/* jshint expr:true */ import { expect } from 'chai'; import { describeComponent, it } from 'ember-mocha'; import sinon from 'sinon'; describeComponent( 'gh-notification', 'Unit: Component: gh-notification', { unit: true // specify the other units that are required for this test // needs: ['component:foo', 'helper:bar'] }, function () { it('renders', function () { // creates the component instance var component = this.subject(); expect(component._state).to.equal('preRender'); component.set('message', {message: 'Test message', type: 'success'}); // renders the component on the page this.render(); expect(component._state).to.equal('inDOM'); expect(this.$().prop('tagName')).to.equal('ARTICLE'); expect(this.$().is('.gh-notification, .gh-notification-passive')).to.be.true; expect(this.$().text()).to.match(/Test message/); }); it('maps success alert type to correct class', function () { var component = this.subject(); component.set('message', {message: 'Test message', type: 'success'}); expect(this.$().hasClass('gh-notification-green')).to.be.true; }); it('maps error alert type to correct class', function () { var component = this.subject(); component.set('message', {message: 'Test message', type: 'error'}); expect(this.$().hasClass('gh-notification-red')).to.be.true; }); it('maps warn alert type to correct class', function () { var component = this.subject(); component.set('message', {message: 'Test message', type: 'warn'}); expect(this.$().hasClass('gh-notification-yellow')).to.be.true; }); it('closes notification through notifications service', function () { var component = this.subject(), notifications = {}, notification = {message: 'Test close', type: 'success'}; notifications.closeNotification = sinon.spy(); component.set('notifications', notifications); component.set('message', notification); this.$().find('button').click(); expect(notifications.closeNotification.calledWith(notification)).to.be.true; }); it('closes notification when animationend event is triggered', function (done) { var component = this.subject(), notifications = {}, notification = {message: 'Test close', type: 'success'}; notifications.closeNotification = sinon.spy(); component.set('notifications', notifications); component.set('message', notification); // shorten the animation delay to speed up test this.$().css('animation-delay', '0.1s'); setTimeout(function () { expect(notifications.closeNotification.calledWith(notification)).to.be.true; done(); }, 150); }); } );