ARG NODE_VERSION=20.15.1 ARG WORKDIR=/home/ghost ## Base Image used for all targets FROM node:$NODE_VERSION-bullseye-slim AS base RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y \ build-essential \ curl \ jq \ libjemalloc2 \ python3 \ tar # Base DevContainer: for use in a Dev Container where your local code is mounted into the container ### Adding code and installing dependencies gets overridden by your local code/dependencies, so this is done in onCreateCommand FROM base AS base-devcontainer ARG WORKDIR=/home/ghost # Install Stripe CLI, zsh, playwright RUN curl -s | gpg --dearmor | tee /usr/share/keyrings/stripe.gpg && \ echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/stripe.gpg] stable main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stripe.list && \ apt update && \ apt install -y \ git \ stripe \ zsh \ procps \ default-mysql-client && \ npx -y playwright@1.50.1 install --with-deps ENV NX_DAEMON=true ENV YARN_CACHE_FOLDER=$WORKDIR/.yarncache EXPOSE 2368 EXPOSE 4200 EXPOSE 4201 EXPOSE 4173 EXPOSE 41730 EXPOSE 4175 EXPOSE 4176 EXPOSE 4177 EXPOSE 4178 EXPOSE 6174 EXPOSE 7173 EXPOSE 7174 # Full Devcontainer Stage: Add the code and install dependencies ### This is a full devcontainer with all the code and dependencies installed ### Useful in an environment like Github Codespaces where you don't mount your local code into the container FROM base-devcontainer AS full-devcontainer ARG WORKDIR=/home/ghost WORKDIR $WORKDIR COPY . . RUN yarn install --frozen-lockfile --prefer-offline --cache-folder $YARN_CACHE_FOLDER FROM base-devcontainer AS development ARG WORKDIR=/home/ghost WORKDIR $WORKDIR ENTRYPOINT ["/home/ghost/.docker/"] CMD ["yarn", "dev"]