var _ = require('lodash'), Promise = require('bluebird'), bcrypt = require('bcryptjs'), validator = require('validator'), ghostBookshelf = require('./base'), errors = require('../errors'), logging = require('../logging'), utils = require('../utils'), gravatar = require('../utils/gravatar'), validation = require('../data/validation'), events = require('../events'), i18n = require('../i18n'), bcryptGenSalt = Promise.promisify(bcrypt.genSalt), bcryptHash = Promise.promisify(bcrypt.hash), bcryptCompare = Promise.promisify(, activeStates = ['active', 'warn-1', 'warn-2', 'warn-3', 'warn-4', 'locked'], User, Users; function validatePasswordLength(password) { return validator.isLength(password, 8); } /** * generate a random salt and then hash the password with that salt */ function generatePasswordHash(password) { return bcryptGenSalt().then(function (salt) { return bcryptHash(password, salt); }); } User = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({ tableName: 'users', defaults: function defaults() { var baseDefaults =; return _.merge({ password: utils.uid(50) }, baseDefaults); }, emitChange: function emitChange(event) { events.emit('user' + '.' + event, this); }, onDestroyed: function onDestroyed(model) { if (_.includes(activeStates, model.previous('status'))) { model.emitChange('deactivated'); } model.emitChange('deleted'); }, onCreated: function onCreated(model) { model.emitChange('added'); // active is the default state, so if status isn't provided, this will be an active user if (!model.get('status') || _.includes(activeStates, model.get('status'))) { model.emitChange('activated'); } }, onUpdated: function onUpdated(model) { model.statusChanging = model.get('status') !== model.updated('status'); model.isActive = _.includes(activeStates, model.get('status')); if (model.statusChanging) { model.emitChange(model.isActive ? 'activated' : 'deactivated'); } else { if (model.isActive) { model.emitChange('activated.edited'); } } model.emitChange('edited'); }, /** * Lookup Gravatar if email changes to update image url * Generating a slug requires a db call to look for conflicting slugs */ onSaving: function onSaving(newPage, attr, options) { var self = this, tasks = []; ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.onSaving.apply(this, arguments); if (self.hasChanged('email')) { tasks.gravatar = (function lookUpGravatar() { return gravatar.lookup({ email: self.get('email') }).then(function (response) { if (response && response.image) { self.set('image', response.image); } }); })(); } if (this.hasChanged('slug') || !this.get('slug')) { tasks.slug = (function generateSlug() { return ghostBookshelf.Model.generateSlug( User, self.get('slug') || self.get('name'), { status: 'all', transacting: options.transacting, shortSlug: !self.get('slug') }) .then(function then(slug) { self.set({slug: slug}); }); })(); } /** * CASE: add model, hash password * CASE: update model, hash password * * Important: * - Password hashing happens when we import a database * - we do some pre-validation checks, because onValidate is called AFTER onSaving */ if (self.isNew() || self.hasChanged('password')) { this.set('password', String(this.get('password'))); if (!validatePasswordLength(this.get('password'))) { return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.passwordDoesNotComplyLength')})); } tasks.hashPassword = (function hashPassword() { return generatePasswordHash(self.get('password')) .then(function (hash) { self.set('password', hash); }); })(); } return Promise.props(tasks); }, // For the user model ONLY it is possible to disable validations. // This is used to bypass validation during the credential check, and must never be done with user-provided data // Should be removed when #3691 is done onValidate: function validate() { var opts = arguments[1], userData; if (opts && _.has(opts, 'validate') && opts.validate === false) { return; } // use the base toJSON since this model's overridden toJSON // removes fields and we want everything to run through the validator. userData =; return validation.validateSchema(this.tableName, userData); }, // Get the user from the options object contextUser: function contextUser(options) { // Default to context user if (options.context && options.context.user) { return options.context.user; // Other wise use the internal override } else if (options.context && options.context.internal) { return 1; // This is the user object, so try using this user's id } else if (this.get('id')) { return this.get('id'); } else { throw new errors.NotFoundError({ message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.missingContext') }); } }, toJSON: function toJSON(options) { options = options || {}; var attrs =, options); // remove password hash for security reasons delete attrs.password; delete attrs.ghost_auth_access_token; if (!options || !options.context || (!options.context.user && !options.context.internal)) { delete; } return attrs; }, format: function format(options) { if (!_.isEmpty( && !validator.isURL(, { require_protocol: true, protocols: ['http', 'https']})) { = 'http://' +; } return, options); }, posts: function posts() { return this.hasMany('Posts', 'created_by'); }, roles: function roles() { return this.belongsToMany('Role'); }, permissions: function permissions() { return this.belongsToMany('Permission'); }, hasRole: function hasRole(roleName) { var roles = this.related('roles'); return roles.some(function getRole(role) { return role.get('name') === roleName; }); }, enforcedFilters: function enforcedFilters() { if (this.isInternalContext()) { return null; } return this.isPublicContext() ? 'status:[' + activeStates.join(',') + ']' : null; }, defaultFilters: function defaultFilters() { if (this.isInternalContext()) { return null; } return this.isPublicContext() ? null : 'status:[' + activeStates.join(',') + ']'; } }, { orderDefaultOptions: function orderDefaultOptions() { return { last_login: 'DESC', name: 'ASC', created_at: 'DESC' }; }, /** * @deprecated in favour of filter */ processOptions: function processOptions(options) { if (!options.status) { return options; } // This is the only place that 'options.where' is set now options.where = {statements: []}; var allStates = activeStates, value; // Filter on the status. A status of 'all' translates to no filter since we want all statuses if (options.status !== 'all') { // make sure that status is valid options.status = allStates.indexOf(options.status) > -1 ? options.status : 'active'; } if (options.status === 'active') { value = activeStates; } else if (options.status === 'all') { value = allStates; } else { value = options.status; } options.where.statements.push({prop: 'status', op: 'IN', value: value}); delete options.status; return options; }, /** * Returns an array of keys permitted in a method's `options` hash, depending on the current method. * @param {String} methodName The name of the method to check valid options for. * @return {Array} Keys allowed in the `options` hash of the model's method. */ permittedOptions: function permittedOptions(methodName) { var options = ghostBookshelf.Model.permittedOptions(), // whitelists for the `options` hash argument on methods, by method name. // these are the only options that can be passed to Bookshelf / Knex. validOptions = { findOne: ['withRelated', 'status'], setup: ['id'], edit: ['withRelated', 'id'], findPage: ['page', 'limit', 'columns', 'filter', 'order', 'status'], findAll: ['filter'] }; if (validOptions[methodName]) { options = options.concat(validOptions[methodName]); } return options; }, /** * ### Find One * * We have to clone the data, because we remove values from this object. * This is not expected from outside! * * @extends ghostBookshelf.Model.findOne to include roles * **See:** [ghostBookshelf.Model.findOne](base.js.html#Find%20One) */ findOne: function findOne(dataToClone, options) { var query, status, optInc, data = _.cloneDeep(dataToClone), lookupRole = data.role; delete data.role; data = _.defaults(data || {}, { status: 'active' }); status = data.status; delete data.status; options = options || {}; optInc = options.include; options.withRelated = _.union(options.withRelated, options.include); data = this.filterData(data); // Support finding by role if (lookupRole) { options.withRelated = _.union(options.withRelated, ['roles']); options.include = _.union(options.include, ['roles']); query = this.forge(data, {include: options.include}); query.query('join', 'roles_users', '', '=', 'roles_users.user_id'); query.query('join', 'roles', 'roles_users.role_id', '=', ''); query.query('where', '', '=', lookupRole); } else { // We pass include to forge so that toJSON has access query = this.forge(data, {include: options.include}); } if (status === 'active') { query.query('whereIn', 'status', activeStates); } else if (status !== 'all') { query.query('where', {status: status}); } options = this.filterOptions(options, 'findOne'); delete options.include; options.include = optInc; return query.fetch(options); }, /** * ### Edit * @extends ghostBookshelf.Model.edit to handle returning the full object * **See:** [ghostBookshelf.Model.edit](base.js.html#edit) */ edit: function edit(data, options) { var self = this, roleId; if (data.roles && data.roles.length > 1) { return Promise.reject( new errors.ValidationError({message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.onlyOneRolePerUserSupported')}) ); } options = options || {}; options.withRelated = _.union(options.withRelated, options.include); return, data, options).then(function then(user) { if (!data.roles) { return user; } roleId = parseInt(data.roles[0].id || data.roles[0], 10); return user.roles().fetch().then(function then(roles) { // return if the role is already assigned if (roles.models[0].id === roleId) { return; } return ghostBookshelf.model('Role').findOne({id: roleId}); }).then(function then(roleToAssign) { if (roleToAssign && roleToAssign.get('name') === 'Owner') { return Promise.reject( new errors.ValidationError({message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.methodDoesNotSupportOwnerRole')}) ); } else { // assign all other roles return user.roles().updatePivot({role_id: roleId}); } }).then(function then() { options.status = 'all'; return self.findOne({id:}, options); }); }); }, /** * ## Add * Naive user add * Hashes the password provided before saving to the database. * * We have to clone the data, because we remove values from this object. * This is not expected from outside! * * @param {object} dataToClone * @param {object} options * @extends ghostBookshelf.Model.add to manage all aspects of user signup * **See:** [ghostBookshelf.Model.add](base.js.html#Add) */ add: function add(dataToClone, options) { var self = this, data = _.cloneDeep(dataToClone), userData = this.filterData(data), roles; options = this.filterOptions(options, 'add'); options.withRelated = _.union(options.withRelated, options.include); // check for too many roles if (data.roles && data.roles.length > 1) { return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.onlyOneRolePerUserSupported')})); } function getAuthorRole() { return ghostBookshelf.model('Role').findOne({name: 'Author'}, _.pick(options, 'transacting')).then(function then(authorRole) { return [authorRole.get('id')]; }); } roles = data.roles || getAuthorRole(); delete data.roles; return, userData, options) .then(function then(addedUser) { // Assign the userData to our created user so we can pass it back userData = addedUser; // if we are given a "role" object, only pass in the role ID in place of the full object return Promise.resolve(roles).then(function then(roles) { roles =, function mapper(role) { if (_.isString(role)) { return parseInt(role, 10); } else if (_.isNumber(role)) { return role; } else { return parseInt(, 10); } }); return addedUser.roles().attach(roles, options); }); }).then(function then() { // find and return the added user return self.findOne({id:, status: 'all'}, options); }); }, /** * We override the owner! * Owner already has a slug -> force setting a new one by setting slug to null * @TODO: kill setup function? */ setup: function setup(data, options) { var self = this, userData = this.filterData(data); if (!validatePasswordLength(userData.password)) { return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.passwordDoesNotComplyLength')})); } options = this.filterOptions(options, 'setup'); options.withRelated = _.union(options.withRelated, options.include); userData.slug = null; return, userData, options); }, permissible: function permissible(userModelOrId, action, context, loadedPermissions, hasUserPermission, hasAppPermission) { var self = this, userModel = userModelOrId, origArgs; // If we passed in a model without its related roles, we need to fetch it again if (_.isObject(userModelOrId) && !_.isObject(userModelOrId.related('roles'))) { userModelOrId =; } // If we passed in an id instead of a model get the model first if (_.isNumber(userModelOrId) || _.isString(userModelOrId)) { // Grab the original args without the first one origArgs = _.toArray(arguments).slice(1); // Get the actual user model return this.findOne({id: userModelOrId, status: 'all'}, {include: ['roles']}).then(function then(foundUserModel) { // Build up the original args but substitute with actual model var newArgs = [foundUserModel].concat(origArgs); return self.permissible.apply(self, newArgs); }); } if (action === 'edit') { // Owner can only be editted by owner if (loadedPermissions.user && userModel.hasRole('Owner')) { hasUserPermission = _.some(loadedPermissions.user.roles, {name: 'Owner'}); } // Users with the role 'Editor' and 'Author' have complex permissions when the action === 'edit' // We now have all the info we need to construct the permissions if (loadedPermissions.user && _.some(loadedPermissions.user.roles, {name: 'Author'})) { // If this is the same user that requests the operation allow it. hasUserPermission = hasUserPermission || context.user === userModel.get('id'); } if (loadedPermissions.user && _.some(loadedPermissions.user.roles, {name: 'Editor'})) { // If this is the same user that requests the operation allow it. hasUserPermission = context.user === userModel.get('id'); // Alternatively, if the user we are trying to edit is an Author, allow it hasUserPermission = hasUserPermission || userModel.hasRole('Author'); } } if (action === 'destroy') { // Owner cannot be deleted EVER if (loadedPermissions.user && userModel.hasRole('Owner')) { return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.notEnoughPermission')})); } // Users with the role 'Editor' have complex permissions when the action === 'destroy' if (loadedPermissions.user && _.some(loadedPermissions.user.roles, {name: 'Editor'})) { // If this is the same user that requests the operation allow it. hasUserPermission = context.user === userModel.get('id'); // Alternatively, if the user we are trying to edit is an Author, allow it hasUserPermission = hasUserPermission || userModel.hasRole('Author'); } } if (hasUserPermission && hasAppPermission) { return Promise.resolve(); } return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.notEnoughPermission')})); }, setWarning: function setWarning(user, options) { var status = user.get('status'), regexp = /warn-(\d+)/i, level; if (status === 'active') { user.set('status', 'warn-1'); level = 1; } else { level = parseInt(status.match(regexp)[1], 10) + 1; if (level > 4) { user.set('status', 'locked'); } else { user.set('status', 'warn-' + level); } } return Promise.resolve( then() { return 5 - level; }); }, // Finds the user by email, and checks the password // @TODO: shorten this function and rename... check: function check(object) { var self = this; return this.getByEmail( then(user) { if (!user) { return Promise.reject(new errors.NotFoundError({message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.noUserWithEnteredEmailAddr')})); } if (user.get('status') !== 'locked') { return self.isPasswordCorrect({plainPassword: object.password, hashedPassword: user.get('password')}) .then(function then() { return Promise.resolve(user.set({status: 'active', last_login: new Date()}).save({validate: false})) .catch(function handleError(err) { // If we get a validation or other error during this save, catch it and log it, but don't // cause a login error because of it. The user validation is not important here. logging.error(new errors.GhostError({ err: err, context: i18n.t('errors.models.user.userUpdateError.context'), help: i18n.t('') })); return user; }); }) .catch(function onError(err) { return Promise.reject(new errors.UnauthorizedError({ err: err, context: i18n.t('errors.models.user.incorrectPassword'), help: i18n.t('') })); }); } return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.accountLocked')})); }, function handleError(error) { if (error.message === 'NotFound' || error.message === 'EmptyResponse') { return Promise.reject(new errors.NotFoundError({message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.noUserWithEnteredEmailAddr')})); } return Promise.reject(error); }); }, isPasswordCorrect: function isPasswordCorrect(object) { var plainPassword = object.plainPassword, hashedPassword = object.hashedPassword; if (!plainPassword || !hashedPassword) { return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({ message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.passwordRequiredForOperation') })); } return bcryptCompare(plainPassword, hashedPassword) .then(function (matched) { if (matched) { return; } return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({ message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.incorrectPassword'), help: i18n.t(''), code: 'PASSWORD_INCORRECT' })); }); }, /** * Naive change password method * @param {Object} object * @param {Object} options */ changePassword: function changePassword(object, options) { var self = this, newPassword = object.newPassword, userId = parseInt(object.user_id), oldPassword = object.oldPassword, isLoggedInUser = userId === options.context.user, user; return self.forge({id: userId}).fetch({require: true}) .then(function then(_user) { user = _user; if (isLoggedInUser) { return self.isPasswordCorrect({ plainPassword: oldPassword, hashedPassword: user.get('password') }); } }) .then(function then() { return{password: newPassword}); }); }, transferOwnership: function transferOwnership(object, options) { var ownerRole, contextUser; return Promise.join(ghostBookshelf.model('Role').findOne({name: 'Owner'}), User.findOne({id: options.context.user}, {include: ['roles']})) .then(function then(results) { ownerRole = results[0]; contextUser = results[1]; // check if user has the owner role var currentRoles = contextUser.toJSON(options).roles; if (!_.some(currentRoles, {id:})) { return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.onlyOwnerCanTransferOwnerRole')})); } return Promise.join(ghostBookshelf.model('Role').findOne({name: 'Administrator'}), User.findOne({id:}, {include: ['roles']})); }).then(function then(results) { var adminRole = results[0], user = results[1], currentRoles = user.toJSON(options).roles; if (!_.some(currentRoles, {id:})) { return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({message: i18n.t('errors.models.user.onlyAdmCanBeAssignedOwnerRole')})); } // convert owner to admin return Promise.join(contextUser.roles().updatePivot({role_id:}), user.roles().updatePivot({role_id:}),; }).then(function then(results) { return Users.forge() .query('whereIn', 'id', [, results[2]]) .fetch({withRelated: ['roles']}); }).then(function then(users) { options.include = ['roles']; return users.toJSON(options); }); }, // Get the user by email address, enforces case insensitivity rejects if the user is not found // When multi-user support is added, email addresses must be deduplicated with case insensitivity, so that // and JOE@BLOGGS.COM cannot be created as two separate users. getByEmail: function getByEmail(email, options) { options = options || {}; // We fetch all users and process them in JS as there is no easy way to make this query across all DBs // Although they all support `lower()`, sqlite can't case transform unicode characters // This is somewhat mute, as validator.isEmail() also doesn't support unicode, but this is much easier / more // likely to be fixed in the near future. options.require = true; return Users.forge(options).fetch(options).then(function then(users) { var userWithEmail = users.find(function findUser(user) { return user.get('email').toLowerCase() === email.toLowerCase(); }); if (userWithEmail) { return userWithEmail; } }); } }); Users = ghostBookshelf.Collection.extend({ model: User }); module.exports = { User: ghostBookshelf.model('User', User), Users: ghostBookshelf.collection('Users', Users) };