const should = require('should'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const nock = require('nock'); const path = require('path'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const fs = require('fs'); const ImageSize = require('../../../../core/server/lib/image/image-size'); describe('lib/image: image size', function () { // use a 1x1 gif in nock responses because it's really small and easy to work with const GIF1x1 = Buffer.from('R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==', 'base64'); afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); nock.cleanAll(); }); it('[success] should have an image size function', function () { const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: {}, validator: {}, urlUtils: {}, request: {}}); should.exist(imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl); should.exist(imageSize.getImageSizeFromStoragePath); }); describe('getImageSizeFromUrl', function () { it('[success] should return image dimensions from probe request for probe-supported extension', function (done) { const url = ''; const expectedImageObject = { height: 1, url: '', width: 1 }; const requestMock = nock('') .get('/files/f/feedough/x/11/1540353_20925115.jpg') .reply(200, GIF1x1); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => true }, urlUtils: {}, request: {}}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url).then(function (res) { requestMock.isDone(); should.exist(res);;;; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[success] should return image dimensions from fetch request for non-probe-supported extension', function (done) { const url = ''; const expectedImageObject = { height: 1, url: '', width: 1 }; const requestMock = nock('').get('/random-path').reply(404); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => true }, urlUtils: {}, request: (requestUrl) => { if (requestUrl === url) { return Promise.resolve({ body: GIF1x1 }); } return Promise.reject(); }}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url).then(function (res) { requestMock.isDone(); should.exist(res);;;; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[success] should return image dimensions when no image extension given', function (done) { const url = ''; const expectedImageObject = { height: 1, url: '', width: 1 }; const requestMock = nock('') .get('/logo/18163505/minilogo') .reply(200, GIF1x1); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => true }, urlUtils: {}, request: {}}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url).then(function (res) { requestMock.isDone(); should.exist(res);;;; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[success] should returns largest image value for .ico files', function (done) { const url = ''; const expectedImageObject = { height: 64, url: '', width: 64 }; const requestMock = nock('').get('/random-path').reply(404); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => true }, urlUtils: {}, request: (requestUrl) => { if (requestUrl === url) { return Promise.resolve({ body: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '/../../../utils/fixtures/images/favicon_multi_sizes.ico')) }); } return Promise.reject(); }}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url).then(function (res) { requestMock.isDone(); should.exist(res);;;; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[success] should return image dimensions asset path images', function (done) { const url = '/assets/img/logo.png?v=d30c3d1e41'; const expectedImageObject = { height: 1, url: '', width: 1 }; const urlForStub = sinon.stub().withArgs('home').returns(''); const urlGetSubdirStub = sinon.stub().returns(''); const requestMock = nock('') .get('/assets/img/logo.png?v=d30c3d1e41') .reply(200, GIF1x1); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => true }, urlUtils: { urlFor: urlForStub, getSubdir: urlGetSubdirStub, urlJoin: function () { if ([...arguments].join('') === '') { return expectedImageObject.url; } return ''; } }, request: (requestUrl) => { if (requestUrl === url) { return Promise.resolve({ body: GIF1x1 }); } return Promise.reject(); }}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url).then(function (res) { requestMock.isDone(); should.exist(res);;;; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[success] should return image dimensions for gravatar images request', function (done) { const url = '//'; const expectedImageObject = { height: 1, url: '//', width: 1 }; const requestMock = nock('') .get('/avatar/ef6dcde5c99bb8f685dd451ccc3e050a?s=250&d=mm&r=x') .reply(200, GIF1x1); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => true }, urlUtils: {}, request: {}}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url).then(function (res) { requestMock.isDone(); should.exist(res);;;; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[success] can handle redirect (probe-image-size)', function (done) { const url = ''; const expectedImageObject = { height: 1, url: '', width: 1 }; const requestMock = nock('') .get('/files/f/feedough/x/11/1540353_20925115.jpg') .reply(301, null, { location: '' }); const secondRequestMock = nock('') .get('/files/f/feedough/x/11/1540353_20925115.jpg') .reply(200, GIF1x1); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => true }, urlUtils: {}, request: {}}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url).then(function (res) { requestMock.isDone(); secondRequestMock.isDone(); should.exist(res);;;; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[success] should switch to local file storage if available', function (done) { const url = '/content/images/favicon.png'; const expectedImageObject = { height: 100, url: '', width: 100 }; const storagePath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../test/utils/fixtures/images/'); const urlForStub = sinon.stub(); urlForStub.withArgs('image').returns(''); urlForStub.withArgs('home').returns(''); const urlGetSubdirStub = sinon.stub(); urlGetSubdirStub.returns(''); const requestMock = nock('') .get('/content/images/favicon.png') .reply(200, { body: '' }); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: { getStorage: () => ({ read: obj => fs.promises.readFile(obj.path) }) }, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => true, getLocalFileStoragePath: imageUrl => path.join(storagePath, imageUrl.replace(/.*\//, '')) }, validator: {}, urlUtils: { urlFor: urlForStub, getSubdir: urlGetSubdirStub }, request: {}}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url).then(function (res) { requestMock.isDone(); should.exist(res); should.exist(res.width);; should.exist(res.height);; should.exist(res.url);; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[failure] can handle an error with statuscode not 200 (probe-image-size)', function (done) { const url = ''; const requestMock = nock('') .get('/files/f/feedough/x/11/1540353_20925115.jpg') .reply(404); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => true }, urlUtils: {}, request: {}}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url) .catch(function (err) { requestMock.isDone(); should.exist(err);'NotFoundError');'Image not found.'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[failure] can handle an error with statuscode not 200 (image-size)', function (done) { const url = ''; const requestMock = nock('') .get('/files/f/feedough/x/11/1540353_20925115.cur') .reply(404); class NotFound extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); this.code = 'ENOENT'; this.statusCode = 404; } } const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => true }, urlUtils: {}, request: (requestUrl) => { if (requestUrl === url) { return Promise.reject(new NotFound()); } return Promise.reject(); }}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url) .catch(function (err) { requestMock.isDone(); should.exist(err);'NotFoundError');'Image not found.'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[failure] handles invalid URL', function (done) { const url = 'Not-a-valid-url'; const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => false }, urlUtils: {}, request: {}}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url) .catch(function (err) { should.exist(err);'InternalServerError');'URL empty or invalid.'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[failure] will timeout', function (done) { const url = ''; const requestMock = nock('') .get('/media/355241_d31358572a2542c5a44738ddcb59e7ea.jpg_256') .delayConnection(10) .reply(408); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: (key) => { if (key === 'times:getImageSizeTimeoutInMS') { return 1; } } }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => true }, urlUtils: {}, request: {}}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url) .catch(function (err) { requestMock.isDone(); should.exist(err);'InternalServerError');'Request timed out.'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[failure] returns error if \`probe-image-size`\ module throws error', function (done) { const url = ''; const requestMock = nock('') .get('/media/355241_d31358572a2542c5a44738ddcb59e7ea.jpg') .reply(200, Buffer.from('FFD8 FFC0 0004 00112233 FFD9'.replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex')); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => true }, urlUtils: {}, request: {}}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url) .then(() => {'succeeded when expecting failure'); }) .catch(function (err) { requestMock.isDone(); should.exist(err);'InternalServerError'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[failure] returns error if \`image-size`\ module throws error', function (done) { const url = ''; const requestMock = nock('') .get('/media/nope.cur') .reply(404); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => true }, urlUtils: {}, request: (requestUrl) => { if (requestUrl === url) { return Promise.resolve({ body: Buffer.from('2c be a4 40 f7 87 73 1e 57 2c c1 e4 0d 79 03 95 42 f0 42 2e 41 95 27 c9 5c 35 a7 71 2c 09 5a 57 d3 04 1e 83 03 28 07 96 b0 c8 88 65 07 7a d1 d6 63 50'.replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex') }); } return Promise.reject(); }}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url) .then(() => {'succeeded when expecting failure'); }) .catch(function (err) { requestMock.isDone(); should.exist(err);'InternalServerError'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[failure] returns error if request errors', function (done) { const url = ''; const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: {}, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => false }, validator: { isURL: () => true }, urlUtils: {}, request: () => { return Promise.reject({}); }}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(url) .catch(function (err) { should.exist(err);'InternalServerError');'Unknown Request error.'); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe('getImageSizeFromStoragePath', function () { it('[success] should return image dimensions for locally stored images', function (done) { const url = '/content/images/ghost-logo.png'; const expectedImageObject = { height: 257, url: '', width: 800 }; const storagePath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../test/utils/fixtures/images/'); const urlForStub = sinon.stub(); urlForStub.withArgs('image').returns(''); urlForStub.withArgs('home').returns(''); const urlGetSubdirStub = sinon.stub(); urlGetSubdirStub.returns(''); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: { getStorage: () => ({ read: obj => fs.promises.readFile(obj.path) }) }, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => true, getLocalFileStoragePath: imageUrl => path.join(storagePath, imageUrl.replace(/.*\//, '')) }, validator: {}, urlUtils: { urlFor: urlForStub, getSubdir: urlGetSubdirStub }, request: () => { return Promise.reject({}); }}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromStoragePath(url).then(function (res) { should.exist(res); should.exist(res.width);; should.exist(res.height);; should.exist(res.url);; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[success] should return image dimensions for locally stored images with subdirectory', function (done) { const url = '/content/images/favicon_too_large.png'; const expectedImageObject = { height: 1010, url: '', width: 1010 }; const storagePath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../test/utils/fixtures/images/'); const urlForStub = sinon.stub(); urlForStub.withArgs('image').returns(''); urlForStub.withArgs('home').returns(''); const urlGetSubdirStub = sinon.stub(); urlGetSubdirStub.returns('/blog'); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: { getStorage: () => ({ read: obj => fs.promises.readFile(obj.path) }) }, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => true, getLocalFileStoragePath: imageUrl => path.join(storagePath, imageUrl.replace(/.*\//, '')) }, validator: {}, urlUtils: { urlFor: urlForStub, getSubdir: urlGetSubdirStub }, request: () => { return Promise.reject({}); }}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromStoragePath(url).then(function (res) { should.exist(res); should.exist(res.width);; should.exist(res.height);; should.exist(res.url);; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[success] should return largest image dimensions for locally stored .ico image', function (done) { const url = ''; const expectedImageObject = { height: 64, url: '', width: 64 }; const storagePath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../test/utils/fixtures/images/'); const urlForStub = sinon.stub(); urlForStub.withArgs('image').returns(''); urlForStub.withArgs('home').returns(''); const urlGetSubdirStub = sinon.stub(); urlGetSubdirStub.returns(''); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: { getStorage: () => ({ read: obj => fs.promises.readFile(obj.path) }) }, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => true, getLocalFileStoragePath: imageUrl => path.join(storagePath, imageUrl.replace(/.*\//, '')) }, validator: {}, urlUtils: { urlFor: urlForStub, getSubdir: urlGetSubdirStub }, request: () => { return Promise.reject({}); }}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromStoragePath(url).then(function (res) { should.exist(res); should.exist(res.width);; should.exist(res.height);; should.exist(res.url);; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[success] should return image dimensions for locally stored .webp image', function (done) { const url = ''; const expectedImageObject = { height: 249, url: '', width: 249 }; const storagePath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../test/utils/fixtures/images/'); const urlForStub = sinon.stub(); urlForStub.withArgs('image').returns(''); urlForStub.withArgs('home').returns(''); const urlGetSubdirStub = sinon.stub(); urlGetSubdirStub.returns(''); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: { getStorage: () => ({ read: obj => fs.promises.readFile(obj.path) }) }, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => true, getLocalFileStoragePath: imageUrl => path.join(storagePath, imageUrl.replace(/.*\//, '')) }, validator: {}, urlUtils: { urlFor: urlForStub, getSubdir: urlGetSubdirStub }, request: () => { return Promise.reject({}); }}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromStoragePath(url).then(function (res) { should.exist(res); should.exist(res.width);; should.exist(res.height);; should.exist(res.url);; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[failure] returns error if storage adapter errors', function (done) { const url = '/content/images/not-existing-image.png'; const storagePath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../test/utils/fixtures/images/'); const urlForStub = sinon.stub(); urlForStub.withArgs('image').returns(''); urlForStub.withArgs('home').returns(''); const urlGetSubdirStub = sinon.stub(); urlGetSubdirStub.returns(''); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: { getStorage: () => ({ read: () => { return Promise.reject(new errors.NotFoundError()); } }) }, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => true, getLocalFileStoragePath: imageUrl => path.join(storagePath, imageUrl.replace(/.*\//, '')) }, validator: {}, urlUtils: { urlFor: urlForStub, getSubdir: urlGetSubdirStub }, request: () => { return Promise.reject({}); }}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromStoragePath(url) .catch(function (err) { should.exist(err); (err instanceof errors.NotFoundError).should.eql(true); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('[failure] returns error if \`image-size`\ module throws error', function (done) { const url = '/content/images/malformed.svg'; const urlForStub = sinon.stub(); urlForStub.withArgs('image').returns(''); urlForStub.withArgs('home').returns(''); const urlGetSubdirStub = sinon.stub(); urlGetSubdirStub.returns(''); const imageSize = new ImageSize({config: { get: () => {} }, i18n: {}, storage: { getStorage: () => ({ read: () => { return Promise.resolve(Buffer.from('/svg>')); } }) }, storageUtils: { isLocalImage: () => true, getLocalFileStoragePath: () => '' }, validator: {}, urlUtils: { urlFor: urlForStub, getSubdir: urlGetSubdirStub }, request: () => { return Promise.reject({}); }}); imageSize.getImageSizeFromStoragePath(url) .catch(function (err) { should.exist(err); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); });