/*jslint regexp: true */
var _                          = require('lodash'),
    colors                     = require('colors'),
    config                     = require('../config'),
    path                       = require('path'),
    when                       = require('when'),
    hbs                        = require('express-hbs'),
    NotFoundError              = require('./notfounderror'),
    BadRequestError            = require('./badrequesterror'),
    InternalServerError        = require('./internalservererror'),
    NoPermissionError          = require('./nopermissionerror'),
    RequestEntityTooLargeError = require('./requesttoolargeerror'),
    UnauthorizedError          = require('./unauthorizederror'),
    ValidationError            = require('./validationerror'),
    UnsupportedMediaTypeError  = require('./unsupportedmediaerror'),
    EmailError                 = require('./emailerror'),

    // Paths for views
    defaultErrorTemplatePath = path.resolve(config.paths.adminViews, 'user-error.hbs'),
    userErrorTemplateExists   = false;

// This is not useful but required for jshint
colors.setTheme({silly: 'rainbow'});

 * Basic error handling helpers
errors = {
    updateActiveTheme: function (activeTheme) {
        userErrorTemplateExists = config.paths.availableThemes[activeTheme].hasOwnProperty('error.hbs');

    throwError: function (err) {
        if (!err) {
            err = new Error("An error occurred");

        if (_.isString(err)) {
            throw new Error(err);

        throw err;

    // ## Reject Error
    // Used to pass through promise errors when we want to handle them at a later time
    rejectError: function (err) {
        return when.reject(err);

    logInfo: function (component, info) {
        if ((process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ||
            process.env.NODE_ENV === 'staging' ||
            process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production')) {

            var msg = [component.cyan + ':'.cyan, info.cyan];

            console.info.apply(console, msg);

    logWarn: function (warn, context, help) {
        if ((process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ||
            process.env.NODE_ENV === 'staging' ||
            process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production')) {

            var msgs = ['\nWarning:'.yellow, warn.yellow, '\n'];

            if (context) {
                msgs.push(context.white, '\n');

            if (help) {

            // add a new line

            console.log.apply(console, msgs);

    logError: function (err, context, help) {
        if (_.isArray(err)) {
            _.each(err, function (e) {

        var stack = err ? err.stack : null,

        err = _.isString(err) ? err : (_.isObject(err) ? err.message : 'An unknown error occurred.');

        // TODO: Logging framework hookup
        // Eventually we'll have better logging which will know about envs
        if ((process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ||
            process.env.NODE_ENV === 'staging' ||
            process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production')) {

            msgs = ['\nERROR:'.red, err.red, '\n'];

            if (context) {
                msgs.push(context.white, '\n');

            if (help) {

            // add a new line

            if (stack) {
                msgs.push(stack, '\n');

            console.error.apply(console, msgs);

    logErrorAndExit: function (err, context, help) {
        this.logError(err, context, help);
        // Exit with 0 to prevent npm errors as we have our own

    logAndThrowError: function (err, context, help) {
        this.logError(err, context, help);

        this.throwError(err, context, help);

    logAndRejectError: function (err, context, help) {
        this.logError(err, context, help);

        this.rejectError(err, context, help);

    logErrorWithRedirect: function (msg, context, help, redirectTo, req, res) {
        /*jshint unused:false*/
        var self = this;

        return function () {
            self.logError(msg, context, help);

            if (_.isFunction(res.redirect)) {

    renderErrorPage: function (code, err, req, res, next) {
        /*jshint unused:false*/
        var self = this;

        function parseStack(stack) {
            if (!_.isString(stack)) {
                return stack;

            // TODO: split out line numbers
            var stackRegex = /\s*at\s*(\w+)?\s*\(([^\)]+)\)\s*/i;

            return (
                    .map(function (line) {
                        var parts = line.match(stackRegex);
                        if (!parts) {
                            return null;

                        return {
                            'function': parts[1],
                            'at': parts[2]
                    .filter(function (line) {
                        return !!line;

        // Render the error!
        function renderErrorInt(errorView) {
            var stack = null;

            if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && err.stack) {
                stack = parseStack(err.stack);

            res.status(code).render((errorView || 'error'), {
                message: err.message || err,
                code: code,
                stack: stack
            }, function (templateErr, html) {
                if (!templateErr) {
                    return res.send(code, html);
                // There was an error trying to render the error page, output the error
                self.logError(templateErr, 'Error whilst rendering error page', 'Error template has an error');

                // And then try to explain things to the user...
                // Cheat and output the error using handlebars escapeExpression
                return res.send(500, "<h1>Oops, seems there is an an error in the error template.</h1>"
                    + "<p>Encountered the error: </p>"
                    + "<pre>" + hbs.handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(templateErr.message || templateErr) + "</pre>"
                    + "<br ><p>whilst trying to render an error page for the error: </p>"
                    + code + " " + "<pre>"  + hbs.handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(err.message || err) + "</pre>"

        if (code >= 500) {
            this.logError(err, "Rendering Error Page", "Ghost caught a processing error in the middleware layer.");

        // Are we admin? If so, don't worry about the user template
        if ((res.isAdmin && req.user && req.user.id) || userErrorTemplateExists === true) {
            return renderErrorInt();

        // We're not admin and the template doesn't exist. Render the default.
        return renderErrorInt(defaultErrorTemplatePath);

    error404: function (req, res, next) {
        var message = res.isAdmin && req.user ? "No Ghost Found" : "Page Not Found";

        // do not cache 404 error
        res.set({'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0'});
        if (req.method === 'GET') {
            this.renderErrorPage(404, message, req, res, next);
        } else {
            res.send(404, message);

    error500: function (err, req, res, next) {
        // 500 errors should never be cached
        res.set({'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0'});

        if (err.status === 404) {
            return this.error404(req, res, next);

        if (req.method === 'GET') {
            if (!err || !(err instanceof Error)) {
            errors.renderErrorPage(err.status || 500, err, req, res, next);
        } else {
            // generate a valid JSON response
            var statusCode = 500,
                errorContent = {};

            statusCode = err.code || 500;

            errorContent.message = _.isString(err) ? err : (_.isObject(err) ? err.message : 'Unknown Error');
            errorContent.type = err.type || 'InternalServerError';
            res.json(statusCode, errorContent);

// Ensure our 'this' context for methods and preserve method arity by
// using Function#bind for expressjs
], function (funcName) {
    errors[funcName] = errors[funcName].bind(errors);

module.exports                            = errors;
module.exports.NotFoundError              = NotFoundError;
module.exports.BadRequestError            = BadRequestError;
module.exports.InternalServerError        = InternalServerError;
module.exports.NoPermissionError          = NoPermissionError;
module.exports.UnauthorizedError          = UnauthorizedError;
module.exports.ValidationError            = ValidationError;
module.exports.RequestEntityTooLargeError = RequestEntityTooLargeError;
module.exports.UnsupportedMediaTypeError  = UnsupportedMediaTypeError;
module.exports.EmailError                 = EmailError;