const url = require('url'); const moment = require('moment'); const common = require('../../lib/common'); const api = require('../../api'); const membersService = require('../members'); const bulkEmailService = require('../bulk-email'); const models = require('../../models'); const postEmailSerializer = require('./post-email-serializer'); const sendEmail = async (post, members) => { const emailTmpl = postEmailSerializer.serialize(post); const emails = members.filter((member) => { return membersService.contentGating.checkPostAccess(post, member); }).map(m =>; return bulkEmailService.send(emailTmpl, emails) .then(() => ({emailTmpl, emails})); }; const sendTestEmail = async (post, emails) => { const emailTmpl = postEmailSerializer.serialize(post); return bulkEmailService.send(emailTmpl, emails); }; // NOTE: serialization is needed to make sure we are using current API and do post transformations // such as image URL transformation from relative to absolute const serialize = async (model) => { const frame = {options: {context: {user: true}}}; const apiVersion = model.get('api_version') || 'v3'; const docName = 'posts'; await api.shared .serializers .handle .output(model, {docName: docName, method: 'read'}, api[apiVersion].serializers.output, frame); return frame.response[docName][0]; }; /** * handleUnsubscribeRequest * * Takes a request/response pair and reads the `unsubscribe` query parameter, * using the content to update the members service to set the `subscribed` flag * to false on the member * * If any operation fails, or the request is invalid the function will error - so using * as middleware should consider wrapping with `try/catch` * * @param {Request} req * @returns {Promise} */ async function handleUnsubscribeRequest(req) { if (!req.url) { throw new common.errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'Expected unsubscribe param containing token' }); } const {query} = url.parse(req.url, true); if (!query || !query.unsubscribe) { throw new common.errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'Expected unsubscribe param containing token' }); } const member = await membersService.api.members.get({ uuid: query.unsubscribe }); if (!member) { throw new common.errors.BadRequestError({ message: 'Expected valid subscribe param - could not find member' }); } try { await membersService.api.members.update({subscribed: false}, {id:}); } catch (err) { throw new common.errors.InternalServerError({ message: 'Failed to unsubscribe member' }); } } async function listener(model, options) { // CASE: do not send email if we import a database // TODO: refactor post.published events to never fire on importing if (options && options.importing) { return; } if (!model.get('send_email_when_published')) { return; } const post = await serialize(model); const deliveredEvents = await models.Action.findAll({ filter: `event:delivered+resource_id:${}` }); if (deliveredEvents && deliveredEvents.toJSON().length > 0) { return; } const {members} = await membersService.api.members.list(Object.assign({filter: 'subscribed:true'}, {limit: 'all'})); if (!members.length) { return; } sendEmail(post, members) .then(async ({emailTmpl, emails}) => { return models.Email.add({ post_id:, status: 'sent', email_count: emails.length, subject: emailTmpl.subject, html: emailTmpl.html, plaintext: emailTmpl.plaintext, submitted_at: moment().toDate() }, {context: {internal: true}}); }) .then(async () => { let actor = {id: null, type: null}; if (options.context && options.context.user) { actor = { id: options.context.user, type: 'user' }; } const action = { event: 'delivered', resource_id:, resource_type: 'post', actor_id:, actor_type: actor.type }; return models.Action.add(action, {context: {internal: true}}); }); } function listen() {'post.published', listener); } // Public API module.exports = { listen, sendTestEmail, handleUnsubscribeRequest };