const models = require('../../models'); const common = require('../../lib/common'); const urlUtils = require('../../lib/url-utils'); const {mega} = require('../../services/mega'); const membersService = require('../../services/members'); const allowedIncludes = ['tags', 'authors', 'authors.roles', 'email']; const unsafeAttrs = ['status', 'authors', 'visibility']; const _ = require('lodash'); const config = require('../../config'); module.exports = { docName: 'posts', browse: { options: [ 'include', 'filter', 'fields', 'formats', 'limit', 'order', 'page', 'debug', 'absolute_urls' ], validation: { options: { include: { values: allowedIncludes }, formats: { values: models.Post.allowedFormats } } }, permissions: { unsafeAttrs: unsafeAttrs }, query(frame) { return models.Post.findPage(frame.options); } }, read: { options: [ 'include', 'fields', 'formats', 'debug', 'absolute_urls', // NOTE: only for internal context 'forUpdate', 'transacting' ], data: [ 'id', 'slug', 'uuid' ], validation: { options: { include: { values: allowedIncludes }, formats: { values: models.Post.allowedFormats } } }, permissions: { unsafeAttrs: unsafeAttrs }, query(frame) { return models.Post.findOne(, frame.options) .then((model) => { if (!model) { throw new common.errors.NotFoundError({ message: common.i18n.t('errors.api.posts.postNotFound') }); } return model; }); } }, add: { statusCode: 201, headers: {}, options: [ 'include', 'source', 'send_email_when_published' ], validation: { options: { include: { values: allowedIncludes }, source: { values: ['html'] } } }, permissions: { unsafeAttrs: unsafeAttrs }, query(frame) { return models.Post.add([0], frame.options) .then((model) => { if (model.get('status') !== 'published') { this.headers.cacheInvalidate = false; } else { this.headers.cacheInvalidate = true; } return model; }); } }, edit: { headers: {}, options: [ 'include', 'id', 'source', 'send_email_when_published', // NOTE: only for internal context 'forUpdate', 'transacting' ], validation: { options: { include: { values: allowedIncludes }, id: { required: true }, source: { values: ['html'] } } }, permissions: { unsafeAttrs: unsafeAttrs }, async query(frame) { /**Check host limits for members when send email is true*/ const membersHostLimit = config.get('host_settings:limits:members'); if (frame.options.send_email_when_published && membersHostLimit) { const allowedMembersLimit = membersHostLimit.max; const hostUpgradeLink = config.get('host_settings:limits').upgrade_url; const knexOptions = _.pick(frame.options, ['transacting', 'forUpdate']); const {members} = await membersService.api.members.list(Object.assign(knexOptions, {filter: 'subscribed:true'}, {limit: 'all'})); if (members.length > allowedMembersLimit) { throw new common.errors.HostLimitError({ message: `Your current plan allows you to send email to up to ${allowedMembersLimit} members, but you currently have ${members.length} members`, help: hostUpgradeLink, errorDetails: { limit: allowedMembersLimit, total: members.length } }); } } let model = await models.Post.edit([0], frame.options); /**Handle newsletter email */ if (model.get('send_email_when_published')) { const postPublished = model.wasChanged() && (model.get('status') === 'published') && (model.previous('status') !== 'published'); if (postPublished) { let postEmail =; if (!postEmail) { const email = await mega.addEmail(model, frame.options); model.set('email', email); } else if (postEmail && postEmail.get('status') === 'failed') { const email = await mega.retryFailedEmail(postEmail); model.set('email', email); } } } /**Handle cache invalidation */ if ( model.get('status') === 'published' && model.wasChanged() || model.get('status') === 'draft' && model.previous('status') === 'published' ) { this.headers.cacheInvalidate = true; } else if ( model.get('status') === 'draft' && model.previous('status') !== 'published' || model.get('status') === 'scheduled' && model.wasChanged() ) { this.headers.cacheInvalidate = { value: urlUtils.urlFor({ relativeUrl: urlUtils.urlJoin('/p', model.get('uuid'), '/') }) }; } else { this.headers.cacheInvalidate = false; } return model; } }, destroy: { statusCode: 204, headers: { cacheInvalidate: true }, options: [ 'include', 'id' ], validation: { options: { include: { values: allowedIncludes }, id: { required: true } } }, permissions: { unsafeAttrs: unsafeAttrs }, query(frame) { frame.options.require = true; return models.Post.destroy(frame.options) .then(() => null) .catch(models.Post.NotFoundError, () => { throw new common.errors.NotFoundError({ message: common.i18n.t('errors.api.posts.postNotFound') }); }); } } };