import Ember from 'ember'; import setScrollClassName from 'ghost/utils/set-scroll-classname'; var EditorViewMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({ // create a hook for jQuery logic that will run after // a view and all child views have been rendered, // since didInsertElement runs only when the view's el // has rendered, and not necessarily all child views. // // // scheduleAfterRender: function () {'afterRender', this, this.afterRenderEvent); }.on('didInsertElement'), // all child views will have rendered when this fires afterRenderEvent: function () { var $previewViewPort = this.$('.js-entry-preview-content'); // cache these elements for use in other methods this.set('$previewViewPort', $previewViewPort); this.set('$previewContent', this.$('.js-rendered-markdown')); $previewViewPort.scroll($previewViewPort, setScrollClassName, { target: this.$('.js-entry-preview'), offset: 10 })); }, removeScrollHandlers: function () { this.get('$previewViewPort').off('scroll'); }.on('willDestroyElement'), // updated when gh-codemirror component scrolls markdownScrollInfo: null, // percentage of scroll position to set htmlPreview scrollPosition: Ember.computed('markdownScrollInfo', function () { if (!this.get('markdownScrollInfo')) { return 0; } var scrollInfo = this.get('markdownScrollInfo'), markdownHeight, previewHeight, ratio; markdownHeight = scrollInfo.height - scrollInfo.clientHeight; previewHeight = this.get('$previewContent').height() - this.get('$previewViewPort').height(); ratio = previewHeight / markdownHeight; return * ratio; }) }); export default EditorViewMixin;