const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const util = require('util'); const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec); const chalk = require('chalk'); const concurrently = require('concurrently'); // check we're running on Node 18 and above const nodeVersion = parseInt(process.versions.node.split('.')[0]); if (nodeVersion < 18) { console.error('`yarn dev` requires Node v18 or above. Please upgrade your version of Node.'); process.exit(1); } const config = require('../../ghost/core/core/shared/config/loader').loadNconf({ customConfigPath: path.join(__dirname, '../../ghost/core') }); const tsPackages = fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../ghost'), {withFileTypes: true}) .filter(dirent => dirent.isDirectory()) .map(dirent => .filter(packageFolder => { try { const packageJson = require(path.resolve(__dirname, `../../ghost/${packageFolder}/package.json`)); return packageJson.scripts?.['build:ts']; } catch (err) { return false; } }) .map(packageFolder => `ghost/${packageFolder}`) .join(','); const liveReloadBaseUrl = config.getSubdir() || '/ghost/'; const siteUrl = config.getSiteUrl(); // Pass flags using GHOST_DEV_APP_FLAGS env var or --flag const DASH_DASH_ARGS = process.argv.filter(a => a.startsWith('--')).map(a => a.slice(2)); const ENV_ARGS = process.env.GHOST_DEV_APP_FLAGS?.split(',') || []; const GHOST_APP_FLAGS = [...ENV_ARGS, ...DASH_DASH_ARGS]; let commands = []; const COMMAND_GHOST = { name: 'ghost', // Note: if this isn't working for you, please use Node 18 and above command: 'nx run ghost:dev', cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../ghost/core'), prefixColor: 'blue', env: { // In development mode, we allow self-signed certificates (for sending webmentions and oembeds) NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED: '0', } }; const COMMAND_ADMIN = { name: 'admin', command: `nx run ghost-admin:dev --live-reload-base-url=${liveReloadBaseUrl} --live-reload-port=4201`, cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../ghost/admin'), prefixColor: 'green', env: {} }; const COMMAND_BROWSERTESTS = { name: 'browser-tests', command: 'nx run ghost:test:browser', cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../ghost/core'), prefixColor: 'blue', env: {} }; const COMMAND_TYPESCRIPT = { name: 'ts', command: `while [ 1 ]; do nx watch --projects=${tsPackages} -- nx run \\$NX_PROJECT_NAME:build:ts; done`, cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../'), prefixColor: 'cyan', env: {} }; const adminXApps = '@tryghost/admin-x-demo,@tryghost/admin-x-settings,@tryghost/admin-x-activitypub,@tryghost/posts'; const COMMANDS_ADMINX = [{ name: 'adminXDeps', command: 'while [ 1 ]; do nx watch --projects=apps/admin-x-design-system,apps/admin-x-framework,apps/shade -- nx run \\$NX_PROJECT_NAME:build; done', cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../..'), prefixColor: '#C72AF7', env: {} }, { name: 'adminX', command: `nx run-many --projects=${adminXApps} --parallel=${adminXApps.length} --targets=dev`, cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../apps/admin-x-settings', '../../apps/admin-x-activitypub'), prefixColor: '#C72AF7', env: {} }]; if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('ghost')) { commands = [COMMAND_GHOST, COMMAND_TYPESCRIPT]; } else if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('admin')) { commands = [COMMAND_ADMIN, ...COMMANDS_ADMINX]; } else if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('browser-tests')) { commands = [COMMAND_BROWSERTESTS]; } else { commands = [COMMAND_GHOST, COMMAND_TYPESCRIPT, COMMAND_ADMIN, ...COMMANDS_ADMINX]; } if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('portal') || GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('all')) { commands.push({ name: 'portal', command: 'nx run @tryghost/portal:dev', cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../apps/portal'), prefixColor: 'magenta', env: {} }); if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('https')) { // Safari needs HTTPS for it to work // To make this work, you'll need a CADDY server running in front // Note the port is different because of this extra layer. Use the following Caddyfile: // https://localhost:4176 { // reverse_proxy http://localhost:4175 // } COMMAND_GHOST.env['portal__url'] = 'https://localhost:4176/portal.min.js'; } else { COMMAND_GHOST.env['portal__url'] = 'http://localhost:4175/portal.min.js'; } } if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('signup') || GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('all')) { commands.push({ name: 'signup-form', command: GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('signup') ? 'nx run @tryghost/signup-form:dev' : 'nx run @tryghost/signup-form:preview', cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../apps/signup-form'), prefixColor: 'magenta', env: {} }); COMMAND_GHOST.env['signupForm__url'] = 'http://localhost:6174/signup-form.min.js'; } if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('announcement-bar') || GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('announcementBar') || GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('announcementbar') || GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('all')) { commands.push({ name: 'announcement-bar', command: 'nx run @tryghost/announcement-bar:dev', cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../apps/announcement-bar'), prefixColor: '#DC9D00', env: {} }); COMMAND_GHOST.env['announcementBar__url'] = 'http://localhost:4177/announcement-bar.min.js'; } if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('search') || GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('all')) { commands.push({ name: 'search', command: 'nx run @tryghost/sodo-search:dev', cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../apps/sodo-search'), prefixColor: '#23de43', env: {} }); COMMAND_GHOST.env['sodoSearch__url'] = 'http://localhost:4178/sodo-search.min.js'; COMMAND_GHOST.env['sodoSearch__styles'] = 'http://localhost:4178/main.css'; } if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('lexical')) { if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('https')) { // Safari needs HTTPS for it to work // To make this work, you'll need a CADDY server running in front // Note the port is different because of this extra layer. Use the following Caddyfile: // https://localhost:41730 { // reverse_proxy // } COMMAND_ADMIN.env['EDITOR_URL'] = 'https://localhost:41730/'; } else { COMMAND_ADMIN.env['EDITOR_URL'] = 'http://localhost:4173/'; } } if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('comments') || GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('all')) { if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('https')) { // Safari needs HTTPS for it to work // To make this work, you'll need a CADDY server running in front // Note the port is different because of this extra layer. Use the following Caddyfile: // https://localhost:7174 { // reverse_proxy // } COMMAND_GHOST.env['comments__url'] = 'https://localhost:7174/comments-ui.min.js'; } else { COMMAND_GHOST.env['comments__url'] = 'http://localhost:7173/comments-ui.min.js'; } commands.push({ name: 'comments', command: 'nx run @tryghost/comments-ui:dev', cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../apps/comments-ui'), prefixColor: '#E55137', env: {} }); } async function handleStripe() { if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('stripe') || GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('all')) { if (GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('offline') || GHOST_APP_FLAGS.includes('browser-tests')) { return; } let stripeSecret; try { stripeSecret = await exec('stripe listen --print-secret'); } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to fetch Stripe secret token, do you need to connect Stripe CLI?', err); return; } if (!stripeSecret || !stripeSecret.stdout) { console.error('No Stripe secret was present'); return; } COMMAND_GHOST.env['WEBHOOK_SECRET'] = stripeSecret.stdout.trim(); commands.push({ name: 'stripe', command: `stripe listen --forward-to ${siteUrl}members/webhooks/stripe/`, prefixColor: 'yellow', env: {} }); } } (async () => { await handleStripe(); if (!commands.length) { console.log(`No commands provided`); process.exit(0); } process.env.NX_DISABLE_DB = "true"; await exec("yarn nx reset --onlyDaemon"); await exec("yarn nx daemon --start"); console.log(`Running projects: ${ =>', ')}`); const {result} = concurrently(commands, { prefix: 'name', killOthers: ['failure', 'success'], successCondition: 'first' }); try { await result; } catch (err) { console.error(); console.error(`Executing dev command failed:`) + `\n`); console.error(`If you've recently done a \`yarn main\`, dependencies might be out of sync. Try running \`${'yarn fix')}\` to fix this.`)); console.error(`If not, something else went wrong. Please report this to the Ghost team.`)); console.error(); process.exit(1); } })();