var cp = require('child_process'), _ = require('lodash'), fs = require('fs'), url = require('url'), net = require('net'), Promise = require('bluebird'), path = require('path'), config = require('../../server/config'), Sephiroth = require('../../server/data/sephiroth'), sephiroth = new Sephiroth({database: config.get('database')}); function findFreePort(port) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (typeof port === 'string') { port = parseInt(port); } if (typeof port !== 'number') { port = 2368; } port = port + 1; var server = net.createServer(); server.on('error', function (e) { if (e.code === 'EADDRINUSE') { resolve(findFreePort(port)); } else { reject(e); } }); server.listen(port, function () { var listenPort = server.address().port; server.close(function () { resolve(listenPort); }); }); }); } // Creates a new fork of Ghost process with a given config // Useful for tests that want to verify certain config options function forkGhost(newConfig) { var port; return findFreePort() .then(function (_port) { port = _port; return sephiroth.commands.init(); }) .then(function () { newConfig.server = _.merge({}, { port: port }, (newConfig.server || {})); if (newConfig.url) { newConfig.url = url.format(_.extend({}, url.parse(newConfig.url), {port: newConfig.server.port, host: null})); } else { newConfig.url = url.format(_.extend({}, url.parse(config.get('url')), {port: newConfig.server.port, host: null})); } newConfig.logging = { level: 'fatal', transports: ['stdout'], rotation: false }; var newConfigFile = path.join(config.get('paths').appRoot, 'config.' + config.get('env') + '.json'); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { fs.writeFile(newConfigFile, JSON.stringify(newConfig), function (err) { if (err) { return reject(err); } // setup process environment for the forked Ghost to use the new config file var env = _.clone(process.env), baseKill, child, pingTries = 0, pingCheck, pingStop = function () { if (pingCheck) { clearInterval(pingCheck); pingCheck = undefined; return true; } return false; }; env.NODE_ENV = config.get('env'); child = cp.fork(path.join(config.get('paths').appRoot, 'index.js'), {env: env}); // return the port to make it easier to do requests child.port = newConfig.server.port; // periodic check until forked Ghost is running and is listening on the port pingCheck = setInterval(function () { var socket = net.connect(newConfig.server.port); socket.on('connect', function () { socket.end(); if (pingStop()) { resolve(child); } }); socket.on('error', function (err) { /*jshint unused:false*/ pingTries = pingTries + 1; // continue checking if (pingTries >= 100 && pingStop()) { child.kill(); reject(new Error('Timed out waiting for child process')); } }); }, 200); child.on('exit', function (code, signal) { /*jshint unused:false*/ child.exited = true; fs.unlink(newConfigFile, function () { // swallow any errors -- file may not exist if fork() failed }); if (pingStop()) { reject(new Error('Child process exit code: ' + code)); } }); // override kill() to have an async callback baseKill = child.kill; child.kill = function (signal, cb) { if (typeof signal === 'function') { cb = signal; signal = undefined; } if (cb) { child.on('exit', function () { cb(); }); } if (child.exited) { process.nextTick(cb); } else { baseKill.apply(child, [signal]); } }; }); }); }); } module.exports.ghost = forkGhost;