add'), doQuery ]; // Pipeline calls each task passing the result of one to be the arguments for the next return pipeline(tasks, object, options); }, /** * ## Edit * * @public * @param {Subscriber} object Subscriber or specific properties to update * @param {{id, context, include}} options * @return {Promise} Edited Subscriber */ edit: function edit(object, options) { var tasks; /** * Make the call to the Model layer * @param {Object} options * @returns {Object} options */ function doQuery(options) { return models.Subscriber.edit(options.data.subscribers[0], _.omit(options, ['data'])) .then(function onModelResponse(model) { if (!model) { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.NotFoundError({ message: common.i18n.t('errors.api.subscribers.subscriberNotFound') })); } return { subscribers: [model.toJSON(options)] }; }); } // Push all of our tasks into a `tasks` array in the correct order tasks = [ apiUtils.validate(docName, {opts: apiUtils.idDefaultOptions}), apiUtils.handlePermissions(docName, 'edit'), doQuery ]; // Pipeline calls each task passing the result of one to be the arguments for the next return pipeline(tasks, object, options); }, /** * ## Destroy * * @public * @param {{id, context}} options * @return {Promise} */ destroy: function destroy(options) { var tasks; /** * ### Delete Subscriber * If we have an email param, check the subscriber exists * @type {[type]} */ function getSubscriberByEmail(options) { if (options.email) { return models.Subscriber.getByEmail(options.email, options) .then(function (subscriber) { if (!subscriber) { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.NotFoundError({ message: common.i18n.t('errors.api.subscribers.subscriberNotFound') })); } options.id = subscriber.get('id'); return options; }); } return options; } /** * ### Delete Subscriber * Make the call to the Model layer * @param {Object} options */ function doQuery(options) { return models.Subscriber.destroy(options).return(null); } // Push all of our tasks into a `tasks` array in the correct order tasks = [ apiUtils.validate(docName, {opts: ['id', 'email']}), apiUtils.handlePermissions(docName, 'destroy'), getSubscriberByEmail, doQuery ]; // Pipeline calls each task passing the result of one to be the arguments for the next return pipeline(tasks, options); }, /** * ### Export Subscribers * Generate the CSV to export * * @public * @param {{context}} options * @returns {Promise} Ghost Export CSV format */ exportCSV: function exportCSV(options) { var tasks = []; options = options || {}; function formatCSV(data) { var fields = ['id', 'email', 'created_at', 'deleted_at'], csv = fields.join(',') + '\r\n', subscriber, field, j, i; for (j = 0; j < data.length; j = j + 1) { subscriber = data[j]; for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i = i + 1) { field = fields[i]; csv += subscriber[field] !== null ? subscriber[field] : ''; if (i !== fields.length - 1) { csv += ','; } } csv += '\r\n'; } return csv; } // Export data, otherwise send error 500 function exportSubscribers() { return models.Subscriber.findAll(options).then(function (data) { return formatCSV(data.toJSON(options)); }).catch(function (err) { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.GhostError({err: err})); }); } tasks = [ apiUtils.handlePermissions(docName, 'browse'), exportSubscribers ]; return pipeline(tasks, options); }, /** * ### Import CSV * Import subscribers from a CSV file * * @public * @param {{context}} options * @returns {Promise} Success */ importCSV: function (options) { var tasks = []; options = options || {}; function importCSV(options) { var filePath = options.path, fulfilled = 0, invalid = 0, duplicates = 0; return globalUtils.readCSV({ path: filePath, columnsToExtract: [{name: 'email', lookup: /email/i}] }).then(function (result) { return Promise.all(result.map(function (entry) { return subscribers.add( {subscribers: [{email: entry.email}]}, {context: options.context} ).reflect(); })).each(function (inspection) { if (inspection.isFulfilled()) { fulfilled = fulfilled + 1; } else { if (inspection.reason() instanceof common.errors.ValidationError) { duplicates = duplicates + 1; } else { invalid = invalid + 1; } } }); }).then(function () { return { meta: { stats: { imported: fulfilled, duplicates: duplicates, invalid: invalid } } }; }).finally(function () { // Remove uploaded file from tmp location return Promise.promisify(fs.unlink)(filePath); }); } tasks = [ apiUtils.handlePermissions(docName, 'add'), importCSV ]; return pipeline(tasks, options); } }; module.exports = subscribers;