const should = require('should'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const testUtils = require('../../utils'); const configUtils = require('../../utils/configUtils'); const markdownToMobiledoc = require('../../utils/fixtures/data-generator').markdownToMobiledoc; const url = require('../../../core/frontend/helpers/url'); const urlService = require('../../../core/frontend/services/url'); const api = require('../../../core/server/api'); describe('{{url}} helper', function () { let rendered; beforeEach(function () { rendered = null; sinon.stub(urlService, 'getUrlByResourceId'); sinon.stub(api.settings, 'read').callsFake(function () { return Promise.resolve({settings: [{value: '/:slug/'}]}); }); }); afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); }); describe('no subdir', function () { before(function () { configUtils.set({url: 'http://localhost:65535/'}); }); after(function () { configUtils.restore(); }); it('should return the slug with a prefix slash if the context is a post', function () { const post = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({ html: 'content', mobiledoc: markdownToMobiledoc('ff'), title: 'title', slug: 'slug', created_at: new Date(0), url: '/slug/' }); urlService.getUrlByResourceId.withArgs(, {absolute: undefined, secure: undefined, withSubdirectory: true}).returns('/slug/'); rendered =; should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('/slug/'); }); it('should output an absolute URL if the option is present', function () { const post = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({ html: 'content', mobiledoc: markdownToMobiledoc('ff'), title: 'title', slug: 'slug', url: '/slug/', created_at: new Date(0) }); urlService.getUrlByResourceId.withArgs(, {absolute: true, secure: undefined, withSubdirectory: true}).returns('http://localhost:65535/slug/'); rendered =, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('http://localhost:65535/slug/'); }); it('should output an absolute URL with https if the option is present and secure', function () { const post = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({ html: 'content', mobiledoc: markdownToMobiledoc('ff'), title: 'title', slug: 'slug', url: '/slug/', created_at: new Date(0), secure: true }); urlService.getUrlByResourceId.withArgs(, {absolute: true, secure: true, withSubdirectory: true}).returns('https://localhost:65535/slug/'); rendered =, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('https://localhost:65535/slug/'); }); it('should return the slug with a prefixed /tag/ if the context is a tag', function () { const tag = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createTag({ name: 'the tag', slug: 'the-tag', description: null, parent: null }); urlService.getUrlByResourceId.withArgs(, {absolute: undefined, secure: undefined, withSubdirectory: true}).returns('/tag/the-tag/'); rendered =; should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('/tag/the-tag/'); }); it('should return the slug with a prefixed /author/ if the context is author', function () { const user = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createUser({ bio: null, website: null, profile_image: null, location: null, slug: 'some-author' }); urlService.getUrlByResourceId.withArgs(, {absolute: undefined, secure: undefined, withSubdirectory: true}).returns('/author/some-author/'); rendered =; should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('/author/some-author/'); }); it('should return / if not a post or tag', function () { rendered ={something: 'key'}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('/'); }); it('should return a relative url if passed through a nav context', function () { rendered = {url: '/foo', label: 'Foo', slug: 'foo', current: true}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('/foo'); }); it('should return an absolute url if passed through a nav context', function () { rendered = {url: '/bar', label: 'Bar', slug: 'bar', current: true}, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('http://localhost:65535/bar'); }); it('should return an absolute url with https if context is secure', function () { rendered = {url: '/bar', label: 'Bar', slug: 'bar', current: true, secure: true}, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('https://localhost:65535/bar'); }); it('external urls should be retained in a nav context', function () { rendered = {url: '', label: 'Baz', slug: 'baz', current: true}, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal(''); }); it('should handle hosted urls in a nav context', function () { rendered = {url: 'http://localhost:65535/qux', label: 'Qux', slug: 'qux', current: true}, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('http://localhost:65535/qux'); }); it('should handle hosted urls in a nav context with secure', function () { rendered = { url: 'http://localhost:65535/qux', label: 'Qux', slug: 'qux', current: true, secure: true }, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('https://localhost:65535/qux'); }); it('should handle hosted https urls in a nav context with secure', function () { rendered = { url: 'https://localhost:65535/qux', label: 'Qux', slug: 'qux', current: true, secure: true }, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('https://localhost:65535/qux'); }); it('should handle hosted urls with the wrong protocol in a nav context', function () { rendered = {url: 'https://localhost:65535/quux', label: 'Quux', slug: 'quux', current: true}, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('http://localhost:65535/quux'); }); it('should pass through protocol-less URLs regardless of absolute setting', function () { rendered = {url: '//', label: 'Baz', slug: 'baz', current: true}, {hash: {}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('//'); rendered = {url: '//', label: 'Baz', slug: 'baz', current: true}, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('//'); }); it('should pass through URLs with alternative schemes regardless of absolute setting', function () { rendered = {url: 'tel:01234567890', label: 'Baz', slug: 'baz', current: true}, {hash: {}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('tel:01234567890'); rendered = {url: '', label: 'Baz', slug: 'baz', current: true}, {hash: {}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal(''); rendered = {url: 'tel:01234567890', label: 'Baz', slug: 'baz', current: true}, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('tel:01234567890'); rendered = {url: '', label: 'Baz', slug: 'baz', current: true}, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal(''); }); it('should pass through anchor-only URLs regardless of absolute setting', function () { rendered = {url: '#thatsthegoodstuff', label: 'Baz', slug: 'baz', current: true}, {hash: {}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('#thatsthegoodstuff'); rendered = {url: '#thatsthegoodstuff', label: 'Baz', slug: 'baz', current: true}, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('#thatsthegoodstuff'); }); it('should not HTML-escape URLs', function () { rendered = {url: '/foo?foo=bar&baz=qux', label: 'Foo', slug: 'foo', current: true}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('/foo?foo=bar&baz=qux'); }); it('should encode URLs', function () { rendered = {url: '/foo?foo=bar&baz=qux&', label: 'Foo', slug: 'foo', current: true}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('/foo?foo=bar&baz=qux&%3Cscript%3Ealert(%22gotcha%22)%3C/script%3E'); }); it('should not double-encode URLs', function () { rendered = {url: '/?foo=space%20bar', label: 'Foo', slug: 'foo', current: true}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('/?foo=space%20bar'); }); }); describe('with subdir', function () { before(function () { configUtils.set({url: 'http://localhost:65535/blog'}); }); after(function () { configUtils.restore(); }); it('external urls should be retained in a nav context with subdir', function () { rendered = {url: '', label: 'Baz', slug: 'baz', current: true}, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal(''); }); it('should handle subdir being set in nav context', function () { rendered = {url: '/xyzzy', label: 'xyzzy', slug: 'xyzzy', current: true}, {hash: {absolute: 'true'}}); should.exist(rendered); rendered.string.should.equal('http://localhost:65535/blog/xyzzy'); }); }); });