var Promise = require('bluebird'), fs = require('fs'), semver = require('semver'), packageInfo = require('../../package.json'), config = require('./config'); function GhostServer(rootApp) { this.rootApp = rootApp; this.httpServer = null; this.connections = []; this.upgradeWarning = setTimeout(this.logUpgradeWarning.bind(this), 5000); // Expose config module for use externally. this.config = config; } GhostServer.prototype.connection = function (socket) { this.connections.push(socket); }; // Most browsers keep a persistant connection open to the server // which prevents the close callback of httpServer from returning // We need to destroy all connections manually GhostServer.prototype.closeConnections = function () { this.connections.forEach(function (socket) { socket.destroy(); }); }; GhostServer.prototype.logStartMessages = function () { // Tell users if their node version is not supported, and exit if (!semver.satisfies(process.versions.node, packageInfo.engines.node)) { console.log( '\nERROR: Unsupported version of Node'.red, '\nGhost needs Node version'.red, packageInfo.engines.node.yellow, 'you are using version'.red, process.versions.node.yellow, '\nPlease go to to get a supported version'.green ); process.exit(0); } // Startup & Shutdown messages if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { console.log( 'Ghost is running...'.green, '\nYour blog is now available on', config.url, '\nCtrl+C to shut down'.grey ); // ensure that Ghost exits correctly on Ctrl+C process.removeAllListeners('SIGINT').on('SIGINT', function () { console.log( '\nGhost has shut down'.red, '\nYour blog is now offline' ); process.exit(0); }); } else { console.log( ('Ghost is running in ' + process.env.NODE_ENV + '...').green, '\nListening on', config.getSocket() || + ':' + config.server.port, '\nUrl configured as:', config.url, '\nCtrl+C to shut down'.grey ); // ensure that Ghost exits correctly on Ctrl+C process.removeAllListeners('SIGINT').on('SIGINT', function () { console.log( '\nGhost has shutdown'.red, '\nGhost was running for', Math.round(process.uptime()), 'seconds' ); process.exit(0); }); } }; GhostServer.prototype.logShutdownMessages = function () { console.log('Ghost is closing connections'.red); }; GhostServer.prototype.logUpgradeWarning = function () { console.log('Warning: Ghost will no longer start automatically when using it as an npm module. Please see the docs( for information on how to update your code.'.red); }; /** * Starts the ghost server listening on the configured port. * Alternatively you can pass in your own express instance and let Ghost * start lisetning for you. * @param {Object=} externalApp Optional express app instance. * @return {Promise} */ GhostServer.prototype.start = function (externalApp) { var self = this, rootApp = externalApp ? externalApp : self.rootApp; // ## Start Ghost App return new Promise(function (resolve) { if (config.getSocket()) { // Make sure the socket is gone before trying to create another try { fs.unlinkSync(config.getSocket()); } catch (e) { // We can ignore this. } self.httpServer = rootApp.listen( config.getSocket() ); fs.chmod(config.getSocket(), '0660'); } else { self.httpServer = rootApp.listen( config.server.port, ); } self.httpServer.on('error', function (error) { if (error.errno === 'EADDRINUSE') { console.log('ERROR: Cannot start Ghost. Another program is already using this port (is another Ghost instance already running?)'.red); } else { console.log( 'ERROR: There was an error starting your server. '.red, ('(Code: ' + error.errno + ')').red ); } process.exit(-1); }); self.httpServer.on('connection', self.connection.bind(self)); self.httpServer.on('listening', function () { self.logStartMessages(); clearTimeout(self.upgradeWarning); resolve(self); }); }); }; // Returns a promise that will be fulfilled when the server stops. // If the server has not been started, the promise will be fulfilled // immediately GhostServer.prototype.stop = function () { var self = this; return new Promise(function (resolve) { if (self.httpServer === null) { resolve(self); } else { self.httpServer.close(function () { self.httpServer = null; self.logShutdownMessages(); resolve(self); }); self.closeConnections(); } }); }; // Restarts the ghost application GhostServer.prototype.restart = function () { return this.stop().then(this.start.bind(this)); }; // To be called after `stop` GhostServer.prototype.hammertime = function () { console.log('Can\'t touch this'.green); return Promise.resolve(this); }; module.exports = GhostServer;