// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`API Versioning Admin API 307 redirects GET with accept version set when version is included in the URL 1: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "accept-version": "canary", "content-length": "57", "content-type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "location": StringMatching /\\^\\\\/ghost\\\\/api\\\\/admin\\\\/site\\\\/\\$/, "vary": "Accept, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API 307 redirects POST with accept version set when version is included in the URL 1: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "accept-version": "v3.0", "content-length": "60", "content-type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "location": StringMatching /\\^\\\\/ghost\\\\/api\\\\/admin\\\\/session\\\\/\\$/, "vary": "Accept, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API 307 redirects with accept version set when version is included in the URL 1: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "accept-version": "canary", "content-length": "57", "content-type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "location": StringMatching /\\^\\\\/ghost\\\\/api\\\\/admin\\\\/site\\\\/\\$/, "vary": "Accept, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with 404 error when the resource cannot be found 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "errors": Array [ Object { "code": null, "context": "Member not found.", "details": null, "help": null, "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{8\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{12\\}/, "message": "Resource not found error, cannot read member.", "property": null, "type": "NotFoundError", }, ], } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with 404 error when the resource cannot be found 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "224", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-version": StringMatching /v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "etag": StringMatching /\\(\\?:W\\\\/\\)\\?"\\(\\?:\\[ !#-\\\\x7E\\\\x80-\\\\xFF\\]\\*\\|\\\\r\\\\n\\[\\\\t \\]\\|\\\\\\\\\\.\\)\\*"/, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with 406 for an unknown version with accept-version set ahead 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "errors": Array [ Object { "code": "UPDATE_GHOST", "context": StringMatching /Provided client version v99\\\\\\.0 is ahead of current Ghost instance version v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "details": null, "help": "Upgrade your Ghost instance.", "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{8\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{12\\}/, "message": "Request not acceptable for provided Accept-Version header.", "property": null, "type": "RequestNotAcceptableError", }, ], } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with 406 for an unknown version with accept-version set ahead 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "347", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-version": StringMatching /v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "etag": StringMatching /\\(\\?:W\\\\/\\)\\?"\\(\\?:\\[ !#-\\\\x7E\\\\x80-\\\\xFF\\]\\*\\|\\\\r\\\\n\\[\\\\t \\]\\|\\\\\\\\\\.\\)\\*"/, "vary": "Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with 406 for an unknown version with accept-version set behind 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "errors": Array [ Object { "code": "UPDATE_CLIENT", "context": StringMatching /Provided client version v1\\\\\\.0 is outdated and is behind current Ghost version v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "details": null, "help": "Upgrade your Ghost API client.", "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{8\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{12\\}/, "message": "Request not acceptable for provided Accept-Version header.", "property": null, "type": "RequestNotAcceptableError", }, ], } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with 406 for an unknown version with accept-version set behind 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "354", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-version": StringMatching /v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "etag": StringMatching /\\(\\?:W\\\\/\\)\\?"\\(\\?:\\[ !#-\\\\x7E\\\\x80-\\\\xFF\\]\\*\\|\\\\r\\\\n\\[\\\\t \\]\\|\\\\\\\\\\.\\)\\*"/, "vary": "Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with current content version header when requested version is AHEAD and CAN respond 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "site": Object { "accent_color": "#FF1A75", "description": "Thoughts, stories and ideas", "icon": null, "logo": null, "title": "Ghost", "url": "", "version": StringMatching /\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, }, } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with current content version header when requested version is AHEAD and CAN respond 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "167", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-version": StringMatching /v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "etag": StringMatching /\\(\\?:W\\\\/\\)\\?"\\(\\?:\\[ !#-\\\\x7E\\\\x80-\\\\xFF\\]\\*\\|\\\\r\\\\n\\[\\\\t \\]\\|\\\\\\\\\\.\\)\\*"/, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with current content version header when requested version is BEHIND current version and CAN respond 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "site": Object { "accent_color": "#FF1A75", "description": "Thoughts, stories and ideas", "icon": null, "logo": null, "title": "Ghost", "url": "", "version": StringMatching /\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, }, } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with current content version header when requested version is BEHIND current version and CAN respond 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "167", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-version": StringMatching /v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "etag": StringMatching /\\(\\?:W\\\\/\\)\\?"\\(\\?:\\[ !#-\\\\x7E\\\\x80-\\\\xFF\\]\\*\\|\\\\r\\\\n\\[\\\\t \\]\\|\\\\\\\\\\.\\)\\*"/, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with error and sends email ONCE when requested version is BEHIND and CANNOT respond multiple times 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "errors": Array [ Object { "code": "UPDATE_CLIENT", "context": StringMatching /Provided client version v3\\.5 is outdated and is behind current Ghost version v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "details": null, "help": "Upgrade your Ghost API client.", "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{8\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{12\\}/, "message": "Request not acceptable for provided Accept-Version header.", "property": null, "type": "RequestNotAcceptableError", }, ], } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with error and sends email ONCE when requested version is BEHIND and CANNOT respond multiple times 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "354", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-version": StringMatching /v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "etag": StringMatching /\\(\\?:W\\\\/\\)\\?"\\(\\?:\\[ !#-\\\\x7E\\\\x80-\\\\xFF\\]\\*\\|\\\\r\\\\n\\[\\\\t \\]\\|\\\\\\\\\\.\\)\\*"/, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with error and sends email ONCE when requested version is BEHIND and CANNOT respond multiple times 3: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "errors": Array [ Object { "code": "UPDATE_CLIENT", "context": StringMatching /Provided client version v3\\.5 is outdated and is behind current Ghost version v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "details": null, "help": "Upgrade your Ghost API client.", "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{8\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{12\\}/, "message": "Request not acceptable for provided Accept-Version header.", "property": null, "type": "RequestNotAcceptableError", }, ], } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with error and sends email ONCE when requested version is BEHIND and CANNOT respond multiple times 4: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "354", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-version": StringMatching /v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "etag": StringMatching /\\(\\?:W\\\\/\\)\\?"\\(\\?:\\[ !#-\\\\x7E\\\\x80-\\\\xFF\\]\\*\\|\\\\r\\\\n\\[\\\\t \\]\\|\\\\\\\\\\.\\)\\*"/, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with error requested version is AHEAD and CANNOT respond 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "errors": Array [ Object { "code": "UPDATE_GHOST", "context": StringMatching /Provided client version v999\\\\\\.1 is ahead of current Ghost instance version v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "details": null, "help": "Upgrade your Ghost instance.", "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{8\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{12\\}/, "message": "Request not acceptable for provided Accept-Version header.", "property": null, "type": "RequestNotAcceptableError", }, ], } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with error requested version is AHEAD and CANNOT respond 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "348", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-version": StringMatching /v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "etag": StringMatching /\\(\\?:W\\\\/\\)\\?"\\(\\?:\\[ !#-\\\\x7E\\\\x80-\\\\xFF\\]\\*\\|\\\\r\\\\n\\[\\\\t \\]\\|\\\\\\\\\\.\\)\\*"/, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with error when requested version is BEHIND and CANNOT respond 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "errors": Array [ Object { "code": "UPDATE_CLIENT", "context": StringMatching /Provided client version v3\\.1 is outdated and is behind current Ghost version v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "details": null, "help": "Upgrade your Ghost API client.", "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{8\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{12\\}/, "message": "Request not acceptable for provided Accept-Version header.", "property": null, "type": "RequestNotAcceptableError", }, ], } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with error when requested version is BEHIND and CANNOT respond 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "354", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-version": StringMatching /v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "etag": StringMatching /\\(\\?:W\\\\/\\)\\?"\\(\\?:\\[ !#-\\\\x7E\\\\x80-\\\\xFF\\]\\*\\|\\\\r\\\\n\\[\\\\t \\]\\|\\\\\\\\\\.\\)\\*"/, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with no content version header when accept version header is NOT PRESENT 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "site": Object { "accent_color": "#FF1A75", "description": "Thoughts, stories and ideas", "icon": null, "logo": null, "title": "Ghost", "url": "", "version": StringMatching /\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, }, } `; exports[`API Versioning Admin API responds with no content version header when accept version header is NOT PRESENT 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "167", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "etag": StringMatching /\\(\\?:W\\\\/\\)\\?"\\(\\?:\\[ !#-\\\\x7E\\\\x80-\\\\xFF\\]\\*\\|\\\\r\\\\n\\[\\\\t \\]\\|\\\\\\\\\\.\\)\\*"/, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Content API 307 redirects with accept version set when version is included in the URL 1: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "accept-version": "canary", "content-length": "91", "content-type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "location": StringMatching /\\^\\\\/ghost\\\\/api\\\\/content\\\\/posts\\\\//, "vary": "Accept, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Content API responds with current content version header when requested version is BEHIND current version and CAN respond 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "meta": Object {}, "settings": Object { "accent_color": "#FF1A75", "codeinjection_foot": null, "codeinjection_head": null, "cover_image": "https://static.ghost.org/v4.0.0/images/publication-cover.jpg", "description": "Thoughts, stories and ideas", "facebook": "ghost", "icon": null, "lang": "en", "locale": "en", "logo": null, "members_support_address": "noreply", "meta_description": null, "meta_title": null, "navigation": Array [ Object { "label": "Home", "url": "/", }, Object { "label": "About", "url": "/about/", }, Object { "label": "Collection", "url": "/tag/getting-started/", }, Object { "label": "Author", "url": "/author/ghost/", }, Object { "label": "Portal", "url": "/portal/", }, ], "og_description": null, "og_image": null, "og_title": null, "secondary_navigation": Array [ Object { "label": "Data & privacy", "url": "/privacy/", }, Object { "label": "Contact", "url": "/contact/", }, Object { "label": "Contribute →", "url": "/contribute/", }, ], "timezone": "Etc/UTC", "title": "Ghost", "twitter": "@ghost", "twitter_description": null, "twitter_image": null, "twitter_title": null, "url": "", }, } `; exports[`API Versioning Content API responds with current content version header when requested version is BEHIND current version and CAN respond 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "*", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "942", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-version": StringMatching /v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "etag": "W/\\"3ae-FBGPtlUjSvGtTGLOj2sW5Rbn33s\\"", "vary": "Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning Content API responds with no content version header when accept version header is NOT PRESENT 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "meta": Object {}, "settings": Object { "accent_color": "#FF1A75", "codeinjection_foot": null, "codeinjection_head": null, "cover_image": "https://static.ghost.org/v4.0.0/images/publication-cover.jpg", "description": "Thoughts, stories and ideas", "facebook": "ghost", "icon": null, "lang": "en", "locale": "en", "logo": null, "members_support_address": "noreply", "meta_description": null, "meta_title": null, "navigation": Array [ Object { "label": "Home", "url": "/", }, Object { "label": "About", "url": "/about/", }, Object { "label": "Collection", "url": "/tag/getting-started/", }, Object { "label": "Author", "url": "/author/ghost/", }, Object { "label": "Portal", "url": "/portal/", }, ], "og_description": null, "og_image": null, "og_title": null, "secondary_navigation": Array [ Object { "label": "Data & privacy", "url": "/privacy/", }, Object { "label": "Contact", "url": "/contact/", }, Object { "label": "Contribute →", "url": "/contribute/", }, ], "timezone": "Etc/UTC", "title": "Ghost", "twitter": "@ghost", "twitter_description": null, "twitter_image": null, "twitter_title": null, "url": "", }, } `; exports[`API Versioning Content API responds with no content version header when accept version header is NOT PRESENT 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "*", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "942", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "etag": "W/\\"3ae-FBGPtlUjSvGtTGLOj2sW5Rbn33s\\"", "vary": "Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning responds with current content version header when requested version is AHEAD and CAN respond 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "site": Object { "accent_color": "#FF1A75", "description": "Thoughts, stories and ideas", "icon": null, "logo": null, "title": "Ghost", "url": "", "version": StringMatching /\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, }, } `; exports[`API Versioning responds with current content version header when requested version is AHEAD and CAN respond 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "167", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-version": StringMatching /v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "etag": Any, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning responds with current content version header when requested version is BEHIND current version and CAN respond 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "site": Object { "accent_color": "#FF1A75", "description": "Thoughts, stories and ideas", "icon": null, "logo": null, "title": "Ghost", "url": "", "version": StringMatching /\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, }, } `; exports[`API Versioning responds with current content version header when requested version is BEHIND current version and CAN respond 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "167", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-version": StringMatching /v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "etag": Any, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning responds with current content version header when requested version is behind current version with no known changes 1: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "167", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "content-version": StringMatching /v\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, "etag": Any, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning responds with error current content version header when requested version is AHEAD and CANNOT respond 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "errors": Array [ Object { "code": null, "context": "Provided client version v999.1 is ahead of current Ghost instance version v4.42.", "details": null, "help": "Upgrade your Ghost instance.", "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{8\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{12\\}/, "message": "Request not acceptable for provided Accept-Version header.", "property": null, "type": "RequestNotAcceptableError", }, ], } `; exports[`API Versioning responds with error current content version header when requested version is AHEAD and CANNOT respond 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "338", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "etag": Any, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning responds with error current content version header when requested version is BEHIND and CANNOT respond 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "errors": Array [ Object { "code": null, "context": "Provided client version v3.1 is outdated and is behind current Ghost version v4.42.", "details": null, "help": "Upgrade your Ghost API client.", "id": StringMatching /\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{8\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{4\\}-\\[a-f0-9\\]\\{12\\}/, "message": "Request not acceptable for provided Accept-Version header.", "property": null, "type": "RequestNotAcceptableError", }, ], } `; exports[`API Versioning responds with error current content version header when requested version is BEHIND and CANNOT respond 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "343", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "etag": Any, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning responds with no content version header when accept version header is NOT PRESENT 1: [body] 1`] = ` Object { "site": Object { "accent_color": "#FF1A75", "description": "Thoughts, stories and ideas", "icon": null, "logo": null, "title": "Ghost", "url": "", "version": StringMatching /\\\\d\\+\\\\\\.\\\\d\\+/, }, } `; exports[`API Versioning responds with no content version header when accept version header is NOT PRESENT 2: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "167", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "etag": Any, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `; exports[`API Versioning responds with no content version header when accept version header is not present 1: [headers] 1`] = ` Object { "access-control-allow-origin": "", "cache-control": "no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0", "content-length": "167", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "etag": Any, "vary": "Origin, Accept-Encoding", "x-powered-by": "Express", } `;