var should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), proxyquire = require('proxyquire'), sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); describe('parent app', function () { let expressStub; let use; let apiSpy; let parentApp; let adminSpy; let siteSpy; beforeEach(function () { use = sandbox.spy(); expressStub = () => ({ use, enable: () => {} }); apiSpy = sinon.spy(); adminSpy = sinon.spy(); siteSpy = sinon.spy(); parentApp = proxyquire('../../../server/web/parent-app', { express: expressStub, './api': apiSpy, './admin': adminSpy, './site': siteSpy }); }); afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); }); it('should mount 3 apps and assign correct routes to them', function () { parentApp(); use.calledWith('/ghost/api'); use.calledWith('/ghost');;;; }); });