const fs = require('fs-extra'); const debug = require('@tryghost/debug')('frontend:services:settings:settings-loader'); const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const validate = require('./validate'); const messages = { settingsLoaderError: `Error trying to load YAML setting for {setting} from '{path}'.` }; class SettingsLoader { /** * @param {Object} options * @param {Function} options.parseYaml yaml parser * @param {String} options.settingFilePath routes settings file path */ constructor({parseYaml, settingFilePath}) { this.parseYaml = parseYaml; this.settingFilePath = settingFilePath; } /** * Reads the routes.yaml settings file and passes the * file to the YAML parser which then returns a JSON object. * @returns {Promise} settingsFileContents */ async loadSettings() { try { const file = await fs.readFile(this.settingFilePath, 'utf8'); debug('routes settings file found for:', this.settingFilePath); const object = this.parseYaml(file); debug('YAML settings file parsed:', this.settingFilePath); return validate(object); } catch (err) { if (errors.utils.isGhostError(err)) { throw err; } throw new errors.InternalServerError({ message: tpl(messages.settingsLoaderError, { setting: 'routes', path: this.settingFilePath }), err: err }); } } } module.exports = SettingsLoader; /** * @typedef {Object} RouteSettings * @property {Object} routes * @property {Object} collections * @property {Object} taxonomies */