# Environment variables for Ghost development with docker compose ## Use this file by running `cp .env.example .env` and then editing the values as needed # Docker Compose profiles to enable ## Run `docker compose config --profiles` to see all available profiles ## See https://docs.docker.com/compose/how-tos/profiles/ for more information COMPOSE_PROFILES=ghost # Debug level to pass to Ghost # DEBUG= # App flags to pass to the dev command ## Run `yarn dev --show-flags` to see all available app flags # GHOST_DEV_APP_FLAGS= # Stripe keys - used to forward Stripe webhooks to the Ghost instance in `dev.js` script ## Stripe Secret Key: sk_test_******* # STRIPE_SECRET_KEY= ## Stripe Publishable Key: pk_test_******* #STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY= ## Stripe Account ID: acct_1******* #STRIPE_ACCOUNT_ID=